to the south of the city, on the outskirts of the city.

"Commander Yang, the people of the Raptor Regiment are here, when will the support of our machine alliance arrive?" said a dilapidated mecha Valkyrie eagerly.

This raptor group is one of the sub-groups under the command of the Honkai Holy See, and under it gathers all kinds of Valkyries who attack raptors, and it is an extremely powerful air force.

"There are still ten minutes to ......" Yang Chenglong took a deep breath, his eyes were cold, and the mental and energy consumption brought by the high-intensity battle made his eyes red.

"Hold on, everyone!" Yang

Chenglong steered the helicopter and transformed into a mecha form, the dark green mechanical paint reflecting a resolute and cold light.


! This Honkai Holy See is so hateful!

This time it launched a sneak attack on such a scale...... This can hardly be regarded as a sneak attack

, but a war!

In the sky ahead, a black mechanical raptor is attacking the energy shields opened by the various squads of the Great Xia Machine Alliance, lasers, laser cannons, and missiles are all beckoning, and the Great Xia Machine Alliance also uses artillery fire and laser weapons to fight back with the artillery fire and laser weapons defending the city

, but the speed of the sudden regiment is very fast, and it occupies air supremacy, dodging a lot of attacks,

and the crashed Valkyries are in the minority after all.

Due to the protection of the Great Xia Machine Alliance, the city was not damaged, but it was not a way to defend it for such a long time...... After all, Dacheng is not very big, the defensive force is not too strong, and in the face of the powerful Raptor Regiment, it does not even have an advantage in numbers.

The energy shield needs to consume energy, and gradually some of the support is no longer supported, and the support has not yet arrived.

"Activate the city's reserve energy and fire the maximum power blocking jamming cannon at the Raptor Regiment!" Yang Chenglong roared.

There's no way, it's not a way to go on like this, the Valkyrie and the commander are directly linked, as a sudden Valkyrie, the speed is very fast, and the existing large-scale weapons in Dacheng only have power blocking jamming cannons, and they must be the maximum frequency to be effective!


In the distance, the high-rise building cracked from the middle, revealing the huge cannon muzzle on the ground, and the muzzle of the cannon was turned to aim at the Raptor Regiment in the sky, and the energy of all electronic equipment throughout the whole process was cut off, and all of them converged into the muzzle, and the terrifying blue and white energy was ready to ......


No reaction?!

No reaction!!

"Damn!! Yang Chenglong was so anxious that he vomited blood, "Honkai Holy See, hateful!"

Now he understands that the people who broke the Holy See are making trouble in the city, and they have actually destroyed the secret weapon of blocking jamming cannon......

In the Great Xia Machine Alliance, there are actually their people?!

But now, it's not the time to care about this

! Ding Dong!

A call prompt rang on Yang Chenglong's terminal.

"Hey, Chief Hu, have you arrived? The energy shield here can't support it

!" "What? was stopped by the Seven of Spades?

!" "Grass!"

Yang Chenglong hung up the call, and the blood in his heart gradually became a little cold.

He looked up at the increasingly unstable shield, and then at Dacheng behind him...... There is still good news - at least, the believers who sneaked into the city before the collapse of the Holy See have been almost surrounded and suppressed.

The jamming cannon was destroyed, and there was no way to ......

The enemies in the city, even if there are remnants, there should be no problem, as for the enemies in the alliance...... After all, the number of people is small and the strength is weak, and it will not play a role in a frontal battle.

...... Then, now it's too late to support, so I can only find a way to kill the Raptor Regiment and slow down their attack!

I can only hold on and fight to the death!"

"Wife, I want to ......" Yang Chenglong asked his wife in a low voice in the helicopter mecha. Now that there are so many enemies, he wants to kill them, but the commander and the Valkyrie are one, and it is extremely dangerous for both his husband and wife, and he can't make decisions for his wife.

"What are you talking about, old man, rush out and kill those brutes!" roared his former gentle wife.


Yang Chenglong's eyes were firm, and with the encouragement of his beloved, he didn't have any worries.

"Brothers and sisters, if you are willing to kill the enemy, follow me

!" "The others guard the rear, we have a traitor!"


Chenglong manipulated the helicopter mecha and rushed out of the protective shield. He didn't name anyone to go out with him to meet the enemy, so for this kind of dangerous matter, it is better to leave the choice to the brothers themselves

! The machine team of the Great Xia Machine Alliance is all talents from the base of the Machine Alliance, and unlike the staff of the Great Xia Machine Alliance, the people of the machine team are direct members of the Great Xia Machine Alliance, and their status is equivalent to that of the National Protector Army!

How can other brothers and sisters be greedy for life and fear death?

After asking for the consent of their Valkyrie, the commanders followed Yang Chenglong to kill the Raptor Regiment, and under the cannon fire in the sky, like a sharp sword blade rushing up to the nine heavens

!" "Lao Tzu fought with you

!" "the kid, let's go together!"

"Go on!!".

More than forty mecha of different shapes rushed into the sky, and the remaining more than a hundred were not members of the Great Xia Machine Alliance's mecha battle group, they could only be regarded as the staff of the Great Xia Machine Alliance, and they did not have the courage to live to death, so they could only continue to maintain the energy protection shield.

These people are not wrong, they are not the aircraft team of the Great Xia Machine Alliance, they are not soldiers, they have no obligation to go into battle to kill the enemy

, they are also people, they are afraid of death, and if they are killed, they will die, and it is good that they can contribute their energy to stick to the

protective shield in such a dangerous time.

The members of the alliance started to shoot cannons

and looked at

the sky, and more than 40 mechs rushed into the sky without hesitation,

fighting with more than 700 raptors.

All kinds of lasers and shells roared, armed knives several meters long clashed, and one mecha after another was chopped to pieces, falling from the sky, and exploding into discarded parts, so it can be said that no one left a whole corpse ......

Zizi -

five condensed powerful lasers shot at the back of the helicopter mecha controlled by Yang Chenglong, these five laser rays came from the five captains of the Raptor Regiment, and the strength was about silver level, if Yang Chenglong was hit, he would inevitably be seriously injured

, and then he would face a continuous attack that would kill you while you were sick,

and he would definitely crash!

A protective shield suddenly opened......

Boom -

Yang Chenglong felt a loud roar behind him, and hurriedly cut the two raptor mechas in front of him in half, and then turned to look at ......

"Little Liuzi!" ×2

Yang Chenglong and his wife let out a cry of pain at the same time.

I saw a thin mecha being penetrated, and then fell heavily to the ground, before he died, he only had time to say three words of last words: "...... live"

Yang Chenglong's eyes were split

, this Xiaoqi was a child he had from an orphanage, he couldn't speak by nature, he was mute, his personality was withdrawn, and he didn't seem to have any feelings

for Yang Chenglong and his wife The husband and wife regarded it as their own, and Xiao Qi grew up with his daughter...... This little sixth son is Yang Chenglong's son-in-law, his talent is not very good, he likes to engage in sneak attacks in fights, he is greedy for life and afraid of death, Yang Chenglong, as a righteous soldier, does not want to see the little sixth son ......

Unexpectedly, Xiao Liuzi, who is now "greedy for life and afraid of death", and Xiao Qi, who is "emotionless", have blocked a fatal attack ...... for themselves

"No!!" Yang Chenglong wiped away his tears, his furious anger broke through his chest, and the war knife in his hand added a little more strength.

But he held it back, still calm as ...... as iron

It's not that Yang Chenglong is cold-blooded, it's not that he has no feelings for his goddaughter and godson-in-law

, he understands that he can't die, he can't lose his mind! He is the supreme commander, and he can't be ...... rash

Behind me, there are thousands of lights in Dacheng, I can't mess around, I have to lead my brothers and sisters to fight the sky!



- boom -

the Raptor Regiment on the horizon suddenly exploded, dozens of mechanical Raptor Raptors exploded into pieces, and more attacks were fired from the rear of the Raptor Regiment, coming!

Reinforcement is coming!


The battle was still raging, the ground was strewn with corpses, huge mechs were piled up into mountains, broken parts flashed with sparks, and the otherwise cold steel exuded a scorching after-heat ......

And in the ruins, there was a ...... as if it was about to break through the ground

In the distance, a stunning woman in a black and gold suit walked over, and as the woman's footsteps advanced, the ruined parts and cooled circulating liquid around her were repelled in all directions, and

the ruins all over the ground automatically opened a path for the woman, just like the legendary Moses dividing the sea!

The woman looked up at the air, sighed slightly, and a tear slipped from her bright golden pupils, and the tears crossed the golden shadow at the eyelids, and fell to the ground, but an amber crystal ...... rose

can you tell who it is?


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