The reason why Hei Yu's father asked this was because he was still very awake before this, and he understood everything, but he didn't know what happened in the coma.

He was also thinking about who was going to treat him. After all, he also knew what his condition was like, and there was simply no way to cure him.

Now that I think about it, I woke up again, and there must be someone who is saving him, or it is definitely not the result.

"Father, what you said is not wrong, it is true that someone rescued you, and that person was Su Jiu, and he used a lot of his inner strength to save you!

Otherwise, you must be doomed this time. Fortunately, you are lucky to have Su Jiu here. "

At the 24th hour, Heiba's father heard him say this and knew that it was Su Jiu who rescued him. He also knew that his coma was really serious this time.

Thinking about this, Su Jiu is really his noble person. Before that, he never thought that his condition would be relieved, but it could only get worse.

Before that, he had already felt quite uncomfortable, so he just endured it, because he felt that there was nothing he could do. Now, seeing this Su Jiu is really amazing.

He was able to treat his condition to the current state, because he now feels that the blood circulation in his body is also very smooth.

Unlike the previous state of blockage and blockage, he felt as if his body was very strong, and he didn't look like he was seriously ill at all.

"Yu Er, is it really Su Jiu? No wonder I feel this way in my body now, I feel like my body is no longer sick, I feel very comfortable, I feel very strong...

That Su Jiu really gave me a lot of internal strength, otherwise I wouldn't be what I am now, before I thought my body would definitely get worse and worse, but I didn't think it would recover like this now, Thank you very much, thank you Su Jiu.”

At this time, Hei Fei heard his father's description of his body, and he was so happy that he wept with joy. He felt that his father was really saved.

Maybe this time the condition should have been greatly relieved. After all, now his father said that he felt the same as if he had no disease, so it means that the internal force that Su Jiu gave him this time was very powerful.

Otherwise, he would not be in this state, so thanking Su Jiu is definitely necessary, and it cannot be expressed in words.

After all, this is a life-saving grace, and if his father hadn't given Su Jiu a helping hand this time, he would surely have escaped the disaster.

And Su Jiu still lost a lot of his internal strength because of this. You must know that this kindness is very big.

If it wasn't because of his friendship with Su Jiu, then Su Jiu would not be able to easily send this inner strength to others, no matter how kindhearted he is. Obviously, Su Jiu's kindness can't be repaid. Yu's heart is very clear.

But since Su Jiu did this, he definitely didn't expect anything in return. After all, he also sincerely regarded Kuroba as a friend, so his father must be just like his own.

How could he see that his father could not be saved, let alone his cultivation, if at a critical moment he would use his own life to save him.

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