The Age of Heroic Spirits in the Eyes of the Reincarnated

Chapter 531: Hundreds of billions of pounds of ice heart marrow, trillions of pounds of Nine Flames

The Purgatory God, whose clone is at the top level of the Heavenly God and whose main body is at the level of ordinary True God, was strongly suppressed by Li Xia's big hand.

"Stop, stop... Stop quickly."

The fourth level of the Infinite Power of the Purgatory God cooperated with the weapon to attack crazily.

However, after Li Xia practiced the third level of the Indestructible Body, his divine body was comparable to the pure Yang-grade magic weapon.

The attack of the True God level could not damage his body.

Moreover, his palm was blessed with the power of the Star-Picking Hand.

"Ahhh... Stop."

But no matter how the Purgatory God in the lava acted or struggled, Li Xia's 100,000-mile big hand, which was blessed with the energy after the Super Saiyan normalization, was as firm as a lock. It even tightened its grip, and compressed the Purgatory God, whose main body was tens of thousands of miles in size, to the size of an ordinary person.

"Save me!"

Even desperately could not change anything, and the Purgatory God immediately called for help from the gatekeepers of the two islands behind.

In fact, at each checkpoint, the gatekeepers in front and behind would arrange clones to watch the battle.

Therefore, the movement here had long been noticed by the two gatekeepers in the back.

"You two, think carefully..."

Li Xia said calmly:

"I am a gatekeeper, I am here to accept the gifts and tasks of the great power who opened up this place, and you are just gatekeepers, just servants left by the great power; are you sure you want to leave your respective checkpoints and come here? In addition, do you really dare to break the game rules left by the great power and interfere with the test of other checkpoints?"

What is meant by hitting the snake at its weakest point?

This is what Li Xia said at this moment.

As soon as he said this, the two gatekeepers behind and even the one on the final island immediately fell into hesitation and thinking.

As he said, what he did before was completely within the scope of the game rules. After all, since the gatekeepers can hunt down three or four thousand challengers of the gods from the three realms, the gatekeepers from the three realms can naturally hunt down these gatekeepers in turn.

In addition, in terms of identity and responsibility, although the gatekeeper is Bei Xiu's servant and has important responsibilities as a gatekeeper. But this identity and responsibility is not worth mentioning compared to the monsters who can pass the 5 levels. Those who can pass the 5 levels are the registered disciples of Bei Xiu World God. Whether it is identity or subsequent tasks, they are billions of times more important than the current tasks of the 5 big gatekeepers.

And the one who sits on the final island, who can also use the power of the entire Moon Lake and the one who is most loyal to Bei Xiu, happens to know very well the real purpose of his old master Bei Xiu World God to open up this Moon Lake.


In this Moon Lake.

There can be no gatekeepers.

But there must be no gatekeepers who pass the 5 levels.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to save the gatekeepers of the first three levels, you can do so by defeating me. As long as you can defeat me, I will naturally let those three go. If you can't defeat me, then pay enough ransom. Give me enough benefits, I don't care about these three trash..."

The two light words immediately resolved the tension in the scene.

The two gatekeepers behind and the one on the final island weighed the pros and cons and acquiesced to Li Xia's behavior.

The three sea tribe Yaksha, Snow Demon, and Purgatory God, this time they should take it as a lesson.


"So strong!"

The seven dragon gods who were originally staying on the volcanic island were shocked.

These seven are all warriors of the ancient human race.

Back then, the human race started from nothing and their bodies were fragile. In order to change the status of the human race in the Three Realms, and to allow the human race to truly gain a foothold in the Three Realms where gods and demons are everywhere, many human sages are willing to act as test subjects with many uncertain factors, such as undergoing body transformation.

The seven dragon gods are the seven people who are relatively successful in body transformation.

They took the huge risk of exploding and dying, accepted the enhancement of dragon blood, and became the few survivors among thousands of experimenters.

Then, they made breakthroughs one after another and became gods.

After that, they followed Suiren, one of the three emperors of the human race, to fight in the three realms, expand the territory for the race, and made a lot of contributions to the human race to suppress the gods, demons and monsters and become the protagonists of the three realms.

Then, because the dragon blood transformation affected the purity of the soul and the body, that is, the purity, they could not make any progress. In order to go further, they came to Yuexiatan. Although they killed all the way to the volcanic island of the second island, they could not get through the level of the Purgatory God.

They have been stuck here for trillions of years.

Now, they finally waited for a powerful newcomer.

This newcomer is really tough. Not only did he defeat a large clone of the Purgatory God disguised as the original body, but he also captured the real body of the Purgatory God with the power of the true god.

"Awesome, so awesome..."

"With his strength, he can definitely reach the final island and even leave here!"

"Let's go, let's follow him."


The third island, Wanshan Island.

It is divided into big island and small island.

The big island is called Wanshan Island, and the small island is called Treasure Island.

The big island is a resting place for challengers who have passed the third level, and the small island is a place where challengers who have passed the third level can obtain treasures.

Under normal circumstances, after defeating the Purgatory God, you can take three treasures from the Treasure Island with the permission of the Purgatory God.

As for why challengers have to get the permission of this guy to take the treasures even though they have defeated the Purgatory God, instead of taking everything directly?

It is because those who have truly succeeded in passing the level will realize that the Purgatory God they defeated is just a clone with the combat power of the True God, not the real Purgatory God! When taking the treasure, the one accompanying everyone is the real Purgatory God who is more than ten times stronger!

A clone with less than one-tenth of the power of the real Purgatory God is so abnormal, you can imagine what level the other party's real Purgatory God is.

Everyone is not stupid, how can they be so stubborn to rob the real Purgatory God?

It is not so urgent to reincarnate.

Little Ji Ning bargained with the Purgatory God in the original timeline and only asked for a three-foot wide and three-foot deep Ice Heart Marrow, that's why. Ji Ning said that he couldn't beat him, and his thin arms couldn't twist his elephant legs.

Imagine, if the real Purgatory God was really defeated by Ji Ning or other gods, wouldn't this treasure island have been looted hundreds of times?

And after the third level, there are good things to get after each level.

For example, this treasure island is the treasure place for challengers who have passed the third level.

In the center of the island, there is a huge lake.

The lake is shrouded in fog, and it is not clear from the outside. It was not until Li Xia waved his sleeves to remove the restrictions here that nine clearly defined areas were revealed.

One of them was extremely hot.

The bubbling magma inside was the Nine Flames Magma of the medium-level Chaos Wonder.

On the magma, dark red snow lotuses grew one after another. This is the Nine Flames Melting Lotus, a high-level Chaos Wonder, with more than 20,000 plants.

"It seems that because the Three Realms have the Nine Flames Magma, the Nine Flames Melting Lotus is not a rare commodity, which has led to the fact that the gods who entered here did not look down on this precious Chaos Wonder at all."

If they don't look down on it, they will naturally not choose it.

Many of them were preserved.

In another area in the lake, the Ice Heart Marrow of "six miles long and wide, and thirty feet deep" slowly flows. On the ice heart marrow, there are crystal clear grasses, a total of tens of thousands of them, which are the famous high-level chaos wonders, the ice heart leaf.

"There is no ice heart marrow in the three realms, let alone ice heart leaf, and the known effect of the ice heart leaf is to assist those cultivators in resisting the inner demons when they are going through the heavenly immortal tribulation or even the heavenly god tribulation! Such a miraculous effect has caused all the gods who have successfully passed the level to stare at this thing and pull it hard?"

Li Xia smiled and shook his head.

Nine areas, some are hot, some are cold, some are dark, some are full of vitality, and some are dead silent...

Each chaos wonder has its own magical use.

For example, if the ice heart marrow and the nine flames pulp are combined with a special ice and fire array, the ice and fire can blend to produce a more wonderful power to help the heavenly immortals of the third-level golden elixir to refine the third-level golden elixir into a second-level golden elixir!

It can improve the quality of the golden elixir by more than sixty times!

"The ice heart marrow, which is six miles long, wide and a hundred meters deep, has a volume of about 900 billion jin! The volume of the Nine Flame Juice is more than one trillion jin! And if the Pure Yang True Immortals of the Three Realms want to upgrade their third-class golden elixir to the second-class, they need to consume an average of 10,000 jin of ice heart marrow and 10,000 jin of Nine Flame Juice..."

"If I calculate it this way, I can completely allow tens of millions of third-class true immortals to complete a transformation!"

"As for the consumption of the third-class golden elixir of the heavenly immortals in the Three Realms, each person only needs a few dozen jin. Even if it is over-allocated according to 100 jin, it is more than enough to make 10 billion third-class heavenly immortals become second-class heavenly immortals!"

If this step is taken, the pattern of the Three Realms will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes.

As for the heavenly immortals and true immortals in the Nuwa camp and the Wuxianmen camp who have been trapped here for billions of years, are they willing to change their ways and pledge allegiance to him?

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