"Hey, is it science?".

[Ah, Long'er senior!, it's really strange that he would call science!].

...... Well, I really don't want to contact you unless I have to...... It's too dangerous to get along with science alone, feed T.T

"Well, actually, I have something for you to teach me......


[Leave it to the science department with peace of mind!As long as the seniors want it, even the time mechanism science department will make it for you!].

"Where did you come from Doraemon!".

[Even if science is from that worldview, it should be more than ○ beauty, right?]

"Do you care about that kind of place!".

[Ahaha, just kidding~].

"Whew...... Forget it, anyway, please teach me ......."

[What to do?Gang Damu?If that, you can't do it even in science~].

"So what the hell are you thinking, and don't worry, I'm not going to make something that huge!".

[So is it a milli machine?...... If you ask Torre to do an experiment......] (pinch him "Black Cat").

"Why is it so extreme! It's not such a small thing!".

[It's really capricious, Long'er senior~].

"Aren't you embarrassed to say that?"

[Yahaha~ The shame of science has long been left in the sky with conscience~] (This sentence pinched him from the Pokémon theatrical version of "Bouquet of Ice").

"Don't throw that thing away!"

[So what exactly is the dragon seniors going to do?

"Can you prove the existence of ○ beads until then!".

[Well, two years ago, Science and his friends collected Dragon Balls together~].

"There really is, ————!!!."

[And in the end, after all the other partners died in an accident, he finally summoned the dragon!].

"And they're all together! Standing on the corpses of others!".

[The wish is to become more work~].

"It feels like a delicate wish to be good in any way! Besides, it is not worth it for the partners to pay for their lives for this desire!".

Do you really want to cherish life and stay away from science?!

[Senior, I don't feel good about complaining~ I don't feel it in science...... In the sense of the mouth~].

"That's a blessing!".


"I'm sorry I didn't become the same person as the science (hentai). "

[Hmmmm~ Sure enough, it's this kind of cold words that makes science unable to control itself~~~].

"Your sexual fetishes are all good!".

[The most important thing in science is said by Long'er's predecessors, how is it okay?!What is the meaning of the existence of science!].

“...... Glasses?".

[Why is the existence of science so subtle in the eyes of Long'er's predecessors? Anyway, it can't be glasses, right?There are also sensual jokes, lilies, sexy and other impressions, right?].

"Sexy (laughs)".

[Laughed at shame!You definitely laughed with your nose just now, senior Long'er!, you definitely despise science!].

"Your delusion, I think science is a very good girl. "

[Then please talk more about the advantages of science to encourage science.] 】

“.............................. Glasses?".


Is it true that science can already express emojis in words?

[Although the seniors exclaimed with unknown meaning over there, why is the only advantage of science is glasses? Is it true that in your eyes, the essence of science is glasses!].

"Of course not! Science is a very good girl!".

[What about the advantages?].

“.............................. White coat?".

[Why, ah, ah, ah! Not only is it a foreign object, but also a form of question! What do you think of science seniors! Science occasionally reflects on whether it was a wrong decision to like your predecessors!].

"Overall, science is very good!".

[Not at all convincing......].

"So let's work hard to realize Dm ○il!"

[In the end, do you still want to make a time machine?] (Dmail is an email that can be sent back to the past, pinching him from "The Gate of the Stone of Destiny").

"The white coat is very good, the white coat~".

[Although the science department started to go off topic first, but now the science department has no way to keep up with the topic of Long'er's predecessors at all......


"Then let's get back to business. "

[Main topic?"On the full coordination between the BL Party and the Lily Party?].

"No, what is that suspicious subject!".

[What about the homework I got from listening to the summer lecture today...... "An Extended Discussion on the Coordination of Dualism"].

"Regardless of how the teacher would have looked when he saw your paper...... Why is BL and Lily a dualist?!What about heterosexuality?!Have you eaten it?".

[Heterosexual? That's an illusion caused by human hormones~].

“...... Now I feel that it is very good that I didn't believe in the love affair with science. "

[Eh, eh, Long'er, senior, you misunderstood! Science is sincere to you!].

"What you said earlier is completely unbelievable!".

[Science really wants to see Nanjun and Long'er's predecessor LOVELOVE~].

"Is this sincerity? It has always been this sincerity? I don't understand science at all!"

[And then as long as the science department launches this 'heterosexuality is wrong' Jun into the atmosphere now...... Whew, that muddy history is about to be rewritten!].

"How much do you love to be gay! Don't put things that are dangerous just by hearing the name!"

[Peace of mind, it was a joke before~].

“...... Well, although I more or less guessed that you were joking, I was still a little worried about ......."

[In fact, as long as 'heterosexuality is wrong' is launched into the atmosphere, the history of all mankind will be rewritten!].

"Is it actually an upward correction?!Mr. Policeman, there's an anti-human mad scientist here!".

[Peace of mind, when 'heterosexuality is wrong' is launched into the atmosphere, even the same sex can reproduce!].

"That's even more terrifying!"

[That's right, although Long'er's predecessors are terrible, but in his bones he is 'receiving'~].

"Not really!At least it's an attack!".

[That's the attack~].

"If you accidentally got into it?!, don't talk to yourself, let me decide to attack the attribute!".

['Strong Qi Suffer' or 'Tsundere Attack'?].

"Don't use options either!".

[Long'er's predecessors are really willful~Choose at least one of the two attributes~].

"Both of them are annoying! Anyway, my sexual orientation is normal!".

['Heterosexuality is wrong' is not normal after being launched into the atmosphere. 】

"So don't litter that kind of thing!".

As a result, by the time I successfully asked Science about the practice of making items, it was already one o'clock in the morning......#特定审核: metal5ever Time: 07 17 2019 5:09PM#Review: 2595583591 Time: 11 11 2019 4:14PM#Release: 2595583591 Time: 11 11 2019 4:14PM#

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