"After I rescued him at the time, he only said that he was an orphan and was helpless, so I rescued him and took him with me..."

Although Hei Yu is not a person with a strong sense of justice, he is a very kind person. If he is not kind, he will not keep this person by his side. He has not found anything wrong with this person for so many years. .

At that time, he just looked at this man, and he was pitiful, so he gave him a bowl of porridge to eat, but unexpectedly it saved his life by accident. However, he lost all his memories, so Kuroba took him back to his home and took good care of him until one day he said he was going home.

He suddenly remembered his past, for example, he could let her go home, but he didn't expect that there would be no news after he went home for a few months, and he didn't send him a letter until later, saying that he wanted to live Just got back in a few days.

However, after that person came back, Hei Yu found out that the person had changed. He couldn't tell exactly where Hei Yu had changed, but he didn't take it to heart at that time.

The first few days of the 037 person's return were a little strange, but then they slowly returned to normal, and Hei Pen was also used to his state, so he didn't think much about it, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen now.

"By the way, another thing is that when he came back, he would always go out every three or five times. Once he went out, he would not be seen for many days, and there was no news. I don't know what he went for, but now Now that I want to come..." No matter what he said later, everyone knew that he must have done something obscure.

It's just that Hei Yu didn't know anything at the time, so he didn't think about it elsewhere. He only thought that he had something important and private to do, so it was inconvenient to tell him.

"Since he is no longer an ordinary person, there is nothing to worry about. Do you know where he goes most often?" So suddenly a key question came to mind. If you say no Knowing the trajectory of this person's activities, they want to find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the Purple Feather Shrine is so big, where to find it, there is no direction at all, and if they want to find someone within two months, I am afraid that It's hard.

"I don't know of a few places where he goes most often, and it should be Linshan the longest. The last time we met was in Linshan..." When he said this, Hei Yu suddenly paused, as if he was in Thinking back to something important, but after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head gently, obviously he didn't remember anything.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest first and discuss it tomorrow morning." Su Jiu looked at the sky outside and found that it was getting late, and they had already talked a lot this evening, and there was nothing to do next Worth talking about.

And what I'm talking about now won't have anything of value anymore. It's better that everyone go back to rest first, and then get up tomorrow morning to continue talking about such things.

And in his heart (cefa), he was still thinking about the people who assassinated him, and he was anxious to go back and ask him what happened to his cheap master and those people, so he wanted to quickly solve this matter first. .

After hearing Su Jiu's words, Hei Yu nodded and left and went back to his room, while Zhao Minghuang looked at Su Jiu worriedly.

"Do you think what he said is credible?" Zhao Minghuang really couldn't believe that a person as powerful as Hei Yu would have weaknesses, and in his opinion, maybe this was an excuse that Hei Yu made up and wanted to borrow This is to confuse them, so it is convenient to start again.

Su Jiu fell into silence after listening to Zhang Minghua's words. Indeed, he was also thinking. It's not that there is such a possibility, but if Hei Yu really had this idea, how could he tell them that How much? Or the reason why I told them so much is to put a long line to catch big fish.

But no matter what kind of possibility it is, they need to be verified, and since they need to verify, then they can only choose to believe him, because only in this way can the other party reveal their own tricks.

Whether it is true belief or false belief, at least the other party must think that he believes in him. In this case, if he really wants to ask them for help, then it is naturally the best, but if he really does exist If they want to pay homage to their thoughts, sooner or later they will reveal their faults, so they don't need to worry about this issue at all.

"You should also go back and rest first. We will go to Linshan in two days. If he really deceived us, we should prepare early." "Su said to Zhao Minghuang.

Zhao Minghuang listened to Su Jiu's words and fell into thinking, he felt that Su Jiu

What Jiu said really made sense, so he listened to Su Jiu's words.

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