
Hoshina propped her hands firmly on my desk.


entire table creaked overwhelmingly, and erasers and pens fell to the floor from the strong tremors.

However, Hoshina didn't give me time to pick them up, and approached me aggressively.

"Do you know, it's all your weird talk yesterday......" she gritted her teeth and said loudly as if she had reached the limit of her patience, "People haven't slept all night!"

No wonder her dark circles seemed to be getting worse.

But I also have a reason why I can't compromise!

"Weird, weird?".

Is that a joke okay? Only if you have a laugh that is different from ordinary people will you think it's a strange joke!

Although the surrounding crowd heard the vague 'Hoshina-sama...... and him...... Didn't sleep all night'' progress...... If it's intermittent, there may be some strange rumors coming out in the future, but now is not the time to pay attention to that.

"It's wrong for you. I lowered my voice at first, but as I spoke, I unconsciously raised it: "I'm the one who helps!

Do you feel delusional? I always feel that there are more and more voices talking around me.

"What? Are you still blaming other people!" Xing Nai slapped the table: "People are the embodiment of perfection! How can there be a mistake! It's obviously your fault, if it weren't for you, how could people be so painful!".

"That's because you pounced on yourself!"


So the two fools didn't realize what a big misunderstanding they had caused in public.

And by the time I noticed that, in a sense, it was too late.

Today, the night sky and Kitty's class teacher dragged the class, and Yukimura couldn't come to the department because of the first-grade activities.

In other words, it's just me and Hoshina in the ministry at the moment.

Hoshina was engrossed in playing the new galgame, and I could only do nothing but look at the few light novels that Kitty put in the ministry.

By the way, yesterday's sex sword forger has been cleared by the insomniac Hoshina.



With a big yawn, I wiped the tears from my eyes and began to wonder if I should go back first.

At this time, Hoshina suddenly stopped pressing the handle.

She took off her headphones, turned her head to me, and asked, "Long'er, can you swim?"

"Yes, yes, but not proficient. I replied casually, "Why do you ask this?"

Xingnai's face was slightly red: "Of course I want you to teach others to swim!".

I noticed that the LCD TV behind Hoshinai was playing a CG of the protagonist and a few girls playing on the beach, and the text box at the bottom of the screen read, 'Natsumi: Hoshina-kun is a great swimmer, and I was confident to win.' ’

I see.

"But...... Why is it that you are asking others for help, but you can say so arrogantly? "

"Because it's Kashiwazaki Hoshina!".

"I don't know what it means at all!".

This is a swimming pool located in the suburbs called Ryugu World.

"Why do I come here on a rare weekend......


Before I even entered the arena, I was already powerless.

I was going to take a good rest this weekend to heal the physical and psychological wounds I suffered this week.

"Because it's a punishment game, a punishment game!"

Hoshina, who was obviously several times more interested, hummed a song, ignoring the tears that had fallen into my eyes, and walked towards the world of Ryugu.

Well, here is a clarification that the so-called punishment game refers to the punishment I received when I forgot to play "Heartbeat Memories 7" because of Kirino's arrival.

"I really want to go home......" I grumbled as I followed Hoshina into the Ryugu World.

Since it is not the peak season for swimming, there are very few customers in the museum now.

After agreeing to meet at the bathroom door with Hoshina, I went to the locker room to change into my newly purchased swimsuit.


Well, that's all there is to men's swimwear...... Generally speaking, it's boxers, boxers, boxers, or something.

Let's think about how to teach Hoshina to swim first.

I followed the map I got from the door, went to the bathroom door, and then selected the appropriate area to practice from above.


After a while, someone on the other side shouted my name, and I followed the voice.


Hoshina, who was in a bikini, tilted her head for some reason.

"It's nothing," I wiped away the nosebleed that was about to be left behind without a trace, and covered it up, "The weather is good today, and there are no clouds and rough waves~".


Oops, I said what was in my head without paying attention!

Sure enough, Xingnai in a swimsuit is already an anti-tank rocket artillery-level spiritual attack weapon!

"Weird, forget it, hurry up and teach me the perfect way to swim. "

"It's not there, that's the perfect way to swim!".

If there is, I want to learn it too!

"It's really useless, at least go to the pool first. Hoshina sighed as if giving up and took the lead towards the 25-meter pool (25 meters refers to length, not depth. )

"Wait...... "I wanted to chase her, but my feet slipped and I slipped and fell straight into the children's pool next to me.

"......" Hoshina sped up and left with a look of 'I don't know this guy'.

"Gollum Purr (Don't Leave Me) ......


Takasaka Ryu'er, the body is completely silent ......

Hoshina is smart.

I learned this on my first day of transfer to Santa Cronica Academy.

Aside from her communicative skills, which can be called remnants, in terms of learning ability alone, I'm afraid the two of them can't compare to her.

And today I have witnessed the existence of such a creature as 'genius'.

"It took less than half an hour to ......."

If you count the time to get used to buoyancy and learn to hold her breath, then the time she spent simply learning swimming skills is much shorter.

If it weren't for the fact that as a male, my physical strength and explosiveness were stronger than hers, I am afraid that I would have faced the dilemma of losing to my own disciple.

"I'm going to buy juice ......".

Faced with the high-spirited Hoshina, I was devastated and went to buy juice to calm down, and then when I came back, I saw ......

"Little girl, don't be too proud!".

Hoshina seems to have been accosted by a male threesome. And I always feel that the atmosphere around me is very bad.

"Huh, who got carried away, you bunch of fresh garbage. Do you guys deserve to talk to me? Oh, you're too much of an eyesore, hurry up and disappear for me. And don't come within ten meters of me, you third-rate bacteria stink too much!".

Wow...... A merciless continuous venomous tongue attack...... Even I, the auditor, felt a pain in the coffin for those three guys.

Anyway, Xingnai's eloquence didn't seem to be so sharp before, could it be that it was because of the long-term fighting with the night sky that Xingnai's mouth cannon skills had leveled up......

Of course, in addition to the experience points, the rage points will also increase in the struggle.

The men's anger was undoubtedly rising.

"This woman ......!" "Stinky girl" "Damn ......!".

"Hmph, what have you been doing since just now? Woman, girl, damn it, your vocabulary is too poor, right? Ah, you don't know the word vocabulary, it's a foreign word after all! Don't do nothing here anymore, go back to elementary school and study for a few more years, you apes!".

"What a joke!".

“...... Hey, wait, this girl's legs are shaking?".

One of the men said, and Hoshina's expression stiffened.

"Yes, really. "What's the matter, shaking!".

"Ah...... Huh, don't get me wrong, I'm not shaking. It's just a bed bug like you, how can I tremble! Not only your looks and IQ, but also your eyesight are so poor, your life is over. Ah, by the way, it's not a human, it's a wild animal, even if you're pestering me, I'm not going to feed you!?".

"Wow, crying. "Hey, I'm crying her. "Ahaha, although I'm very angry, I suddenly think this girl is quite cute. "

“...... Who, who is crying, these lowest-level creatures lower than maggots! Have your brains been eaten clean by tapeworms, and your eyeballs have fallen from your skulls!? If you say such an inexplicable thing, I will kill you!".

Hoshina roared with tears in her eyes, and the men laughed at her even harder, and Hoshina clenched her hands into fists and trembled.

Tut...... I can't stand it anymore.

What is the general badness is how to do it.

"Hey, a few of them over there!" I approached Hoshina as I recalled the really bad moves, "It's a heinous crime to attack someone else's female companion." "


"Huh, what are you playing...... Forehead......" They looked back, and then showed a look of start.

...... Well, although the purpose was achieved, but why is there a feeling that something important has been lost OTZ

"Cut, it turns out that there are men...... "Waste of time...... "Scatter, scatter, scatter, ......


The three men pretended to be fierce and left with a curse.

Well, it's great to be able to settle it peacefully......

"Wait a minute, bed bugs! How dare you humiliate me like a god even though I'm a maggot! At least kneel on my knees and kowtow and beg for mercy!!"


I'm sorry, I overestimated Xingna, she's just a stupid person.

"Soul light!" The faces of the three men were not good-looking, and one of them had even rushed up to catch Hoshina.

In the end, is it still necessary to solve it violently?

first pushed away the other party's palm, and then kicked on the shin of his calf, just a light kick, his center of gravity was destroyed, and the whole person fell to the ground because of the slippery ground, and his head seemed to hit the tile.

It hurts just to look at it......

"Tsk, that's pitiful......" I shifted my gaze to the other two and put on a slightly vicious expression: "Do you still want to play?".

Witnessing that I had eliminated one of my companions in an instant, they picked up the fallen man like frightened animals, and hurried away.

"It's hard work, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, Long'er!" Xingnai, who saw the other party fleeing in the wilderness, walked up: "I thought you were just a bad gangster." "

"What is it that makes such a strange impression......


"Because when you first came, didn't you look like 'Lao Tzu is very impatient', and you still crooked your neck?".

"That's because I accidentally twisted it!".

Xingna waved his hand indifferently: "Anyway, thank you this time." Hmph, I really hope those guys know how many pounds and taels they have~ The guy with a bad brain is really a headache~".

"You're the one with a bad brain, stupid!".

I slashed at her head with a knife.


"Why do you continue to provoke when they are already leaving? Besides, if you only say that you are here with someone else or directly say that you are going to go to the guards, they will also leave with interest, right? Why do you have to use the most unwise method!".

"Because the other party is disgusting!10 times more disgusting than you and Kitty combined!".

It turns out that Kitty and I are both units of measurement for nausea......

"And it's rare for people to thank you! You are not grateful to Dade and you are still murdering me!"

"Hoshina!" I interrupted Hoshina's gushing complaints, and looked at her with the most serious expression since I met her, "This world is not as kind as you think." If you are too naïve, you will bring about your own destruction. "

Probably frightened by my words, Xingna first froze for a moment, then muttered a few words, and finally said reluctantly: "I know, I won't do such a dangerous thing in the future." Really...... This kind of thing has nothing to do with you, Long'er. "

"How could it be irrelevant!".

"Eh, eh!".

"Actually, I like you, Hoshina Kashiwazaki!".


, eh, eh!".

"Of course, it's a lie. "


The dividing line of what is *********************

This chapter is copied a lot of the original text, so the number of words is a little more, above. #审核:15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:25PM# Release: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:25PM#

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