
the rooftop swimming pool, Li Qianxi just came to the rooftop swimming pool of Qiangsheng Heavy Industries, and was surrounded by several swimsuit beauties in the middle, and a large piece of white flowery skin rubbed against him, which was really unbearable.

Over here......

In the swimming pool, there are transparent, soft, hard, and prickly toys everywhere, and on the table under the parasol, there are ropes, candles, xx, xx and other interesting children's educational toys ......

In the center is a large turntable, in the center of which is a column with a ring, and at the bottom of the turntable are a pair of footprints...... I think it's the legendary project...... "

Young Master, you're finally here, the sisters haven't washed yet, just waiting for you to come along, young master!" a swimsuit hi silk bunny girl whispered delicately.

Li Qianxi was really a little unbearable, and she didn't know where to look...... This Li Hua really knows how to play, this huge rooftop swimming pool, hundreds of beautiful women, and only one man!

Where has Li Qianxi seen this formation? If it weren't for the fact that he is now in a state of unity with Jiajia, he may not know what to do......

"Young Master, come on!" "

Young Master, look at me!" "Young Master, look at me!"

"Young Master......"

"Young Master

...... "Young

Master...... Li Qianxi was stunned by the delicate young master's shout, and she was ......

Rich people do know how to play

! But Li Qianxi didn't dare to move, didn't dare to move at all, and the sound of grinding his teeth sounded in his ears -- if he really couldn't control it, Jiajia would definitely make herself look good! But

it was not a way to be surrounded like this...... It's pretty cool, though.

At that moment

, there was a loud bang in the sky, as if something had broken through the clouds and swooped down from ...... sky


saw an F20 fighter swooping in, swinging its tail violently and hovering above the rooftop when it approached the rooftop swimming pool.

The tail of the fighter spewed blue-red tail flames, and the rear hatch opened, revealing a blonde beauty in a low-cut suit, the neckline of the low-cut dress even down to the navel.

This woman was born with incomparably beauty, deep eyebrows and eyes, delicate facial features, Caucasia's natural snow-white skin is like white porcelain, the pale gold dress is dotted with diamond-like tassels, the long skirt is blown up by the tail flame of the fighter jet, revealing slender snow-white long legs

, blonde hair fluttering, fiery red lips, exotic, beautiful.

The beauties in the swimming pool couldn't help but feel ashamed of themselves when they looked at the goddess-like aura of the mixed-race beauty. Women have a love for beauty, strictly speaking, they basically have

, and such a beautiful woman still flies over in a fighter jet, which makes them even more ashamed of themselves.

The young master of his own family actually hooked up with such a beauty

? No, what did people like about the young master? It was really strange!

All the women were envious, only Li Qianxi was holding her stomach, her stomach was tumbling, and she was so disgusted that she almost cried out ......

The blonde beauty jumped off the fighter jet, glanced at the other women with her delicate eyes, took out a black and white watch from her small leather bag, and said,

"Li Hua is mine tonight, you guys put on your clothes and go."

Listening to the blonde woman's indifferent tone, a few women were not happy, clasped their hands to their chests, and snorted coldly: "How much is

a watch worth? Who to look down on?" The blonde woman was not angry, she just threw the watch into the pool, "Watch? This is the Dragon Team-Yan Sword, a B-level mecha armament, which is worth more than 45 million Xia coins, right?"

Hearing this, the other women's faces changed instantly, and without saying a word, they jumped directly into the swimming pool to grab the so-called watch and went to ......

Li Qian...... Oh no, Young Master Li Hua, can you spend the night with me now?" The blonde woman looked at Li Qianxi, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"Of course!"

Li Qianxi held back the feeling of nausea and nodded.

It's disgusting......


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