"Tomorrow there will be a guest to adopt the child, so if you want to leave, just behave. "

The aunt who took care of the orphans left a sentence and went about her own business, leaving only a group of noisy children.

And I'm in it.

On a snowy afternoon, I had been abandoned by my parents and left in this small orphanage for a year.

During this period, there have been many adults who have come to adopt children.

For those of us who don't have enough to eat every day because of the orphanage's financial constraints, being adopted means having enough food, warm bedding, and the love of our loved ones.

It is extremely luxurious and incomparably desirable.

However, I snorted and left the orphans who were in full swing of discussion.

There is no need to be hopeful. Because no one will adopt me.

The adults who had come before looked disgusted when they saw my appearance.

And the first thing they did when they found the child they wanted to adopt was to pull the child away as quickly as possible, away from me as much as possible.

Over time, even the kids started to look at me differently.

I was orphaned at heart, isolated and singled out as a hostile outlier.


older kids would organize groups of other younger kids to bully me.

Insults and insults are relatively light, and even beatings are common.

So in the fight with each other, I gradually learned how to protect myself.

That is to defeat them all before they defeat me.

By the time I was able to defeat all the kids who wanted to bully me, I found that there were no more people around me who could be called friends to have fun and talk to.

Until her appearance.

I can't remember her name. Unlike us orphans, she didn't become an orphan because she was abandoned or for other reasons, but her parents accidentally got lost when they brought her here to play, so she stayed here for the time being.

"Are you the best guy here?".

The girl in the plain white dress appeared in front of me like an angel and said with an expression that no one else had ever shown to me.

"You'll be my number one from today onwards!".

This was the first light in my life.

"There will be guests coming to adopt the baby in a while, so if you want to leave, just behave well. "

When the aunt who took care of us dropped this sentence for the first time, I was sitting by the window basking in the sun in a daze.

The winter sun is comfortable and makes people sleepy.

It's been almost a year since the girl left, but her voice and smile still linger in my mind.

In those days with her, we did many things together.

Climbing, swimming, catching, reading, telling stories, or being her number one to tease other children.

It was my happiest time yet.

Then, at last, someone came to her house.

Because of work, it wasn't her parents who came to pick her up, but servants and the like.

"Wait, I'll let my dad adopt you!And then you'll continue to be my number one!".

When she said this, she was as majestic as ever, without a trace of sadness at all because she was about to part.

"Who's going to do what's going to be the number one. "

I was protesting as usual, but I was looking forward to it.

For me, can such a happy daily life really continue, and even so, can I continue to enjoy a happy and ordinary life?

Then, in the midst of such anticipation, a year passed.


The girl didn't hear from her at all, as if she had never been there.

I'm a human being again.

But now that I've tasted friendship, the feeling of loneliness is even more unbearable than before.

Unable to stand the noisy arguments of the other children, I moved to the roof of the orphanage, where I lay on my back and continued to immerse myself in my own world.

"If I had known from the beginning that it would be like this......


I muttered to myself.

"Then it's better not to be friends in the first place. "

At some point, the sun disappeared, and heavy dark clouds covered the sky as if they were going to fall at any moment. It's as dark and depressing as my mood right now.

Just as I closed the door that had opened my heart a little bit again, another her appeared.

"Why are you here?" A very beautiful big sister with beautiful long golden wavy hair (although I later learned that it was dyed and permed) appeared at the entrance of the rooftop: "The other children are obediently waiting to be adopted in the hall." "

"I'm not going to be adopted anyway. "

"Oh, why are you so sure you won't be adopted?".

"Because of this natural face......" I pointed to my menacing countenance, then hesitated for a moment to continue, "...... And I don't have any special skills. "

If I had to say that I had any strengths, it would probably be fighting...... But no adult wants their child to be good at fighting, right?

"Don't you have any special skills at all?" The beautiful big sister sat down next to me directly despite the dust on the ground: "Will you cook?".

I shook my head.

"What about housework and whatever?"

Shake one’s head.

"What about learning?".

Shake one’s head.

"Ah, that's really nothing~".

Look, I'm disappointed.

Because that's who I am. There is no cute face that ordinary children have, and there is no skill. At best, he's just a vicious-looking, ordinary, and unadorable guy at all.

"So, would you like to come to my house to learn?".


"Whether it's cooking, housework, or learning...... Would you like to come to my house and make up for it?".

What does that mean? Why does she say such things? Why does her smile look so gentle? Why is my vision blurry?


"That's right......" she hugged me in her arms, "It's just a little big guy who looks old, but Taizi is very worried." Children should be like children, shrunk in the arms of adults and be spoiled. "

Strange, why is the arms that are not too wide so warm and so secure?

"By the way, what's your name?".

“...... Dragons. "

"Long'er, do you know?Taizi I, I'm a micro-superpower, and I can use superpowers three times in my life~" She gently stroked my head: "But Taizi has already used it twice for herself, so this last time will be used for you." Dragon, Takasaka Dragon, your next life will be very, very happy~".

The sun broke through the dark clouds and cast sunlight onto the earth.

It's bright and warm.

It's like Takasaka Taiko's arms.

"Dragon, wake up, Dragon!"



When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the couch in the department, and the sky outside had darkened.

Only Hoshina was there in the department, and it looked like they had gone back to the Kitty Night Sky.

"Ryu'er, what's wrong with you?" asked Hoshina, beside me, with concern.

"What's wrong?" I asked inexplicably.

"Tears!" she pointed to my face.

That's when I realized that my face was wet.

"Ah, it's okay......" I hurriedly wiped away my tears and hidden, "It's just that in my dreams, I can't help but cry for my tragic life when I think of me knowing you." "

"Is it so embarrassing to know people!" "Xingna jumped up like a kitten that had been stepped on by the tail and screamed, "It's in vain that people are still so worried about you!".

"Ah, of course it's not a shame. "

"Hmph, count you ...... acquaintance."

"It's a stain on life that can't be washed away in a lifetime~~~".

"Gao-Ban-Dragon-Er!" #审核:15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:31PM#Published: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:31PM#

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