So, it's already night.




What about the scene of frolicking with the girls and applying sunscreen?!I、Ahem, what about the welfare of the readers?


"Long'er, your phone. "

"Oh. "

I pressed the answer button, and a voice came from the earpiece that seemed to have been heard somewhere.

Happy times always pass quickly. 】

It's the author!

Anyway, your sister! It's completely gone, okay! The most important part of coming out and staying together has been deleted for no reason!

Delete me at will、Ahem is not right.,The welfare of the reader.,Even the author can't forgive!

[This world. It's always full of injustices. 】

"Even if you use the tone of 'going through the vicissitudes of the world, and finally returning to the starting point, and teaching your own children earnestly', you can't cover up your crime of deleting benefits!"

[You've been complaining more and more sharply lately. 】

"Whose fault do you think it is!".

Who arranged so many foolish servitudes that I complained so hard!

[The spit that breaks through the sky will be handed over to you!].

"Who do you think I am!".

"Right now, we are facing a huge crisis. "

Xing said to us with a straight face.

There was silence in the living room.

Although Xing has not yet said the specific content of the crisis, we have all guessed a little bit more or less.

Behind her were the ingredients she bought at noon, but at this moment, the eco-friendly bag that was originally used to hold the ingredients seemed to have been hooked by some hook for a while, turning into a pile of meaningless fragments, and the ingredients in it except for most vegetables, other things such as meat and fish were either directly missing, or left tooth marks of unknown significance.

It seems that while we were out having fun, some feral cat or something sneaked into the kitchen, wasted our rations, and then picked them up.

The consequence of this is that a group of teenagers and girls who are hungry because of excessive play and need a lot of energy during puberty.

"As you can see, the ingredients we originally ordered are not available, so let's renegotiate the matter of dinner. "

Xing looked around us, then said slowly.

"Can't you go to the market and buy it again?" Night Sky suggested with a frown.

"The night sky of Baga, it takes an hour to get from here to the market, and that's with a good view. In addition, the market in the countryside usually closes early, and the market over there may have closed. "

Hoshina shook her head and directly rejected the night sky's proposal.

"Hmph. Knowing that now was not the time to quarrel, the night sky snorted coldly, muttering 'it's just meat' and sat back on the couch.

"So who else has a proposal?" Apricot continued, "If we don't solve it, we'll have to spend the whole night hungry, right?"

I touched my chin and raised my hand, "Speaking of which, aren't we at the beach now?

"That's true, but who of you will be looking for ingredients in the sea......

"I will. Continue to raise your hand: "In the past, because of Taizi's unreasonable request, I trained for a long time to survive in the wilderness. "

"Just to tell if shellfish or marine plants are edible, science is the same. Science puffed up his chest with confidence.

"Well, it's a bit of a hassle, but I've lived by the sea with little dove before, so a simple ingredient search can't be difficult for us. The eaglet raised his hand as I did, and the dove next to him nodded busily.

Xing nodded with satisfaction: "Then please leave it to you." Above. "


the day, you can feel the vastness of the sea when you see the blue sea, but at night the ocean is not so kind.

Except for the reflection of the bright moon that was constantly shattered by the waves, the entire ocean was dark and terrifying, as if some giant beast that could not be observed by the naked eye lurked underwater to choose people to devour.

"Oh! there you have it!" The eaglet groped in waist-deep water for a long time, and pulled out a black thing from the bottom of the water: "Sea urchin!".

"Why are there sea urchins here?".

I immediately complained.

Anyway, after playing in the water for so long in the afternoon, no one stepped on this thing, and we are really blessed with a great life......

"Well, it's normal to have sea urchins in shallow water. Kitty looked at the black thing in his hand and said happily, "This thing is delicious." "

I know it's delicious, but that's not the problem.

“...... Well, there are thirteen of us here, and there is no point in having only one sea urchin, right?" I reminded as I looked at the elated eaglet in embarrassment.

"Well, I didn't touch a sea urchin just now......" He loosened the mouth of the eco-friendly bag in his hand, and then I saw that the inside of his bag was already fruitful, with shellfish of various shapes, fresh seaweed, and even two fat sea cucumbers.

"Eh~ Good job. "I feel emotional.

"Little Dove and Riko are looking for oysters over there, and they've taught the others how to search for oysters and shellfish, so you should have a good seafood dinner at dinner." The eaglet looked to the shore and could vaguely see several figures shuttling between the reefs on the beach: "Then again...... How long are you going to stay in this position?".

He retracted his gaze, then looked at me again with curiosity.

At this time, I was holding the handle of the broom with a screwdriver tied to it high, and I was motionless against the dark sea.

"It's going to be ...... a little while


Because it's so dark, visibility underwater is extremely low, and with shark nets set up not far away to protect sharks, there are almost no fish here.

But it's not time to give up.

"Well...... Come on...... then," Kitty said, walking to the other side.

“...... If there is a shark at this time, then this book is a god's work. I suddenly remembered a certain game that Hoshina had played before, and I couldn't help but say.

"Don't say such horrible things all of a sudden!".

It seems that Kitty also remembers that game......

In the end, I managed to fork a tarpon with a rudimentary harpoon, which was probably running to my side in a daze.

So the dinner is seafood stewed rice (produced by Long'er) + vegetable tarpon soup (produced by Kitty Hawk).

Can I complain that the girls here don't play a role at all?

Honestly it was a great dinner...... Of course, it would be better if my hands didn't get sore from holding one movement for a long time......

"So, now are the last two parts of the day!".

After a full meal, the night sky waved his hand and announced in a very grand manner, "Let's tell a ghost story!" #审核:15115514514 Time: 01 9 2020 7:29PM#Release: 15115514514 Time: 01 9 2020 7:29PM#

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