In his eyes, Gongsun Li's flustered appearance was a funny clown, and he was the one who took this clown on the road.

"Abyss Dark Energy Ball, Qi!"

The dark energy ball of the abyss, which had been condensed for a long time, finally flew towards the people of the Crystal Empire under the command of the master, and outlined a pure black ballistic trajectory, heralding death and despair.

Because Asmodeus's primary target was Gongsun Li, this magic ball directly hit Gongsun Li's scarlet barrier. Although the other cavalrymen of the Crystal Empire didn't catch the magic ball head-on, they still had some troubles. The young cavalry was strangled by the aftermath of the magic ball, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

As for Gongsun Li who received the magic ball head-on, he was not much better. Although he opened the damage reduction field, he still couldn't avoid being hurt. The power of the magic ball directly shook him off his horse and fell to the ground.

"The strength of a ninth-tier fighter is nothing more than that."

Seeing Gongsun Li's distressed appearance, Asmodeus smiled and approached the latter slowly.

At this time, the cavalry of the Crystal Empire, after witnessing Asmodeus' abyssal dark energy ball 07, died and fled. Although there are dozens of remnants still standing firm, no one dares to stop him Moving forward.

Of course, Gongsun Li could also feel that Asmodeus was approaching him. He wanted to get up from the ground, but he couldn't do it anyway. The magic ball hurt him too much, and even made him lose his ability to move.

He now knew who the other party was, but it was too late, and he would be buried here soon, even if he knew the news, he would not be able to pass it back to the Crystal Empire.

Asmodeus came to Gongsun Li's side, and a new black magic ball condensed in his hands.

If he is willing, this magic ball goes down, and Gongsun Li's life will be directly confessed in this wilderness.

However, Asmodeus would not let the old man die so easily. He would torture him slowly and trample on his dignity, just like the way the four empires joined forces to suppress him back then.

"It seems that the Crystal Empire really has run out of talents, and sent an old man like you to die."

Asmodeus sneered coldly. He had long heard that the Crystal Empire was the weakest of the four great empires. Seeing it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

If a guy as old and weak as Gongsun Li can be ranked in the top ten, then the guys at the top of the rankings must not be much stronger.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you have lost the battle, you can kill or cut it and listen to your respect!"

Gongsun Li is also a bloody general, he would rather die with his head cut off than live on his last breath.

"Kill you? How can there be such a cheap thing." Asmodeus put away the magic ball and smiled grimly, "I want to cut off your realm and let you experience the pain of losing your cultivation! "

"You..... are insane...."

Cutting off the realm, this punishment is unacceptable for every practitioner. Especially for an elderly practitioner like Gongsun Li, his cultivation is more important than his life. If Asmodeus wants to cut off his cultivation, it is tantamount to cutting him into pieces.

"Insane? Well said, when your Crystal Empire united with the other three empires to cut off my realm, was it considered insane?" Asmodeus joked.

This made Gongsun Li speechless. He was not even born when the great battle happened, and he only knew the relevant details after hearing the elders in his family talk about it. He didn't have any right to refute the guy in front of him who was older than him but couldn't tell the exact age.

However, since he is a guy who has been cut off from the realm and fell into the abyss, why does he appear here now, and his strength has not retreated in the slightest compared to back then?

Could it be that this has something to do with the old ghost Deng Chen who broke the seal recently?

This made him very strange, but he didn't intend to ask. After thinking about it, he knew that Asmodeus would never tell this secret to this old man who was weaker than himself.

"Nothing to say? Do you feel that your ancestors have done a lot of wrong things?"

Asmodeus was very satisfied with Gongsun Li's silent appearance, but in the next second, he almost trampled Gongsun Li to death.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with them. Each empire has its own way of survival. The four empires at that time just had the same interests." Gongsun Li retorted.

"Then what about my being cut off, is this a matter of course for you?" Asmodeus roared.

"In the eyes of the strong, everything that the weak suffer is taken for granted. Your strength at that time was far inferior to the four great empires, and it was inevitable that you would be trampled under your feet and cut off your realm.

Asmod was furious when he heard this, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Gongsun Li's neck, just about to force it, he seemed to think of something, then let go immediately, and said with a smile: "If you want to provoke me, I will kill you like this, you old man really cunning."

Asmodeus said, a black magic ball appeared in his hand again.

This magic ball is different from the previous one. The previous magic ball was purely a throwing killing move. Then this magic ball hits the opponent, allowing the power of the magic ball to penetrate into the opponent's body, thus destroying the opponent The ruthless move of the realm.

"Since you have said so, it is only natural for me to cut off your realm."

Asmodeus laughed wildly, the magic ball in his hand was getting closer and closer to Gongsun Li, and finally slapped him on the back.

The energy of the black magic ball penetrated into Gongsun Li's body instantly, and began to fight against the energy in his original body. When Asmodeus' energy completely gained the upper hand, Gongsun Li's realm would be cut off.

However, when 143 Asmodeus cast this skill, he ignored an important factor.

The source of his power is not himself, but a bottle of medicine. When the limited power is exhausted, not only will it not be replenished, but it will also enter a weak state due to the side effects of the medicine

The dharma ball that entered Gongsun Li's body just now was his last bit of strength.

Immediately, Asmodeus's body fell into emptiness again, and at the same time, the side effects of the potion were triggered, and Asmodeus was even weaker than before drinking the potion.

Although Deng Chen gave him just such a bottle of this potion, Asmodeus couldn't recover his fighting power in a short time. But now Gongsun Li has been maimed by himself, and he is at the critical moment of competing with his own strength. He is already too busy to take care of himself. As for those cavalry, they are basically soft-footed shrimps. They dare not even move without Gongsun Li's order. Move, not worth mentioning at all.

Therefore, Asmodeus doesn't need to worry about being beaten back, he can stand and rest while watching the show, quietly waiting for Gongsun Li's realm to be cut off.

"Unexpectedly, I, the majestic ruler of the abyss, will fall to the point where I need a bottle of potion to become stronger."

Asmodeus, who stepped back and waited for the weak state to pass, sighed helplessly. Although he had spoken wild words just now, in fact, without the potion Deng Chen gave him, he could not even defeat Gongsun Li. .

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