The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 105: Fortunately I am his biological son, otherwise I would definitely be kicked out

Chapter 105 Fortunately, I am his biological son, otherwise I would definitely be kicked out

Shen Yun looked back at the mountain village and silently noted its location.

There is also the location in the jungle mountain where you can get the stone statue.

Not only because of his current career, but also because when Shen Yun just walked out of the village, he suddenly felt a familiar wave flash past. It was something he had seen before, and it was a feeling that was engraved in his mind.

Shen Yun remained calm and followed the five people to two more villages. Without exception, they were all relatively remote villages. Although it was hard work to collect goods in such villages, it was much cheaper than outside.

Shen Yun saw several people laughing happily because they had collected the good goods and saved a few dollars, and felt warm in his heart.

A few people had some food in the town at noon. Shen Limin refused to let Shen Yun follow him, "You have a rest at your aunt's house. All our things are stored here at your aunt's house. Your aunt and the others still have to go to work." Convenient to watch, you can watch it at home.

  Prevent those who are greedy for cheap coming to seize our things. "

"Dad, this is a family home." Shen Yun said in a low voice. All the people living here are police family members. How can there be such people? It's not a shame.

"Don't worry about this or that. We won't be worried if so many goods are left here without anyone at home. Just be obedient. Dad and uncle will collect the things and come back to earn money to buy you new clothes." Shen Limin held down his hand. Shen Yun, who wanted to follow, pushed Shen Yun directly in the direction of Shen Hua'an's home.

Shen Yun was helpless. After thinking about what happened to him today, he wanted to tell the capital city about it, but he didn't force it.

Looking at them walking away, he walked towards the courtyard of his aunt's house.

It was noon, and every household was cooking. Shen Yun was standing at the door of Huang's house.

"Hey, Yunyun, why are you standing at the door when you are here? Come in quickly. Then you will hear my mother say that my uncle and the others are here and specially asked me to buy something." Shen Yun was about to go in when he met the man who had just Huang Bin buys things from outside.

"I just arrived. My dad and the others are busy and have already set off to receive the goods. Please tell aunt not to prepare anything. We have all eaten." Shen Yun heard that Shen Huaan was cooking and said quickly .

Two people entered the house, and the people in the house also heard the noise. Shen Hua'an, who was wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen with a spatula in hand, "It's true that your dad and the others didn't come to my place to eat when they came to town. I have everything ready." What Shen Yun was talking about outside just now She heard it clearly and said something slightly dissatisfied.

"Dad, they also want to come over. But there are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. They are still in a hurry and want to do business for a few more days. Why don't we collect more goods today." Shen Yun said quickly.

"Okay, I don't blame them. They don't come, so we can eat." Shen Huaan laughed again in a blink of an eye.

"Hua An, the food is burnt. Hurry up and let the two children sit in the room. Come and help." Another person walked out of the kitchen hurriedly. It was his uncle. Shen Yun thought that his uncle was working overtime again, but he didn't expect that he was already working overtime. came back.

Seeing that the person was in good spirits and the dark aura on his body had disappeared, Shen Yun suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment.

“Uncle, you are at home too.” Shen Yun quickly greeted him.

"I got off work early today. I'll help your aunt in the kitchen. You and your brother can go play in the house quickly." Huang Song said with a smile. He was recovering from his illness, but he didn't look as serious as before. Shen Yun saw that there was no place for him in the kitchen, so he didn't rush to help, "Auntie, I've eaten outside. You guys can make some for yourselves." Shen Yun said and followed Huang Bin. This side of the sofa.

“Uncle is fine now?”

“Well, the situation is much better than before. After this catastrophe of life and death, people have also looked past it. I always thought that I was incompetent before, but now I actually think that I, a son and a child, can be taught.

It’s really rare to be able to cook like this in 800 years. Now I don’t take the initiative to work overtime. I come back every day to cook with my mother. "Huang Bin shared Huang Song's changes with Shen Yun in a low voice, and the relaxation between his eyebrows was visible to the naked eye.

"Isn't that great? That's how it should be. My uncle is old and can't stand working overtime every day. Now it's up to you to take over. Let you do it." Shen Yun agreed with a smile.

"Isn't it? I had to get off work early that day, and the old man didn't like me. Fortunately, I am his biological son, otherwise I would have been kicked out." Huang Bin leaned on the sofa and said with emotion.

Shen Yun didn't expect that he would have to face this situation. He lived next to his boss, and he lived in his boss's home. It was like a brother and a sister.

“Brother, I gave you the money I borrowed from you last time when I went to school. Sister, I have money now, so I’ll give it to you.” Shen Yun took out the 400 yuan he had specially reserved and gave it directly to Huang Bin.

“Oh, what are you doing? The pocket money my brother gave you is not for lending to you.” Huang Bin quickly waved his hand.

"That won't work. My aunt is still waiting for you to save money to marry a wife." Shen Yun directly stuffed the money into his pocket, and then used clever tricks to trap him on the sofa.

"Hey, you girl, why do you have such a tough temper? Okay, brother, stop it. Let me go quickly. You are so thin, why are you so energetic?" Huang Bin broke away several times, but found that it had no effect. He couldn't help but speak.

Shen Yun let go of the man and saw him looking at him with strange satisfaction. He said calmly and calmly, "It's useless even to look at my divine power."

"Okay, I don't know what's wrong with you, but each of you has become better. It seems that I have to exercise more, otherwise it will be bad if I meet suspects like you in the future." Huang Bin said jokingly.

 “More exercise is a good thing.

By the way, brother, I want to ask you something, that is, have you ever heard the term Immortal God while you were handling the case? "Shen Yun thought about it. He went to several villages this morning and encountered people worshiping stone statues, and the people worshiping them were all a little weak. However, it was much better than the first village, and the number of people was still higher than that of the first village. A hospital takes a little more.

"God of Immortality? Let me think about it." Huang Bin's face became serious as soon as he heard Shen Yun ask serious questions. He used to be laughing and joking when he first started working, but now he is serious when he is being trained by Huang Song. .

"I seem to have heard this from my colleagues. They believe in this in their village. It is the newest religion. There is nothing illegal anyway. It is a free belief for ordinary people. What's wrong? Why are you asking about this? Are you planning to worship one? Wait. Can I rely on this to find a good job and a good marriage in the future? "Huang Bin was still talking seriously in the front, but he was a little bit crooked in the back, looking at him with a gossipy face.

 (End of this chapter)

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