"That's right, Su Jiu's physical fitness is unmatched by anyone. It's just that I heard about it 10 years ago, but I didn't expect to be able to understand it clearly now." Lord Guiyuan was very surprised at Su Jiu's physical fitness. Because if any one of them was hit by such a heavy arrow, it would definitely take a long time to recover.

As for Su Jiu, he recovered so quickly after only a few days of raising it, which is quite surprising after all.

"However, how are we preparing for the father's incident? Do the people over there trust us now?" All these matters are not the focus of their "037" attention, Ouyang Qing asked them The thing planned before, after all, those people wanted to make Guiyuan Divine Kingdom pay for their actions, but Ouyang Qing would never allow such a thing to happen.

After listening to Ouyang Qing's words, Lord Guiyuan nodded to Ouyang Qing, after all, he was still afraid that the walls would have ears.

However, as far as the content of their conversation is concerned, they are not afraid of being eavesdropped. Go to Ouyang Qing to see his father's expression and already understand.

The next thing will be more difficult than the next, so the two of them must be careful, because if they are not careful, they will ruin their entire kingdom of God, and this is precisely what Ouyang Qing does not want to see.

"Okay, we have returned to Tianwu Shrine, can you say anything as soon as possible? In fact, Zhao Minghuang's temper has calmed down a lot, but he still has nothing to do with Hei Yu. Good temper, after all, it was this person who caused Su Jiu to be injured, and it took several days to heal, and while Su Jiu was recovering, this person left Su Jiu and ran away without a trace.

So there are some things that you can't think about, and once you start thinking about it, you will get more angry the more you think about it.

"I was forced to leave because of some very important things. It's not that I didn't want to take care of the injured Su Jiu..." Kuroba didn't know how to explain what happened to him, after all, he never He has never mentioned these things like others, and now he hastily asked him to speak, he really didn't know what to say for a while.

"It doesn't matter, just tell us what happened to you recently, Zhao Minghuang is just worried..." At this juncture, he could clearly see that Hei Yu was just struggling with how to speak. The beginning of everything is difficult, as long as you open this mouth, the queen can say a lot more, but he can't rush him now.

So he needs to appease his emotions as soon as possible to calm him down a bit, which will also help him speak.

"The reason why I left was because my father was caught by those people. They caught my father and just wanted to threaten me to deal with Su Jiu..." After listening to the roommate's words, Kuroba's mood really turned out to be After calming down a bit, he followed this emotion and immediately said what he wanted to tell Su Jiu in one sentence.

After hearing Hei Yu's words, Zhao Minghuang didn't make a sound for a long time, because he had no idea that this Hei Yu was just like what he had guessed, and that he was put here by those people to hurt Su Jiu.

It's just not because Kuroba was originally from there, but because those people caught Kuroba's father to threaten Kuroba, but it's no different, anyway, the end result is that this person wants to hurt Su Jiu. .....

Hearing this, Zhao Minghuang calmed down and was no longer angry. He looked at Su Jiu calmly.

He really wanted to know what kind of expression Su Jiu would have at this time, and what kind of thoughts would he have when he knew that the person he had been worried about turned to harm him?

"So you promised them?" Although Heiba ​​didn't say his choice, but since he has also appeared here, it is not difficult to guess what kind of choice Heoba made.

It's just that Hei Yu made such a choice, why did he choose to tell him at such a time? Does this just mean that Hei Yu does not want to do anything to him, but wants to join forces with him to deal with those people?

"But I don't want to deal with you, but I can't help but save my father, watching him die by torture by those people, so I want to ask you to help me rescue my father, because those 5.0 people are too It's too huge, I'm afraid I can't save it with my own ability..." He could finally tell Su Jiu all his goals, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time. .

After Su Jiu heard Hei Yu's words, he fell into silence. He had no idea that those people had captured the Lord of Light, and it was not enough to return to the Lord of Yuan. He even came to use Hei Yu and these people to deal with him. What can make them so jealous?

And Zhao Minghuang fell into deep thought after hearing Hei Yu's words.

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