Zhao Minghuang continued: "Although there is some firewood, but only with our four hands, it can only be this. It seems that if we want to take out more firewood, we really need to think of a way. ."

When Zhao Minghuang heard Ouyang Qing say this, he knew that he was actually willing, so he would definitely have to think of some way to bring back some more firewood.

So he started to look around, trying to find something that could be used, and then bundle the firewood together, so that we can get more?

After all, they are all dry wood. In fact, the weight is not very heavy, but the volume is relatively large. If there is too much, it is not easy to carry, especially if they only use their hands, they will definitely not carry a lot.

But if 24 were tied up with some tools, the result would definitely be different.

"Zhao Minghuang, what are you looking for? The firewood isn't on it either. I see you looking everywhere. Did you think of a way?"

At this time, Ouyang Qing saw that Zhao Minghuang was looking for something, but he really didn't know what he was doing, so he asked Dr. Zhao Minghuang.

He felt that he must have some idea at this time, but he didn't think of it, and Zhao Minghuang couldn't help laughing when he heard Ouyang Qing's question.

I wondered how the firewood could be on the tree, after all, it is alive and will not catch fire at all. The firewood they have now is only those dry trees.

"How can I go up the tree to find firewood? Are you stupid? I want to see if there are any suitable vines or something, and tie up the firewood, so we can get more?

Otherwise, what other way can there be? Haven't you thought of such a simple method? Since we want to bring more, it can only be like this.

At this time, when Ouyang Qing heard Zhao Minghuang tell his reason, he couldn't help laughing, yes, why was he suddenly so stupid, he didn't even think of this.

Since he wants to get more firewood, he must be tied up. Although there is no rope in front of him, he can still use some tools as Zhao Minghuang said.

After all, this is also in the forest. Like he said, there must be a vine child. He just looked up at the tree and wanted to find a vine child.

"That's right, why didn't I think of it, it's Zhao Minghuang, you're smart, then let's go over there and see. When I went there to pick up firewood just now, I saw a lot of vines there, it should be usable...

Waiting for us to bring it over, a few sticks will be tied up with a lot of firewood, presumably we can go back, it seems that we still have to come out with you, otherwise I really would not have thought of it. 35

After Ouyang Qing finished saying this, he had already walked forward, and Zhao Minghuang heard him say this and followed him to the other side.

Because Ouyang Qing did see a lot of vines over there when he was picking up firewood, but he didn't think of using it to tie firewood. Now that he heard that Zhao Minghuang had this idea, it naturally came in handy.

So he thought about going there and hurried to get a few of them, and he could also tie up the firewood immediately. After all, they actually picked up a lot, but it wasn't that they couldn't get them.

Now with this Tengzi, it seems that all these firewood can be brought back...

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