If everyone is scattered in such a dangerous place, they should hug each other and cannot leave casually. If they were lost in this forest, they would still want to leave this place, it would be a whimsical thing.

Especially in the previous cave, Kuroba's father did not hear what Su Jiu said, and Kuroba felt that his own father had already heard these words.

Don't they know that his sneaking away like this will disrupt everyone's plans? Now they have disrupted their plans.

I also know that my father is just kind, but in the case of good intentions, he will do some bad things without thinking about it, especially some people tend to be like this, and they think less.

Hei Yu's father was like this, he just wanted to do something for everyone, but he didn't think about it, if something happened, would he delay other people's plans?

"I know what you mean, and I also know that you have good intentions, but your good intentions will disrupt everyone's plans, you know? Everyone has changed their plans because of you. What did you say in the cave before? Father, have you forgotten?"'?35

Hei Yu also specially reminded his father, in fact, he didn't say that he wanted to really lose his temper with him, but he just felt a little angry.

Black Feather's father suddenly remembered, he left secretly, wasn't it because they wouldn't let him follow those monkeys?

He left just because he wanted to do something for everyone, and he didn't think that everyone would worry about him.

I always feel that I am also an elder in their own eyes, and they are just a child in their own eyes. Can I still do something like this myself?

That's what Kuroba's father thought, and he did it that way, so he didn't think about it, and he had already forgotten the things that Su Jiu wanted to practice for three days in the cave before. behind the head.

Because just thinking about what Su Jiu said, and wanting to know where these monkeys came from, I only remembered this sentence, so the father who said that he left Kuroba with such willful intentions also knew that he had done something wrong.

But he is an elder after all. He has done something wrong, and being his own son, how can he reprimand him? Of course, he will feel a little unhappy, and he will never say that he is wrong.

""~ I just want to do something for you, and I don't want to disrupt your plans, you don't have to care about me at all. "

Hei Yu really didn't know what to say, and he really didn't know what to say, because he knew the stubborn temper of his father.

(Okay) What he wants to do is not something that anyone can change, so he just put up with it and stopped talking.

There is no way his own father can only endure it like this. Hei Yu feels that after this lesson, his own father should not be so reckless and will not leave the team without authorization. Wan Wan Unexpectedly, this happened to his father.

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