When this man said these words viciously there, Kuroba's father shuddered, because if they found this, they would not be able to fight against them now.

Heiba's father never thought that the danger was approaching soon, and suddenly a monkey was slowly approaching from behind. Heiba's father, when Heiba's father felt the sound of breathing behind him, turned around. "210" saw a monkey behind him.

He stared at him with fangs and red eyes, staring straight at Hei Yu's father. At this time, Hei Yu's father was panicked, but Hei Yu's father's reaction ability was still very fast.

He caught the monkey by himself, and Heiba's father knew that if he didn't kill the monkey, he would probably be found dead.

Black Feather's father grabbed the monkey's neck directly, so that the monkey did not make any sound, grabbed it there, and scratched Hei Fei's father.

"What's the sound over there?"

At this time, there was a sound from below. Hei Yu's father quickly grabbed the monkey and fled outside. This monkey was also in the hands of the child's father. This monkey was considered a little monkey.

Hei Yu's father hurriedly ran to the side of the road back, he didn't dare to stop for a moment, for fear that something would catch up behind him, but they hadn't discovered it yet. Hei Yu's father saw a big stone hiding behind There.

At that time, the little monkey in his hand had begun to move, and Hei Yu's father was still holding the monkey's neck tightly, but Hei Yu's father's hand was very big and he grabbed the monkey's neck straight at once. .

"Thank goodness, fortunately, they were not found."

Hei Yu's father was there to thank him at this time. Fortunately, it was not discovered by them. Fortunately, he heard the voice behind him quickly. If there was a little voice, there would not be the current situation.

At this moment, Hei Fei was very anxious, thinking about where his father had gone.

"I'll go out and look for it."

Hei Yu hurriedly ran outside, at this time Su Jiu told Jing Ming, "Jing Ming, follow Hei Yu..."

"Yes, Master."

Jing Ming followed Hei Yu's footsteps and went out. At this time, the three of them stood there, quietly watching the direction they were leaving.

In fact, Su Jiu didn't know what was going on in his heart. He just felt that the black feather's father should have followed the monkeys, and he must want to know where the monkeys went.

In fact, he understands what Heiba's father is thinking, and does he want to do something for everyone? Especially, everyone doesn't know where the monkeys came from, that is, where the beasts came from.


But after all, he is old and shouldn't do such a risky thing. If there is any accident, it will only cause trouble for them, but Su Jiu can't say it.

Who knows that Hei Yu's father is also very kind. He always feels that he wants to do something. If he doesn't do something, he will always feel bad about it. In fact, it really shouldn't be like this.

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