"Well then, Master, I'm actually really sleepy. Since you want to rest too, let's sleep together. I also heard Ouyang Qing say just now that the night watchman over there has been arranged...

Presumably we can also have a good night's sleep. Until tomorrow, it is estimated that you should be better than now, so let's sleep. "

After Jingming said this, he stood up to help Su Jiu, wanting him to lie down first, and then lie next to him, so that he would feel more secure.

After all, his master is weak now. He feels that although he is only a child, he also wants to protect his master, and thinks that he will sleep soundly in this way.

At this time, Su Jiu had already been helped by Jing Ming to lie down first, and then he was very happy when he saw Jing Ming lying beside him.

Thinking about this Jing Ming is really sleepy, otherwise 130 wouldn't be so fast, and another is that Su Jiu is sleeping beside him, in fact, he is quite at ease.

Although he said that he was not in good health, he had always missed him very much. Since he was accepted as his apprentice, the two of them slept in one (cefa) every day, and it was a bit of a habit.

With Jing Ming's company, he was lying beside him now, and he felt quite at ease. After all, Ouyang Qing had already arranged for him and Zhao Minghuang to go to the vigil, and he would definitely be safe this night. .

"Father, they have all started to sleep, so don't live here, after all, your condition has just been relieved, and if you stay up all night, it will definitely not work, you should go to bed first...

When Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing have rested, they will come to replace me, and you don't have to worry about me. "

At this time, Black Feather saw that his father had been sitting next to him and had no intention of going to sleep, so he wanted his father to go to sleep too.

After all, he is also old and in poor health. If it weren't for Su Jiu's rescue, he might not be able to sit here now.

So now he is recovering from a serious illness, so he definitely needs to rest, so he wants to remind his father that he is going to bed, and it is his father, because now only his son Heiba ​​is left, he wants to spend more time with him for a while.

Otherwise, it would be boring and sleepy if he was the only one left. This is also a feeling of a father to his son, but he does feel tired sitting there.

Hearing what Hei Yu said about him now, he felt that if he didn't go to sleep, then Heo Yu would definitely be unhappy, so he was really in a dilemma right now, he wanted to accompany Hei Yu and wanted to rest.

"Yu'er, in fact, father is okay now, I want to accompany you a little longer, otherwise you will definitely be sleepy, then I will accompany you and wait for Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing to replace you after sleeping. When we're here, let's sleep together, okay?

In this way, I can also accompany you, our father and son can also talk, and it is very warm to sit next to this fire now, do you think this is ok?"

At this time, Kuroba's father said that he was very tired and his body was very weak, but he still thought about taking care of his son and son.

After all, he was reluctant to leave his own son sitting here alone, which is very pitiful to think about, after all, it is his own son, how could a father not feel distressed?

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