The Age of Heroic Spirits in the Eyes of the Reincarnated

Chapter 529: Sharing happiness is worse than enjoying it alone, and sharing the loss with others is

At this moment, a bright moon hangs high in the sky above the Moon Lake. It is the big star similar to the Moon in the chaos outside.

Below the Moon Lake is endless sea water, which is bottomless.

Li Xia's escape technique is like a flash of lightning, flying along the floating wooden bridge, so fast that only the mind and other perceptions can barely detect it in advance.

It was at this time:

"Hua La La..."

On the side of the floating wooden bridge, an ugly green head emerged from the water and looked at Li Xia who was rushing on the road with the nine-horned electric snake technique.

"After so many years, another one finally came. However, this one is so fast."

The green head whispered to himself, with a bit of murderous intent and solemnity in his eyes.

"If it were an ordinary god, he might really let you pass this first level with this amazing speed. But unfortunately, you met me. The number of gods who died in my hands is more than two thousand."

This Yaksha monster is one of the gatekeepers of the five islands of the Moon Lake.

He is responsible for the first island.

All the gods from the outside world who enter this place need to face his sneak attack and cross the hundreds of millions of miles long floating wooden bridge that he is responsible for to reach the first island.

The reason why he is so arrogant is that he split the divine power into five or six hundred parts and scattered them in this sea area to form hundreds of divine power clones. Each divine power clone has a power above the extreme of the immortal, almost reaching the threshold of the second-class god.

Hundreds of divine power clones share perception. As long as one finds an outsider, the other hundreds will immediately share the vision. As long as one divine power clone entangles the opponent, the opponent will be beaten to death by his hundreds of clones.

And this arrangement is also to prevent someone from taking a detour and not choosing the floating wooden bridge.

In other words, he will bump into him wherever he goes.

Although the incoming speed is fast, he can't stand the ambush in the second half of the floating wooden bridge.

Fast speed is not a pass for this place.

Just as Li Xia passed through several green-headed Yaksha's divine power clones, several attacks broke through the water and attacked the area in front of the escape light in a predictive manner. And all these attacks covered a vast area of ​​10,000 miles.

"Hmm? The gatekeeper of the first island?

Although the many clones are only at the threshold level of the gods, if the divine power is integrated, it will be the level of the real gods.

Is the purpose of dispersing the power in this way to reduce the difficulty of many gods in the three realms to break through?"

Li Xia was suspicious for a moment.

Then he understood the intention of the Beixiu World God: if the green-headed Yaksha did not disperse the divine power into hundreds of parts but gathered it together, then the level of strength would be the threshold of ordinary true gods. This is very disadvantageous for selecting and cultivating the gods in the three realms. He wanted to cultivate a successor to return to Tiancang Palace to report the news, not to discourage all the gods in the three realms.

Therefore, the intensity of cultivation must be controlled well.

The power of the real god level must not appear on the gatekeeper in Yuexiatan.

Letting these gatekeepers split their divine power clones to welcome and train the gods of the three realms is a temporary measure and a perfect way to deal with it.

The fact is just as Li Xia speculated.

The green-headed Yaksha was divided into hundreds of clones to avoid the situation of the big bullying the small. Being able to withstand the scattered attacks of his hundreds of clones and being able to withstand the full-strength attack of his original body are two completely different concepts.

It is obvious at a glance which one is stronger and more durable, 10 kilograms of tofu and the same weight of iron.


In just a dozen breaths.

Li Xia's original body rushed forward and wiped out more than 500 Yaksha clones at the threshold of the god level gathered here!

He also captured one original body alive!

Yes, it is so cruel.

It is not just killing a few divine power clones that can be restored at any time, but destroying and killing all the divine power clones with overwhelming force! It was not a simple attack on the original body of the green-headed Yaksha, whose strength was only at the top level of the gods, but a violent suppression!

During this process, he never transformed and did not use super-standard strength.

He relied on the arrogance of the "Indestructible Body", the fourth-level spatial force, the fourth-level infinite force, the fourth-level sharp force, and the fourth-level knife force!

Unfortunately, the fifth-level mental force and the fourth-level sword force of the left hand, as well as the third-level explosive force and gravity force, have not yet been displayed!

It can only be said that this first-level gatekeeper who has strength, speed, and physical strength but no vision, kicked the steel plate heavily.

"How can he be so strong?

How is it possible?

A mere god, actually developed several kinds of original power to the fourth level?

The master did not have such a demonic talent back then."

The original body of the green-headed Yaksha was extremely shocked.

Because he lost more than 500 clones of divine power that were as powerful as the second-class gods, his original body was extremely weak at the moment, and his aura was only at the level of the top gods. It can be said that his vitality was seriously damaged. I don’t know how long it will take to recover completely.

“Besides, this person won’t kill me directly, right?”

It shouldn’t be, right?

“Master, you didn’t say that there were such monsters in the Three Realms…”

If he had known that there was a child of heaven like Li Xia who could defeat the true gods with the realm of gods in the Three Realms, he would not have separated so many clones of divine power to drag down his original body. If just a hundred clones of divine power flowed back to his original body and restored part of his divine power, he could have burst out with the power of the true god.

At least he would not have been defeated so easily.

But now, it's too late.

It's all over.

"Can you tell me about the Moon Lake?"

Li Xia turned around and asked with a smile.


Of course!"

Just kidding.

He didn't want to die.

He immediately revealed some basic information about the gatekeepers of the next few levels. This is a pass reward within the rules, and it will not violate the life oath he made that year. Therefore, he did not hide anything that could be revealed.

He, of course, hoped that the old guys behind him would suffer together.

There is a saying: It is better to share happiness than to enjoy it alone, and it is better to suffer a big loss together than to suffer a big loss yourself.

The first island, "Snow Island", soon came into view.

"Huh? What a beautiful island."

This is an island covered with snow.

Because of the influence of the power of heaven and earth around the island, the island of thousands of miles has been covered with snow and silver.

In the center of the island, a thousand-foot-high magnificent ice crystal palace was even more magnificent under the moonlight of the big star above.

In the palace, a god suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes:

"It's not even a thousand years yet, why is the snow demon here again?"

"No matter, since he's here, let's kill him..."

Kill! Kill! Kill!

His eyes were already full of madness.

The moment Li Xia landed on the island.

A long rainbow of tens of thousands of miles came to kill.

The one who made the move was the god on the island.

Li Xia didn't say much about this.

With a finger pointing out, the power of space came across the air and vibrated in a void tens of thousands of miles away. The long rainbow hit the void and collapsed immediately, and then a figure with horror fell out of it.

Li Xia waved his sleeves again, and the Qiankun Avenue continued to operate. The fourth level of spatial power spread out, and circles of spatial ripples immediately appeared in front of him, and magically connected to the void tens of thousands of miles away.


The second time he pointed his finger, his finger passed through tens of thousands of miles and landed on the forehead of the figure who had not yet recovered.

He flicked his finger, and although he did not use much force, he saw that the god's body turned into a cannonball with a speed of more than ten thousand miles per second without any resistance and flew backwards. First, it crashed into hundreds of thousand-mile-high icebergs in succession, and finally smashed into a huge snow peak ten thousand miles high.

Dare to attack him, it is really courageous.

If it were not for extenuating circumstances, this Three Realms God trapped here... I am afraid he would have died.

"Are you Xiu Ke God, a disciple of Xiaoyao Daozu?"

For the basic information of the gods who entered the Moon Lake in the Three Realms for billions of years, he still collected it through Emperor Xia's channels.

"Aren't you a snow demon?"

Although it was a question, it was full of affirmation.

After all, every thousand years, the snow demon would sneak attack him on the island, and he had dealt with the snow demon thousands of times. He thought he knew the snow demon very well. And the strength that the snow demon had shown in front of him was far less overwhelming than the one in front of him.

Don't think that he just showed the use of the power of space, in fact, it also contains the fourth level of Wuji power + Taiji power + a third level of gravity power!

In addition, there is a heavy knife intent and a sharp sword intent that are waiting to be released!

Once it is triggered, he is gone.

"Tell me, what is the current situation of this snow island..."

Li Xia took out a vow stone and smiled.

First, use the "oath stone" in your hand to let Xiu Ke Tianshen make a relatively loose oath of life, and then let the other party truthfully explain various things here. Bound by his life oath, Xiu Ke dared not add sand to the intelligence, otherwise he would be killed on the spot.

Snow Island, the first island of Yuexiatan.

It is a transitional area after passing the first level of Yuexiatan, and it is also a place for all challengers to rest.

It is not absolutely safe here.

If you have not passed the next level after a certain period of time, you will be attacked by the snow demon guarding the second level every thousand years. And every time compared with the last time, the snow demon will increase the difficulty a little bit, forcing the people on the island to make progress.

If you don't make progress, you will die sooner or later.

Only by letting a certain origin of Tao reach the fourth level can you pass the fourth level and not be exhausted here.

However, after tens of millions of years, the potential of Xiu Ke Tianshen has been squeezed out. However, even if all his potential has been squeezed out, he still can't let any of the origins of Tao such as sword power, space power, and infinite power enter the fourth level.

So he can't meet the standard of passing the second level.

Considering that all the gods who came with him have died, and no newcomers have entered the Moon Lake for thousands of years, no one can take him through the level. If this continues, his death is inevitable.

Fortunately... Li Xia is here.

"Here are the wall carvings left by all the gods who failed to pass the second level before..."

The calmed Xiu Ke god pointed to a stone wall in the Ice Crystal Palace.

"The words left by Xue Ye under the seat of Maitreya Buddha..."

"The words left by the sword-carrying man under the seat of Hengmu Master..."

"The words left by Feng Bo under the seat of Xingtian God of War..."

In addition to the words left, including encouragement for later generations, there are also methods left by each god.

In terms of mystery, it is definitely not as good as the method created by the True God Daozu, but some of the ideas in it are very rare.

In addition, every stroke contains the sustenance of those gods!

A belief that you don't want to die and want to live!

Unfortunately, these gods who failed to comprehend the fourth level of the power of the origin of the Tao eventually fell before the second level.

If these people were placed in the Three Realms, with their status as ordinary people and their strength close to the top level of gods, even Emperor Xia Mangxun would have to treat them politely, and he could even be the emperor of a large world.

But in Yuexiatan, these people died so aggrievedly.

For this, Li Xia was still very sad:

"In a world where the weak are preyed upon by the strong, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

What do you think, Snow Demon?"

Li Xia turned his head and looked thousands of miles away.

And this glance of his made the Snow Demon's eyelids jump wildly:

"How could those powerful people in the Three Realms be willing to send such a monster disciple to take risks?"

For no reason, he felt a little guilty.

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