The Age Of Online Games: Recharge In Advance

Chapter 84 Who Is Darker Than Who 【New Book For Collection】

Chapter 84: Who Is Darker Than Who?

Recalling the past, Jia Lesi said with a look of grief and indignation: "That dirty and disgusting goblin, relying on his strength to be stronger than me, forcibly took away the spiritual forging hammer that the teacher gave me, and made me unable to comprehend the holy spirit. level mystery."

"In fact, in terms of realm, he is just a weak reptile to me now."

"Then why don't you ask for it yourself?"

Jiang Chen's casual words made Jia Liesi, who was still somewhat imposing, suddenly turn off his fire. He said bitterly: "In terms of realm, he is weaker than him, but you also know that I am a blacksmith, and I only know how to forge iron." , other than having more strength, things like fighting..."

At the end, Jarez touched his head and laughed.

Seeing that Jarez looked like a grandson when he talked about fighting the goblin leaders, Jiang Chen already knew the strength of some goblin leaders.

It is definitely not what he can match now.

Gone and gone, I can't afford to mess with it.

"An opponent who can't even beat you, a level 60 Zijin NPC, will I die if I go? Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't strengthen it."

Jiang Chen snatched back the Saint's Armguard from Jarez's hand, waved his hands and started to leave.

He wouldn't naively think that he was already strong enough to handle Zijin bosses above level 50.

Arrogance doesn't last long.

This kind of unsure battle is definitely not to be fought, and one should still be wary of such ignorant monsters. This is the unchanging rule of survival in another world.

Jia Lesi was anxious all of a sudden, he was just a step away from the holy level, as long as he got the spiritual forging hammer, he was at least 70% sure to be promoted to a holy blacksmith.

Today's Luotian City is full of foolish people who do nothing and just want to survive. Only this adventurer in front of him has the heart of a true warrior. If he doesn't even help, "then he is hopeless?

"My lord, my lord, don't leave in a hurry, listen to me." Jarez hurried out and grabbed Jiang Chen.

"Let go!" Jiang Chen glanced at him indifferently, "Just say no one will stop you if you have something to say."

His cold-blooded and indifferent appearance first made Jia Lesi, who was not good at fighting, feel tight, and then he became more and more convinced that Jiang Chen was the one who could help him.

Because powerful warriors are all born in blood, they all have a common characteristic, that is indifference.

Jiang Chen is that kind of person in his eyes, although he is not that strong now.

"Actually, adults don't need to fight with that dirty goblin." "Jarez's attitude changed drastically, and he said respectfully.

Jiang Chen was a little excited when he heard that there was no need to fight to the death, but he couldn't express his enthusiasm on the surface, so his words were still cold.

"how do I say this?"

"The goblins in the mountains in the west are very fond of money. As long as you give them enough gold coins, you can become their most trusted partner. The dirty goblin just took a fancy to the orb on the spiritual forging hammer and snatched it In the past, in fact, he didn't know the true value of the Spiritual Forging Hammer, as long as your lord brings enough gold coins, he will definitely be able to buy the Spiritual Forging Hammer from the other party."

Jarez spoke a long way excitedly.

Can it be done with money?

Does that count?

Jiang Chen has a lot of money in his pocket. In this world, if he can settle things with money, he already has a 80% chance of winning.

Good steel is used on the blade, and it is not a loss to spend some money to strengthen the equipment on his body to the attributes of the purple gold level. This will make him less passive when facing the purple gold boss.

As long as you have strength, you can have more money, Jiang Chen knows it well.

Even though he was thinking this way, he still took a look at his balance, and every time he spent, he would lose a penny, which made him feel distressed.

After all, magic crystals are almost unique. You can get gold coins in the wild, but it is difficult to get magic crystals, and they are almost non-renewable resources.

At the same time, the surrounding players suddenly became restless.

Luotian City's forging fee is 50% more expensive than other main cities, which must have something to do with the fact that Jarez used the money to buy the hammer.

After all the discussions, everyone became more certain about this matter.

"Well, you are a big guy, you look quite simple and honest, but your heart is so dark."

"That's right, I said repairing the durability of equipment is so expensive, it's all for your own selfish desires, you are using power for personal gain, corruption!"

"That's right! Give me back my hard-earned money! Defeat Jares!"

"Give me back my hard-earned money, and defeat Corex!"

...defeat Jares!"

For a while, shouts and curses soared into the sky.

Jiang Chen didn't expect such a thing to happen, so he gave him a wide-eyed look.

Because of the high quality of his equipment, his durability was slow to drop, so he basically never came to the forging union. He didn't expect that this simple and big guy would actually have such a skill.

He was almost fooled.

It must be ridiculously expensive to buy equipment from goblins, otherwise this guy wouldn't have been in business for so long without redeeming the hammer.

Jarez blushed, "My lord, I have no choice but to be considerate."

"If you have such an attitude, I think there is no need to cooperate with you." Jiang Chen's words were colder than the ice and snow in the deep winter.

"Don't, don't, my lord." Afraid of Jiang Chen's resentment, Jia Lesi hurriedly spoke out: "Everyone, stop arguing, and I will give everyone a 30% discount in the future, okay?"

"Fart, 30% off is not more expensive than other main cities, we want the same price as other main cities, and then give it a 50% discount!"

"Yes, that's it, there is no discussion, otherwise don't think that our boss Jiang Chen won't help you."

"The last time I was in Tianyuan City, I saw the heroic figure of the Great God Jiang Chen who single-handedly killed the enemies of the Loya Kingdom. Today he is working for Luotian City again. He is really handsome. I want to give birth to monkeys for the Great God."

"You big guy is very bad, on this condition, do you agree?!"

A group of players were unwilling to do so, and protested loudly one by one.

Forced to helplessness, Jia Lesi could only agree: "Okay! I promise you, but it can only last for one month. After one month, the normal price of other main cities will be charged.

After receiving such a response, the players immediately became overjoyed.

They have only entered the game for less than a month, and the cost of repairing the equipment in the early stage is not much, so naturally there are not many people who are cheated. It is already very good to get such a big discount. If the other party refuses to agree, and there is no place to report this guy, wouldn't it be a big loss.

After solving this matter, Jia Lies hurried into the trade union again, and brought out two (Zhao Zhaohao) burlap bags from under the counter, which were bulging.

When I opened it, I saw that there was a lot of golden light, and they were all gold coins. The players around me were drooling. They couldn't spend ten gold coins in a month. How could they have seen so much money?

It seems that this guy really took a lot of money.

Jiang Chen checked the quantity with his hand and was surprised.

This burlap bag doesn't look very big, but there are actually 10,000 gold coins in it.

"My lord, this is the money I've saved for two or three years. It's all here. I think it should be almost the same." Jarez looked at the two sacks distressedly, just like looking at his lover.

Jiang Chen was very excited, 20,000 gold coins is a lot, he quickly collected all the gold coins with a wave of his hand, and said calmly on the surface.

"Since you are begging so much, I will go to the Goblin Mountains. It would be best if I can buy it back. If the difference is not much, I will make up for it. However, I need you to promise me one thing first. In addition to strengthening the holy clothes for free, I also want to help me smelt a set of gold suits for free, how about it?".

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