Chapter 10 Jade Space

“Grandpa, have you noticed something is wrong?” After all, this is the ancestor of the Shen family, and it’s hard to say that Mr. Shen Yun has seen a ghost.

 “What did you find?” Shen Guoliang asked in surprise.

According to the words passed down from the ancestors, in the past fifty years, the daughters of the Shen family will have a strange relationship when they worship their ancestors. The specific kind of romance has been unclear from the legends passed down from generation to generation.

After so many years, Shen Guoliang has brought his family members to worship without finding anything. Now he heard Shen Yun ask if he had noticed any difference. He who used to be calm became excited. He wanted to see what the romance that had been passed down for so many years was. .

“Don’t you see it?” Shen Yun pointed at the box in front of the memorial tablet and asked in a low voice.

If this wasn't the Shen family's ancestral hall, based on her experience, she would have gone there to see it. After all, it was expensive, and she was now a cultivator of immortality.

Shen Guoliang saw Shen Yun's movements and looked at the black box in front of the memorial tablet with confusion. It was so black. Has there been any change?

 Hand out his hand and took the box over.

Shen Yun saw the dark room, and his grandfather's face was particularly clearly illuminated, but he didn't seem to feel anything at all.

“Has there been any change in this wooden sign?” Shen Guoliang took something out of the box and asked doubtfully.

Shen Yun looked at the wooden sign he was talking about. It was obviously a perfectly carved jade sign. Shen Yun could see from a few steps away that it was glowing with a rich luster, flickering on and off, as if it was breathing.

“Grandpa, are you sure this is a wooden sign?” Shen Yun asked uncertainly. Are the latitudes of sight of the two people different?

"Isn't it? Come on, tell me, what difference did you see?" Shen Guoliang suddenly thought that this might be the adventure his ancestors talked about, and asked curiously.

"This is a jade token I saw." Chen Yun thought for a while and said. Although cultivators compete with the sky and seize opportunities to improve their strength, the person in front of him is his own grandfather, a person with whom he has karma. If she unconscionably said that this was a wooden sign and then took it for herself, then she would really be afraid that the inner demons would disrupt her practice during the thunder tribulation later.

“Jade plaque, Yunyun, hold this thing carefully and see if it is really a jade plaque.” Shen Guoliang said and handed the thing to Shen Yun.

The speed was so fast, it was as if the hand was holding a hot potato, and I was afraid that I would burn myself if I was delayed for a second.

Shen Yun was a little confused as he held the jade token. This thing came into his hands so easily. If he didn't want it, he could just take it.

Taking a closer look, I saw that I was indeed right. It was indeed a jade plaque. The carving was better than the jade plaques I had seen in various dynasties. The most important thing was that when the jade plaque was in my hands, I realized that it contained a touch of aura.

 Is it a spiritual stone?

“Tell me, tell me what this thing is, our family has not understood it for dozens of generations.” Shen Guoliang urged.

Shen Yun noticed that the old farmers in his mountain village still had dozens of generations of inheritance.

On the other hand, he was a little confused that the jade tablet in his hand, which looked like a spiritual stone, was not a real spiritual stone. He had just secretly inhaled some spiritual energy, but the spiritual energy on the jade token did not decrease at all.

  It does not match the concentration of spiritual energy on the jade plaque at all.

The patterns carved on the jade plate are also very strange. When the divine sense reaches up, there are actually restrictions. If I had not reacted quickly and withdrew my spiritual sense, I would have been injured. "Grandpa, did our ancestors leave any words?" Shen Yun asked directly.

"This is true." Shen Guoliang thought for a while and said. He had forgotten it in the excitement, but now he remembered it after Shen Yun reminded him, "It is said that our ancestors have a destiny. Back then, our ancestors became It’s an immortal, but you have known for so many generations that there is no such possibility. Immortals are all legends. The country says this is fabricated, and it is definitely not true. "

As soon as Shen Yun heard this, he had an idea in his mind. The thing in his hand might really be an immortal thing left by his ancestors.

However, the spiritual consciousness cannot break through, but as a member of the Shen family, he shines as soon as he worships. It must be because he is of the blood of the Shen family.

"Grandpa, this legend is really possible, but this thing is not mine at the moment, and I have no way to verify it now." Shen Yun told the truth, unless he lets himself try to identify the master with a drop of blood, otherwise with his current cultivation level , it is impossible to break through the restrictions on the jade tablet.

"Since you discovered the anomaly, this thing is yours. It has been here for so many years, just waiting for someone to discover that it is different. Now that you have discovered it, it is yours. I have fulfilled my ancestor's last wish. "In the future, this matter will no longer be left to the next generation," Shen Guoliang said solemnly.

"In this case, grandpa, I will take advantage." Shen Yun was really curious about what this thing was in front of him. In his last life, he came back late and didn't have time to find out what this thing was. It seemed that no one in the Shen family had discovered it, otherwise he would just With this jade quality, it is impossible for the family to live in such poverty.

“If it’s yours, it’s yours. Besides, this thing is just a worthless wooden sign in our eyes.

Grandpa just hopes that if you have any adventures in the future, you can help the Shen family and help the children and grandchildren of the family so that they will not have such a difficult life. "Shen Guoliang said seriously.

"Okay grandpa, don't worry." Shen Yun solemnly promised.

 Then she broke her finger in front of Shen Guoliang and smeared it directly on the jade plaque.

 The blood stains disappeared after a while.

"Oh, it's really a jade plaque. This thing looks quite expensive. You should keep it well in the future." Shen Guoliang saw that after Chen Yun's blood was smeared on it, a layer of black ashes fell from the wooden plaque. When it fell down, the entire wooden sign turned into warm white jade.

Shen Guoliang knew that this thing must be different, but he didn't point it out and just told Shen Yun to put it away.

 There is no trace of greed in his eyes.

 When Shen Guoliang saw the changes in the wooden sign, Shen Yun felt that he had established a connection with the jade sign in his mind, and a vast fairyland appeared in his mind. This was the space in the jade sign.

 "Grandpa, this thing is worth..."

"I don't want to know how much this thing is worth. You know, the more you know, the more you want. Keep it well and don't tell anyone now. Although our family is very good, I also I can't guarantee whether you will change your character under the temptation of precious money. Keep it well. If you are willing in the future, then help your brothers and sisters. If you are not willing, then I won't force you." The old man said directly. Duan Chenyun's words were firm.

After saying that, he asked Shen Yun to put the things away and check them when no one was around, then took the lead and walked out.

 (End of this chapter)

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