After fifteen minutes of recuperation, everyone finally recovered from the psychological shadow brought by the black dragon.

"So, from now until lunchtime, everyone is free to move around. I looked at the map I got from the door, "There are still events in the afternoon, so I can take advantage of the facilities in Yokozuna Paradise now...... After all, it is also a large amusement park, and the facilities here are still very good. "

And in terms of volume, it is not possible to play all of them in one day, so it is better to move freely at this time and let everyone play according to their own interests.

"Well, it's free. Xing thought for a moment and took my words: "I suggest that it is better to have two or more people in a group, so that if something happens, someone can help." "

After everyone said that they had no objections, they began to group people.

The first is to challenge the Black Dragon Team again. The members are Maria and Yukimura ......

Well, in fact, Maria is very interested in the black dragon and wants to sit again, but the others present have almost no one else to sit with except for Yukimura, who has a blank face, and Tomoyo, whose combat power has broken through the sky. You know, even after I got off the black dragon, I was dizzy for a long time because of the abnormal semicircular canals in my ears.

And Tomoyo didn't seem to be interested in riding the black dragon again, so I could only ask Yukimura, who was able to silently recite Buddhist scriptures on a roller coaster like the black dragon......

Then there is the stage show viewing group of Kitty Eagle and Little Dove.

Then again, one of the main purposes of Kodo's visit to Yokozuna Land is to watch the Iron Necromancer's stage play (another purpose is meat dishes for lunch). And the eaglet, which is its guardian, can only accompany it.

Originally, Hoshina also wanted to join (the purpose was to get close to the little dove), but it seemed that because he said something that made the little dove angry, Hoshina could only leave the ...... in tears

After that, there is the healing facility team, and the members are Apricot, Starling, and Kotomi.

Starling and Kotomi can't play with thrilling rides, so they set their sights on gentler rides like merry-go-rounds, coffee cups, and bumper cars.

And based on the reason that 'neither Starling nor Kotomi is too weak, and there is no way to refuse others if they are accosted!', Apricot can only follow ......

in the end

To be honest, I really want to see the ...... of Apricot sitting on the merry-go-round

"If you dare to come along, I'll turn you into a human black dragon. "

But he was threatened by Xing like this, so he still forgot about ......

Next up is the Challenge Extreme Group, whose members are Night Sky and Hoshina.


reason is almost that the night sky provokes Xingna, who is depressed because of the rejection of the little dove, and then the simple Xingna is angry with the night sky, and finally the two of them decide to use those extreme facilities to compete ......

Well...... Good luck ...... guys

In the end, the rest are me, Chidai, and Science.

We didn't have any specific goals for our group, we just just wandered around Yokozuna Land and then went to play when we saw the facilities we liked.

If I have to say, it's that there is no target group.

"Oh oh! Long'er is really powerful!".

"Ahaha...... It's ...... so-so



"Well, why did we have to play simulation shooting in the video game area when we finally came to the amusement park!

By the way, Tomoyo is playing a fist test on the other side...... No, it should be said that the list of fist power tests is being brushed on the other side............ Leaderboard a large piece of tomoyo Yuki Yuki!

Speaking of the video game area, you have to mention the vouchers. As long as you can get a certain number of points, you can get a lot of vouchers if you enter the list (of course, there are also machines that can get vouchers directly from gambling machines), and when you raise a certain number of vouchers, you can go to the counter to exchange some goods.

"Because my predecessors and I are not good at dealing with crowded places, and Tomoyo-san's no matter what you play, you end up here~" Science replied as he continued to challenge the shooting game.

I glanced at Science, who was smashing the game with a gun, and sighed, planning to find some other game to play.

At this time, the mobile phone in my pocket rang, and judging by the ringtone, it was a short message.

Flipping through the phone, the sender is a black cat...... Anyway, this is the first time that guy has messaged me.

[Title: None].

[(Konata pounces on Kirino, two people are disheveled, red-faced, and panting)].


Well, just smile at this time.

[→ Forward Information].

[→Kyosuke Takasaka].

"Yes, confirmed...... Then send a reply to Kirino ......".

[Title: The ......].

[Edit content: Kirino, no matter what your sexual orientation is, brother, I will support you.] PS. I've forwarded the photo to Kyosuke, and I'll inform him to celebrate finding true love for you. 】

"Ok, then support my sister's indecent love, I'm really a good brother......


"Senior Long'er, why do you suddenly show a refreshing expression as if you have accomplished some great deed?!".

Oops, forgetting your environment if you don't pay attention.

I looked around and saw that there was no one within a radius of about ten meters around me, except for the science department that was staring at me in amazement.

I smiled awkwardly and handed my phone to Science.

"Wow! Sister Kirino is so bold!" "Riko immediately showed a shy look (...) He covered his face: "Even science has just had this idea, and it hasn't been put into practice yet......


"Self-respect, hey......".

It turns out that there is more than one Lily by my side!

"The target is to choose the night sky sister. "

"And all at once it's the most difficult?!".

"No, no, no, the highest difficulty should be Zhidai or Xing senior. Science pushed his eyes and made the appearance of a certain android colonel: "The wisdom of mortals! Compared with the tired night sky seniors, the boyish and heroic Zhidai classmates and Xing seniors are the objects of girls' admiration!"

In this way, Xing has indeed received a lot of love letters from juniors...... And he also used eighty percent of his pocket money to reply to letters......

And so my miserable life of being blackmailed by Apricot began.

"But it's precisely because of being loved by many girls that Tomoyo-san-chan and Apricot seniors have a strong resistance to lily...... Well, it seems that it can only slowly penetrate ......".

"Are you a T-virus, and wasn't the target the night sky at the beginning!".

“...... The world is really wonderful~".

"Don't run away from my questions!".

So, today passed ...... peacefully

"It's not even morning!" #审核:15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:46PM#Release: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:46PM#

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