If only Kuroba's father was allowed to guard here, he wouldn't say whether he was in danger or not.

When Kuroba and Su Jiu woke up, if they saw such a scene, wouldn't they blame the two of them, after all, Kuroba's father was so old and not in good health.

Just looking at these two points, Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing absolutely couldn't do that. Even if Hei Yu's father didn't go to bed, the two of them couldn't leave.

Presumably Hei Yu's father's kindness was really impossible for Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing to accept.

The reason why Hei Yu's father did this was that he really felt sorry for Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing, and they were really particular about what they did.

Now his son Hei 24 Yu has gone to sleep. It is also because Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing know that Hei Yu is more sleepy, so they take good care of him for this reason. Instead, they were guards.

Hei's father also saw these things in his eyes. They felt that Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing were really caring people. As Hei Yu's father, how could he not be happy for him?

Now Kuroba's father feels that his condition is much better than before, and he can do this completely, and he feels that he is sleeping enough now.

After all, I am getting older and I don't sleep that much. Now it would be good if I replaced the two of them for a rest.

That's why he came up with this idea and told Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing, but looking at Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing's state, it seemed impossible for him to be guarded here.

It was also because he was getting older and his health was not so good. Old Heiba's father also understood this very well. It seemed that his kindness was really unacceptable.

"Since that's the case, then I'll sit here and chat with you guys. Anyway, I feel that my energy is quite abundant now, much better than before, then Su Jiu's inner strength will be really useful after giving me. …

I really want to thank him, but now I feel very ashamed for letting him become like this, if it wasn't for me, he would never have become like this, but I really have no way to make up for it...

I just thought that if I had the ability, I would do something for everyone, so that I would feel more comfortable in my heart. "

After Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing heard what Hei Yu's father said, they knew that it was exactly what they thought, and this Hei Yu's father really felt that he was a drag on everyone, especially for making Su Jiu what he is now. In this state, he was really uneasy.

But Zhao Minghuang 147 and Ouyang Qing also understood that, let alone Su Jiu, even if they encountered the situation at the time, they would not be able to die, not to mention that he was Hei Yu's father.

If something went wrong with his father, then Heiba ​​would no longer have any relatives, and seeing his father's situation at that time was really helpless.

And the relationship between Su Jiu and Kuroba is really very good, so how could Su Jiu just sit back and ignore it since he has this ability?

So from Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing's point of view, it was the right thing to do to save Hei Yu's father, and there was no need to put some psychological pressure on him.

I guess Su Jiu thinks so too...

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