The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 389 The young master doesn't quite believe it

In fact, Hei Yu also noticed the stone statues on both sides, but he was very unfamiliar with these stone statues, and she couldn't tell which country the person on the stone statue was from.

After listening to Su Jiu's words, he took a closer look at these things and found that he still had no impression, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Su Jiu also took advantage of this gap to observe these stone statues carefully. It was found that these stone statues were somewhat similar to the stone statues in the modern Dunhuang Grottoes, but he could not be sure for a while.

It's just that he has never heard of such things as gods and Buddhas in this world, because they say they can call themselves gods.

Moreover, he has experienced so many secret realms, so many challenges, and he has never found a stone statue anywhere. Could it be that this place is the most special thing in this world, with a side that is unknown to this world? ?

"But when I look closely at these stone statues, I still have some impressions..." He originally thought that he had never seen these stone statues, but when he took a look at these stone statues, he suddenly felt It was found that these were like some people he had seen before, and there were some similarities, but he couldn't figure out exactly where he saw her.

"Then do you have any impressions? When did you meet?" Since she can't figure out where and where she met, I'm afraid she can still remember a little bit later, it depends on how he thinks .

So Su Jiu asked him when he saw it, which might help him remember where he saw it.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally shook her head. She really couldn't remember, not even when she saw it.

"You know what happens to those who betray me." The person Mingqiu called the young master stood in front of Mingqiu, and Mingqing knelt behind him.

After listening to what they said, he clearly lowered his head and did not answer him. Of course, he knew the fate of betraying their young master. He originally thought that he would never betray the young master in his life, but he did not expect it to happen a few days ago. After such a thing, he didn't know what kind of treatment the young master would make to her, but he was willing to bear it no matter what kind of treatment.

"Why don't you talk now? Didn't you speak well before?" The shooter seemed a little impatient, but he seemed to have a lot of patience to accompany Mingqiu, because Mingqiu never spoke, but his The young master does not seem to have any tendency to be violent.

"Reporting to the young master, I did wrong in this matter, and I am willing to accept the punishment." No matter what the consequences are, Mingqiu is sure that he is willing to bear it. After all, this is what he owes the young master.

Although he knew that their young master's methods were extremely cruel, he knew that the reason why their killing was so cruel (cefa) was because their young master had been betrayed ruthlessly when he was young. A very deep scar was left on the young heart.

So no matter how their young master makes cotton balls, they can actually understand their young master, and if their young master does not do this, they will not be able to control those people at all.

So sometimes it's not that they are willing to do that, but that they have to do it. If they don't do that, in the end, they will be the ones who will backlash, and they will be the ones who have no life.

"Could it be that you don't like seeing me so much and don't want to do things under my hands?" Sagittarius didn't think that his most trusted star would one day betray him, although this matter is not It was big, but it was enough for his plan to make him fall short, but he still couldn't be ruthless about this bright autumn.

Because this Mingqiu was the one who followed him from the beginning to the end, even if he saw his murderous side, he was still loyal to him, so the young master still felt sorry for Mingqiu.

In fact, if possible, he would also welcome members to join their big family, but he knew that it was impossible for Kuroba to submit to him, because his biological father had talked to him for so long, and he could not change his mind, As for him, it's even harder to say.

What's more, he was not good at persuading others, basically all the people he recruited in the past were recruited in Mingqiu.

"You've made a bet, don't I dare to do anything to you?" The young master waited for a while, but he didn't hear Ming Qiu's answer, and he didn't know what Ming Qiu was thinking.

"No, it's true that I feel sorry for the young master, so I am willing to bear the punishment mentioned above." Ming Qiu was telling the truth, but their young master didn't quite believe it.

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