The Age Of Online Games: Recharge In Advance

Chapter 59: The Crystal Empire【55, Please Customize】

Chapter 59: The Crystal Empire【5/5, please customize】

It is very difficult for most players to raise pet stars.

Because if you want to increase the star rating of your pet, you must go to the imperial city of any one of the four empires in the online game world.

In the player's main city, it can only guide the player how to cultivate pets, but not help pets to raise stars.

In Jiang Chen's memory, there was once a player in a certain empire who spent a huge price to upgrade a pet's star.

It directly increased the pet's attributes by ten percent.

Such an increase can be said to be very terrifying.

This is why Jiang Chen is so obsessed with ascension to the Chaos Holy Demon Dragon.

Once the star level of the Chaos Holy Demon Dragon can be improved, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted is unimaginable.

Before the upgrade, the Chaos Saint Demon Dragon's strength exploded, and the Chaos Saint Demon Dragon's strength after ascension will definitely break through the sky.

After all, it is a god-level pet that is stronger than ordinary god-level pets.

Crystal Empire.

This is the closest empire to the Huaxia District that Jiang Chen knows, and it is located about 10,000 kilometers away from the western border of the Huaxia District.

If it were in the real world, such a long distance would be enough to cover half the world.

But in the online game world, the physical fitness of players can be said to be very abnormal.

Even the weakest player can move much faster than the Olympic sprint champion.

Not to mention Jiang Chen's own speed under the bonus of the forbidden spell Qingfeng Xulai.

But despite this, it took Jiang Chen nearly half a month to enter the scope of the Crystal Empire.

The Crystal Empire is huge, at least much bigger than Jiang Chen imagined, and the overall area should be as large as a Chinese country.

In Jiang Chen's memory, the Crystal Empire has a total of thirteen states, and an imperial city in the center.

The most important point is that the forces belonging to the empire are basically real humans, humans in the online game world, and there are no NPCs.

This is like another world.

When the players discovered the Crystal Empire, they were still very excited, especially when they knew that the people in this empire had self-awareness, not NPCs, and they came to the Crystal Empire crazily.

Because human beings live in groups, when they know that there are other human beings in this world, they naturally have to rely on it.

However, what the players did not expect, the people from the Crystal Empire welcomed the players very warmly at the beginning.

But not long after, they wanted to know the secrets of the players, and even tried to send people into the player's main city in the name of communication, but they couldn't.

But this doesn't stop the people from the Crystal Empire from wanting to analyze the players' desires.

After all, from the players, they can see ways to improve themselves.

For example, fighting monsters and upgrading like a player.

So they secretly caught many players to study, so they don't know how many players died.

In the end, things were brought to light, and many players rose up to resist.

However, compared to the strength of the Crystal Empire, the strength of the players was still too weak, and they were finally suppressed.

But in the end, the people of the Crystal Empire still couldn't understand why players were able to upgrade.

Knowing so many things, Jiang Chen will naturally not reveal his identity in the Crystal Empire.

Otherwise, the lessons learned from the past are there, and Jiang Chen doesn't want to be studied like a guinea pig by others.

Moreover, with Jiang Chen's little strength, in the huge Crystal Empire, he is really not considered strong.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's appearance is not much different from the people in the Crystal Empire, so he will not be easily recognized.

Jiang Chen didn't delay, but kept heading towards the imperial city of the Crystal Empire.

After nearly a day's journey, Jiang Chen finally arrived at the imperial city of the Crystal Empire.

The entire imperial city is filled with pedestrians and businessmen all the time. After all, this is the core location of the Crystal Empire.

Among these people, most of them are ordinary people.

But there are some exceptions.

In Jiang Chen's gaze, he saw a man wearing a magic robe with a star embroidered on his left chest, which was the symbol of a first-order magician.

One star is the first order, three stars are the third order, one moon is the fourth order, and three moons are the sixth order.

And the embroidery of a sun symbolizes the seventh-level magician.

The stars are elementary, the moon is intermediate, and the sun is advanced.

Junior magicians are not rare in the Crystal Empire, it can be said that they are easy to see everywhere.

Like the national teacher of the Noah Kingdom back then, he was a junior third-level magician.

This shows the power gap between an empire and a kingdom.

Jiang Chen also heard that in the empire, there must be a ninth-level magician or even a tenth-level magician sitting in command, and that is the truly terrifying existence.

Jiang Chen felt that even if he reached level 100, he might not be the opponent of Fashen.

But even if it is just a first-order magician, it still has a certain status.

043 is like the first-order magician in Jiang Chen's eyes, who walked into the imperial city swaggeringly, and the guards on both sides were respectful and did not dare to stop him.

And other ordinary people have to pay a lot of money to enter the imperial city, this is the difference in strength.

"Ten silver coins."

Sure enough, when Jiang Chen entered the imperial city, a guard stopped Jiang Chen.

"There's no change, so spend the extra money you have."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he pretended to take out a gold coin from his pocket and threw it towards the guard.

In fact, this gold coin was taken out of the backpack, but in order to hide his identity, Jiang Chen had to do something extra.

After throwing the gold coins, Jiang Chen swaggered into the imperial city.

"Thank you, sir!"

After the guard reacted, he shouted at Jiang Chen's leaving back more respectfully.

There are still many advantages to being rich, at least they are very applicable everywhere.

After entering the imperial city, Jiang Chen went directly to the place where he gave his pet a star upgrade.

(The results are not very satisfactory, but the author will still update five chapters every day, thank you readers for your support.).

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