"It's just that at this level, it's not scary, is it?"

Sitting on the black dragon, I heard the night sky behind me say.

"It's Kitty who is too timid~ It's a shame. Hoshina was also on the side.

By the way, the current seating order is: the first row, that is, the front end of the black dragon, is me and Kitka, then the night sky and Hoshina, who compete with each other, the third row is Apricot and Starling, then Rikka and Yukimura, and finally Maria and Kodo, and Tomoyo is sitting alone in the back row.

Kotomi didn't come up because she was too scared...... Well, but she's already very this kind of vehicle that looks dangerous.

At first, everyone had room to talk and laugh, but when they climbed to about the same height as the top of the nearby Ferris wheel, ......

Night Sky: "Think about the people who came up with this kind of game, absolutely crazy, dying, dregs, perverts, designer bastards! Stop, stop, go back, kill you, kill you, don't, don't, stop! Die, die, damn, flesh is stupid, hateful meat, hateful meat, hateful meat! It's all your fault, if you don't get a ticket, it's all because of you, my life is so bad because of you, and Kitty Eagle doesn't pay attention to me at all because of you! Kill you, definitely kill you, crush you into meat sauce and mash, make you into a Vienna sausage! Die to death, curse to death, kill you Spare me, spare me, spare me, don't, don't, don't, don't, ah, save me, little eagle, ah, ————————————————!!ah

, no

In this case, you can keep cursing others, should it be said that it is worthy of the night sky......

Xingnai: "Let, let Miss Jean Ben encounter this kind of thing, don't think I'll let you go, this piece of iron is just a toy for recreation, it will definitely kill you, you, really will that, stop, please stop, please stop, spare me, ah-ah-ah——————————————!-ah Having said that, Kitty doesn't pay attention to what do you have to do with me, ah, ah, I'm sorry, I'm going to die, I'm not right, I'm doing everything, I'm going to do everything, so spare my life. If you want money, I'll give you as much as I want, and the other guys can do anything, please save me, God, ah————————————————————!,


Even if you pay the black dragon, it won't stop, and why is it calling my name?Is it a curse, is it trying to transfer the curse of the night sky to me?!!

Answer: "Starling, it's okay! Answer me————————!!!, starling, come on, hey, no, stop It's going to die, it's going to die, it's going to die, ah, ah, ah, ————————!!!ah


Why, ah! Even if I screamed, I couldn't stop the black dragon! And why was I the ultimate victim of the black dragon's can't stop! The way of death is too strange! You are more terrible than the black dragon!

Starling: ......

...... Completely silent, hey!! are you still alive?, are starlings really alive?

Science: "F○ck, Fu○k, Fuc○, F○uu...........u (a lot of swearing, some harmonize here)".

The science is already broken!

Yukimura: "When contemplating the bodhisattva of self-reliance, when he walks in the deep prajnaparamita, he sees that the five aggregates are empty, and he overcomes all suffering. The color of the relics is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, and emptiness is color. The same is true of what you want to do. The relics are the void of all dharmas, unborn and imperishable, impure and impure, not increasing or decreasing, so there is no color in the air, no thinking and no knowledge, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, no color, sound, fragrance, touch, no vision, and even no consciousness, no ignorance, no ignorance, no old death, no old death, no suffering, no wisdom and no gain, so there is no gain, Bodhisattva, according to Prajnaparamita, the mind is free of obstacles, there is no obstacle, there is no terror, away from upside-down dreams, and nirvana. "

Why do you want to recite a Buddhist sutra in this situation? Anyway, this is really a Buddhist sutra? Is it really okay to make up the number of words like this?

The dove and Maria in the back were also shouting something, but because the wind was so strong, the sound was too noisy to be heard ......

...... But compared to them, it's still the eaglet that is screaming normally next to me is more ordinary.

Having said that, why sit in the first row, in the face of this shocking scene, I can still complain so calmly!! even if someone praised me for having a long reflex arc before, but this is too long!

☆ After three minutes

"Ask, what's worse in the world than forgetting to tie a rope while bungee jumping?".

I asked, looking at a group of people slumping limply on public benches, and holding up my fingers.


Everyone is dying.

"The answer is 'sit Black_Dragon without preparation at all'! Because the former is lifeless, while the latter is a ...... to survive without death."

"It's not funny at all...... "Xing sat down on the bench, looking weak.

She had been retching for a while when she had just descended from ......the black dragon

By the way, Starling was stunned when the black dragon climbed to the top and was about to rush down, so he didn't see a more terrifying scene...... This should be considered a blessing in misfortune.

"Senpai, is this scary?" asked Tomoyo, confused...... This guy didn't scream the whole time, in a sense, he has surpassed the limits of human beings...... In other words, do you have the feeling of 'being afraid'?

"That, Long Erjun, ice cream ......" Kotomi, the only one who was not victimized, ran over from a convenience store not far away and handed out the ice cream in her hand to everyone.

"Thank you, ......


However, it consumed so much physical strength as soon as it came up, is it really okay to arrange it in the afternoon......


Forget it, let's wait until the afternoon.

I took a sip of the strawberry-flavored ice cream and thought about it in the refreshing cold texture.

"Hey, hey, is it the author?".

[Dragon, what's the matter?].

"This chapter...... Fifty percent of it is the original, right?".

[How come, you are too careful. 】

"Really...... Hmm, I'm sorry, it looks like I'm wrong for you......


[In fact, more than sixty percent are original works.] 】

"Give back my guilt!".

[Well,Because I've been busy with the New Year's Day extra-long story recently.,So there's going to be less time spent on the text......



[It's the truth DA☆ZE!I've always been very serious!Eun, please call me a serious bat-kun DA☆ZE in the future!].

"Please get rid of that strange mouth fetish until then. "

[Hahaha, those who care about small things are (9)!, that's it, then let's hang up first~].

“...... Don't you have anything to say to me as the protagonist?".

[Hmm...... Beware of tooth decay?].

Click: #审核:15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:44PM# Release: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:44PM#

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