"Goo...... The milky white, viscous liquid with a subtle smell poured into Riko's mouth at once...... Mutter...... Better...... And more...... Mutter...... Science, science is about to break down!".

"I said ...... over there," I glanced at a certain genius girl who had just joined the department, "Can you not make a strange noise while drinking sour milk?"


"No need to ......


Because of her strange words, I don't think I'll drink milk for a while......

Naturally, I did not hesitate to refuse the strange request I made yesterday...... I really didn't hesitate!Even if it was the ponytail glasses lady who poked my cuteness, I didn't hesitate!

"Anyway, can't you stop this kind of lewd joke


"How is that possible! The essence of science is a joke!"

Why can you say this kind of thing so proudly?

"To what extent does life have to be tragic to be a joke of lust?" I tried my best to complain: "And what about the aura of a genius girl?

"Uh-huh...... That kind of thing is nothing but a puffy cloud ......


"Don't give me floating clouds, even Kitty Hawk's burnt yellow hair is better than yours!"

So the eaglet, who was doing his homework on the side, lay down and was shot.

"Aren't you going to die if you don't get me involved in complaining!" a small bruise on his head throbbed.

"How could it be. I said haha: "Actually, I have the disease that will die if I don't tease Kitty Hawk~".

"Oh oh! The light between the two seniors is so dazzling! This is the legendary one!" Science held his cheeks with both hands, and there was an intoxicated expression on his face: "I have seen it for the first time in reality! Science is so moved!".

"Not really!"

I always feel ...... This time the night sky let in an amazing guy.

"I see!" Night Sky closed the newly purchased light novel, revealing the expression of an eminent monk.

"Do you know what? How sad is your life?" said Hoshina, who was playing the game on the side.

But he was immediately slapped on the head by a fly in the night sky.

Ignoring the tears that fell

and shouted at himself, "What are you doing, Baga Night Sky!" It's all your fault that I chose the choice branch that will lead to the end of the blood!' Xingnai, Night Sky raised the light novel in his hand and patted it: "In order to make friends, something that must be indispensable - that is 'laughter'." "

The light novel is called "The Views of the SOS Group", although it has only been out for a long time, but it is very famous, and I have read it before, it is about a man and a group of women who complain about each other in a small room.

It's a good work that both men and women, young and old, can smile at heart.

And the protagonist in it, Sugizaki Xu, used his amazing spitting and pretending to be stupid skills to win the favor of several girls in the same club and the recognition of the teachers and students of the school.

If you think about it this way, maybe being funny is really a necessary skill for making friends.

"It's true that a 'humorous person' always has a little more friends than a 'good person' or a 'handsome person'. Kitty nodded.

"Hmph...... I don't really understand, but is that really the case?".

Xingna looked sideways in surprise, and then said with a sudden realization

"Guys who are ugly and can't learn sports, as long as they have humor, they can be popular with everyone. If I were a perfect person with a beautiful appearance, both civil and military, and could only be described as 'favored by God,' wouldn't I be invincible in the world if I could humor me!

"You're hairy!".


The night sky slapped Hoshina's nose as she was shining with self-appreciation.


The night sky looked at the tearful Xingna with an unhappy face, and said coldly

"That's a funny point, the so-called spit. "

"Of course I know what spitting is, but I'm not pretending to be stupid!".

"You're hairy!".


The night sky once again unleashed the attack named Spit, and Hoshina got up from the couch to dodge.

But the amplitude was too great, and as a result, the knee hit the table.

"~~~~~~~~~~! Uh-huh......


The night sky said to Hoshina, who was squatting on the ground with tears in her eyes.

“...... Oh, use body language to make everyone laugh, you're quite capable. "

Hoshina forced a smile in a half-crying state

"Hmph, hmph, because I'm perfect...... Kneel before my charm!".

"Scum...... ......


"It's charm!" ("dregs" and "charm" are slightly similar in Japanese).

"It's enough to call you scum, meat!"

The night sky shouted coldly.

Anyway, everyone decided that in order to learn how to be funny, they will prepare their own "funny gimmicks" tomorrow and show them off.

"That...... "I looked at the blonde girl wearing a bald wig who came to open the door, and carefully picked out the most suitable words from my 17 years of life experience.

"Yes, thank you......" Xingna smiled shyly at first, and then suddenly yelled at me angrily, "How can it be suitable! This is a bald wig!"

"What should I say, I have not been able to find a sentence in my seventeen years of life that can cope with the current situation!".

"It's not that it's a good fit, it's whether it's funny!" Hoshina still glared at me angrily.


How to say it, in fact, Xingnai's current appearance is other than residual thoughts, and I can't find any other adjectives at the moment.

"That, why is it bald?".

In order not to hurt Hoshina's self-esteem, I staggered the topic.

"Because the introductory phrase on the toy counter is 'Laugh out!'" Hoshina wrapped her arms around her chest, "I can't even understand this kind of joke, your sensibilities are too strange." "

"It's strange you, meat!" came the sound of the night sky from inside the door.

I looked beyond Hoshina and saw what was going on inside.


night sky wears a golden wig, and because it is long hair, it is unusually large in size.

Beside the night sky is a kitty with a subtle expression.

"So why is it a wig......


"It's not a wig, it's Katsura!".


"Sorry, please forget about it......


Night Sky pulled away her bulky hair and continued: "That's my laugh, oh, how about the world's funniest creatures cos~ How's that, funny, right?".

"What's so funny......


Xingnai's strange one, but at least he still knows the joke, but the night sky is only inexplicable.

"Tsk, don't you understand. It seems that my appearance is too perfect (Hoshina snorted) for you to associate with that side. The expression of the night sky changed back to its original displeasure: "So what!".

She lifted her chin and rolled her eyes. What a tragic face!

"I'm rich, I'm still a beautiful girl."

There was a tragic face in the night sky, and the lines of the tragedy were spoken in a tragic tone.

...... Well, I saw the look on the eaglet's face that wanted to escape from this department.

The night sky is usually weird, but today it's too unusual!

"Tsk, don't you understand it to this point?" Seeing our embarrassed appearance, the night sky smacked his lips unhappily, "Then only the last resort remains."

She pulled a pen and a mirror out of her bag and turned her back.

"Hoshinai and I looked at each other, completely unaware of what the night sky was going to do.

Wait until she faces us again.

There was a big word of flesh on her forehead.

"Meat...... Are you imitating me?".

Hoshina's face began to twitch.

"Hmph, I finally understand, you retarded meat. Well, in the face of such a funny existence, laugh out loud. "

"Why am I a funny being?".

"Why, me, it's a funny being. "

The night sky continues to pose with a tragic face, repeating Hoshina's lines in a tragic tone.

"I didn't use that way of speaking!"

"I don't use this way of speaking! I'm rich, I'm still a beautiful girl


"When did I say that!"

"Daddy told me to say so~".

"Well, that's what happened...... Hmm, damn ......


Hoshina said with tears in her eyes


"Long'er, what are you doing!" Seeing the flashing phone in my hand, the night sky suddenly screamed.

"Ah~~~ Because it's too cruel, I can't help but want to take a picture~" I scratched my face: "Don't worry about me, you continue~".

"How could you not care!".

The night sky swooped up, but I was quick to avoid it.

""True Beautiful Girl Shame Play Matchless!" This one uploaded to Nicanica is absolutely record-breaking. "I held my phone up and let the night sky see what was on the screen, while keeping a safe distance from her.

"Delete it! Delete it for me!" Night Sky looked at me through gritted teeth, "If you dare to spread this, I will definitely break your neck!".

"Hmph~~~ It depends on whether you are sincere or not~".

"It's all turned into a wicked face...... Hoshina said as she looked at me coldly.

"Well...... Although it was originally a wicked face. Kitty agreed.

No, it's okay, the righteous brave will ignore the eyes of others, even if they are rummaging through other people's homes to find money and props!

In short, the handle of the night sky GET!

"So, it's better to be funny than to be funny in the body, or to be funny in language. "

Covered in wounds, I collapsed on the couch and offered my opinion.

"But it's really intense, the night sky seniors and dragon seniors just now~" The science department who had just arrived looked excited: "I didn't expect you to have developed to such a point!".

How bad is it to see that the battered me and the abuser are in that relationship......

The night sky snorted coldly, don't overdo it.

Hoshina stared at me with a cold gaze.

"Anyway, it's a joke!" I shouted to myself, devastated physically and mentally.

"I agree with that!" Surprisingly, Kitty agreed.

"Hmph, let's listen to it. The night sky's face thawed slightly.

And Xingnai looked like she thought of something, and her face became very bad: "Wait, Long'er, the joke you said is not the one from last time, right?!".

"Oh, that...... last time" I reacted immediately, and Hoshina was referring to the story in the equipment room, "Don't worry, I specially chose a story with a lot of laughter this time!".

Xingna still didn't look very relieved, but seeing that I was full of confidence, I didn't say anything anymore.

Hmph, hmph, let's see Uncle Ben use gorgeous jokes to turn around the bad atmosphere of the department at once!

"Uh-huh, the title of the joke is 'The Murderer Under the Bus'!"

"It's not a joke no matter how you hear it!"



"What... What, this... A ghost story of this magnitude......" The night sky shuddered and tried to speak in a calm voice.

"No... That's right...... Kill the hell or something...... It can't exist......" Hoshina also forced a smile.

"Yes, yes......" Kitty echoed.

"But then again, isn't it a joke that no one complains?" said Science calmly.

Isn't it supposed to laugh at this time?

It took me one night to watch the previously recorded video of "Three Minutes to Make You Tremble!" from beginning to end before I screened out this joke with a lot of laughs

Is it too sluggish to see the laugh?

I can't help it, so I'll just remind them.

"Actually, the murderer is a real ghost! all the parts of the corpse that disappeared were ......


"Say no more, ahhh——————!!!hh

Later, because Xingnai's screams affected other clubs, the neighborhood department received a warning from the student union......#审核:15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:27PM#Published: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:27PM#

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