It's just that Su Jiu can tell that this Jingming really has him in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be waiting by his side like this. worried about his safety.

Su Jiu thought that he was lucky enough to know such a child and accept him as his apprentice.

Then if you really teach him all your own exercises, he will definitely make a difference in the future, and seeing this child now is very smart.

Moreover, he is very sensible, and when he grows old in the future, he will definitely take care of him in every possible way.

Thinking of 113, Su Jiu really felt a lot of comfort in his heart. Before that, he really never thought that he would receive a disciple, and he was such a well-behaved and sensible disciple.

It seems that God treats him well, so here Su Jiu thinks that he should really take care of his body right away, and then he can continue his journey.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be the case if it was delayed all the time, and it was still so dangerous here, thinking that with so many people here, it would be difficult to deal with anything that happened at that time.

If it's okay to just bring Jing Ming by himself, then if these people need him to take care of him alone, he will definitely be overwhelmed.

"How could it be? Master Jing Ming is really thirsty, and didn't you say just now that our rabbit meat is really too greasy, and I eat so much, so it's normal for me to drink like this now. Bar…

Don't make fun of Master, even though I am weak now, I can't even drink water until I choke. If that happens, Master will become a crippled person. 99

After Su Jiu finished saying these words, he smiled reluctantly. At this time, Jingming saw that Su Jiu laughed there, and he laughed too.

In fact, he hasn't laughed for a long time. Ever since his master was injured, he has always been unhappy, and his heart is full of various thoughts and worries.

Now that he finally saw his master laughing several times, he must be happy from the bottom of his heart, thinking that his master has really recovered a lot, so he will have more confidence in the future.

"Master, how could it be? Why is the apprentice laughing at you? I'm just worried about you. I only said that because you were drinking too quickly. Don't blame the apprentice.

There is also a lot of water in the stream. If you don't have enough water, you can go there to get it, but the python should not be there. "

At this time, when Jing Ming heard what his master said, he hurriedly explained that he was not making fun of his master, but was just worried about him.

Moreover, he also said that although he said that the stream will be finished, he can also go to get it, but he mentioned the big python at this time, and he was a little worried.

After all, when he and Su Jiu went to fetch the stream, the big python appeared, and it was Su Jiu who was worried about his safety at the time, so he asked him to leave first and bring the stream back.

It was also to ask Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing to drink the water so that they could wake up immediately.

As for the battle between his master Su Jiu and the big python, he didn't see it either.

But at that time, he had already seen that the big python was really difficult to deal with, and it had already left a psychological shadow on him, so if he went there again, Jing Ming would definitely be a little scared.

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