But now on the surface, their bodies are still okay, and they are not as weak as Kuroba imagined.

At this time, Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing knew in their hearts that Hei Yu was really taking care of them, and they understood this in their hearts.

"Okay, Hei Yu, don't worry, I'm sure we will eat more, since you are full, and now there is so much left, it seems that our task is quite serious...

But it is true that I can't finish eating 24. It seems that there is really going to be left over. You see that your father didn't eat much. Maybe his appetite is not so good. After all, his condition has just been relieved. .

At this time, Ouyang Qing also understood Hei Yu's intentions, but they did feel that there was so much leftover rabbit meat that they would definitely not be able to finish it.

After all, Hei Yu's father couldn't eat much, and Jing Ming was also a child, so Su Jiu ate a little more because he was taking care of Jing Ming's emotions.

Now that Hei Yu has said that he is full, he thinks that the rest of the meat really needs his and Zhao Minghuang's efforts.

Then the two of them really felt a lot of pressure. After all, the stomach couldn't hold it, and even if he ate a little more, he would definitely not be able to finish it, so he felt that it was really true that Hei Yu gave them this task. Quite stressful.

"Master, since you don't want to eat, you might as well lie down. I'll get you some water from the stream first, and then you can continue to rest. You will be better tomorrow after this night."

At this time, Jing Ming saw that Su Jiu had eaten that piece of meat into his stomach again, and he kept patting his stomach there, looking like he was already fed up.

He felt that Master would definitely not be able to continue eating, so he thought of giving him a little more stream water to let him rest, which would also help his body recover.

At this time, Su Jiu was really dumbfounded when he heard Jingming say this. It seems that Jingming really raised him as a pig at this time, and wanted him to sleep after eating.

Although his body is also quite weak, after all, he is also a person with high internal strength, and besides, he is also very young, and he will definitely not be so sleepy.

Because he had actually slept for a long time just now, and now that he had just finished eating, so much rabbit meat must be indigestible, and he had to sit for a while to digest and digest the food before he could continue to sleep.

"Jingming, it's okay for you to give Master some water to drink, but you can't let me go to sleep right away, after all, I was just woken up by you, if I go to sleep again, I'll be a pig...

Do you want to raise Master like a pig? Now that I have slept for so long, since I am awake now, why don't we have a chat, isn't it good?

When we all sleep together next time, we can also sleep more peacefully, otherwise you will always watch me sleep hard, maybe you think I am serious, in fact, don't you think I am doing well now?

At this time, Su Jiu said these words to Jing Ming, and it was indeed what he thought, and it was not what he pretended to be. Now he wants to sit for a while.

After all, he had slept for so long before, and he had just finished eating. If he lay down directly, he would definitely not be comfortable.

He said that he had slept for so long and wanted to know what everyone was doing now. Because he has always been worried about everyone in his heart, after all, it is very unsafe here.

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