The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 117: If I hadn't acted quickly, I might have been more unlucky than you.

Chapter 117 If I hadn’t acted quickly, I might have been more unlucky than you

However, the continuous sound of breaking wind around him prevented Shen Yun from having so much time to pay attention to the other people.

 Wave Qingfeng, solve your current troubles first, and then see how others are doing.

 The sound of breaking wind continued in his ears, and Shen Yun's movements did not stop.

He kept walking forward, and when he got out of the fog, the sound of the wind disappeared.

 Shen Yun glanced at Qingfeng Sword Sound, and found nothing left on it.

It seems that there is some phantom formation in this maze. It is true and false, making it difficult for people to figure out. This is the brilliance of this formation.

Shen Yun walked forward carefully, and saw another place in front of him, a dark alley. This must be due to the influence of the formation, otherwise there would be no alley in the wilderness.

Shen Yun stood still for a moment at the entrance of the alley and stepped directly in. Although the defensive magic weapon he carried could often cause him injury, it would never kill him. After several times, Shen Yun had figured it out clearly. This defensive formation always controls the damage within the range that one can bear.

Looking at the calm alley in front of him, Shen Yun thought carefully about the placement of the formation flags he had just seen before entering.

 With the various formations I saw in the book, although this is a combined formation, there are still traces to follow. If the formation cannot be broken, Shen Yun plans to find a way out and walk out directly.

Thinking like this, Shen Yun didn't wait for an attack in the alley. He directly used his sword to tear down the entire alley in a few strokes. Seeing the dark quiver under his feet that had not yet been fired, Shen Yun was thankful for his reaction. Better is faster.

 Without even leaving these things intact, Shen Yun began to move quickly.

 Tear down whatever you see along the way.

After Shen Yun sprinkled water on the road full of snakes and passed the electric test, he saw Xu Ling, who was in a panic, stumbling towards him with short hair that stood up on end, "Chen Yun, don't go that way. Go, there's electricity." I didn't forget to remind him while walking.

Shen Yun felt a little guilty when he saw her hairstyle.

"Are you okay? Have you seen the other people?" Shen Yun forcefully began to change the subject.

"No, I was alone when I came in. First I was chased and stung by a swarm of bees, and then I encountered a landslide. I was almost dead." Xu Ling stretched out her hand that was stung by bees like a steamed bun, and touched it gently Touching the wound on her face, she hissed in pain.

"Then you are much better than me. If I hadn't acted quickly, I might have been more unlucky than you." Shen Yun comforted Xu Ling.

 The next two people started to look for the other three people. Xu Ling had a thorough experience of what it means to move quickly.

Beautiful small gardens, before they appreciated them carefully, saw Shen Yun's sword waved, and the entire garden was turned over.

The poisonous insects hidden in the ground were dug out, exposed to the air, and then slipped back into the soil.

 The two people passed the garden smoothly, and then they saw Yuen Long who was attacked by wolves. He was bleeding and they both thought that this man had been sent away.

Unexpectedly, there was still a pulse at the touch. After Xu Ling's superb acupuncture skills, the person could breathe again.

“Thank you for saving me.” Yuen Long thanked him as soon as he woke up.

"Okay, you're welcome. There are still two people we haven't found yet. Do you want to rest here or come with me to find them?"

 “Let’s work together, multiple people take care of each other.

Sister Yun, I will support Yuen Long, you should take the lead. "After the experience he just had along the way, Shen Yun successfully transformed himself into a sister.

Shen Yun didn't know what was going on outside, and he didn't dare to stay inside for a long time. He helped the person hold his hand and walked towards a place below.

 When everyone was found, Shen Yun thought carefully about the places he passed.

 Start to carefully analyze the specific location of Shengmen. "Why do these pictures look so much like what Teacher Zhang drew when he was free?" Xu Ling asked curiously beside Shen Yun.

“Part of it was taught by Teacher Zhang, do you think it looks like it or not?” Shen Yun said directly.

 “Like.” Xu Ling nodded.

 Shen Yun turned his gaze back and quickly calculated the position of the living door.

 "Yes, here." Shen Yun pointed happily.

"Come with me, everyone, be careful." Shen Yun led the people directly towards the place he was interested in.

This guy outside is very cunning. He just exchanged the positions of the door of life and the door of death, so Shen Yun didn't find the right one for a long time.

The Gate of Life is in a dark place, and looking at the environment it looks like the Gate of Death.

  Shen Yun led the people over directly. It went smoothly and he did not encounter any strange attack methods.

 The moment he walked out, he saw the opponent attacking directly towards this side.

 Breaking the formation actually had no effect on this person.

 Shen Yun thought so and directly raised Qingfeng to resist.

 Feel the opponent's soft attack, and then see the opponent retreat quickly under your attack.

Shen Yun chased after him directly. It would be difficult for this person to escape today. It would be difficult for him to come out again in the future. Not everyone is so stupid and thinks that he can come out to make trouble because of his high strength.

"Jia Weihe, why are you here?" Shen Yun watched helplessly as Zhang Qingan opened the door and walked out, facing the man in monk's clothes.

Shen Yun was just thinking about how he could jump over the man in monk's clothes and get the person away when he heard Zhang Qing'an's voice.

 Does Teacher Zhang know this person?

"Who are you?

 Old man Zhang. "Jia Weihe listened to this name that he had not heard for many years, and then looked at this silver-haired old man, the one who insisted on accepting him as his apprentice many years ago. It was obvious that he was moved in two days, but he didn't Thinking of this guy walking away quietly.

 I was abandoned once again.

Jia Weihe sneered, stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Qingan, and put one hand on his neck.

"Everyone stop, or I will send this old man to see the King of Hell." Jia Weihe said threateningly.

“If we are going to fight, what kind of man is it to take an old man as a hostage?” Xu Ling said anxiously when she saw Zhang Qingan was arrested.

 “Haha, little girl, are you trying to reason with a bad person?

Old man, look at these people you abandoned me. They are all stupid and have no talent. Why did you leave without saying goodbye? In order to find you, I traveled to many places and met many good people. . "Jia Weihe said this, looking slightly crazy.

"Weihe, when my enemies came here, I left without saying goodbye in order not to inconvenience you. At that time, I left a letter with Anzi next door. Then I went back to look for you, but I couldn't find you. I have been looking for you for so many years. You." Zhang Qingan explained anxiously.

"The people next door have returned to the city a long time ago. How can I still remember your instructions? As for finding me, do you think I will believe these words? Don't think of me as the fool I was back then." Jia Weihe said with a sneer.

"How could I lie to you? I have always regarded you as my own child. I have not been married for so many years and have no other children. I have been looking for you." Zhang Qing'an said excitedly.

Shen Yun looked at Jia Wei and Zhang Qing'an's hands with bulging veins, and clenched Qingfeng's hands tightly.

 (End of this chapter)

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