Chapter 119 Processing

 Shen Yun tried it with the Qingfeng Sword, but there was no reaction. It seemed that the stone statue in front of him was not made of simple things, otherwise Qingfeng would not be able to use it with a medium-grade magic weapon.

  Shen Yun thought for a while, put several boxes together, and took out a thunder talisman directly from his pocket.

With a slight flick, the thunder talisman came directly close to the stone statue. When it touched the dark red aura talisman, it began to burn. You could see crackling thunder and lightning flying between several stone statues. The dark red aura disappeared as if it had encountered a nemesis.

 When the two of them looked at it again, the stone statue seemed to be burnt.

"Isn't this made of stone? It can't be cut with a sword. Why did the thunder electrify it like this?" Yuen Long asked puzzledly.

Shen Yun took a closer look at the stone statue in front of him. It seemed that it had lost its support, just like a withered branch. "Keep it for now. Let's find someone to investigate when we get back to the headquarters."

"Okay." Yuan Lang nodded, sealed a few boxes, put them in his bag, and left.

 Shen Yun returned to the front and saw that several people had helped Zhang Qingan into the house.

"How is Teacher Zhang doing?" Shen Yun looked at the person lying on the bed and asked Xu Ling on the side.

"Thanks to the timely treatment, the person woke up just now, but Teacher Zhang knew that Jia Weihe had entered the formation we arranged, so he sighed and went back to sleep without saying anything." Xu Ling told Shen Yun. He pulled aside and whispered.

Shen Yun looked back and said, "This person who could be normal for a while and who has been thinking about him for more than ten years turns out to be like this when we meet him. It is a thrill for everyone. This incident probably hit Teacher Zhang quite hard." Big. Let him rest for a while.

 You look at the people, and I will go to the formation to look at them. If people run out, it will be our fault. "Chen Yun didn't say anything about what Zhang Qing'an just reminded Jia Weihe. A person with a high moral sense like Zhang Qing'an would blame himself to death. What he was talking about probably left a knot in the old man's heart.

 After all, the old man has taught me talismans, and he can be regarded as his enlightenment teacher.

“Go, go, Teacher Zhang is here to watch.” Xu Ling nodded to express that she understood, and urged Shen Yun to go out.

Shen Yun went out and saw Huang Bin coming back pushing his bicycle.

"Brother, didn't you leave just now?" Shen Yun pushed Huang Bin away just now, but he didn't know that he would be back again now. The danger has not been resolved yet.

"Don't worry, I won't stay too long. I'll give you breakfast. I'll leave right now. When your affairs are over, go to the Public Security Bureau to find me first." Huang Bin didn't say anything more and handed the breakfast to him with a solemn expression. He gave it to Shen Yun, got on his bicycle and left here quickly.

Shen Yun looked at the breakfast in his hand a little helplessly. From the look in Huang Bin's eyes, he must have seen the scene of their fight when they had not gone far. He was so focused on dealing with Jia Wei and the above that he did not notice this.

Thinking about whether his grandpa was still in the town or not, Shen Yun planned to take the old man with him directly when the time came, so that things would be much easier to handle.

 Carrying breakfast, he walked directly to the entrance of the formation.

Listening to the sounds inside, Shen Yun continued to send spiritual energy directly to the Jade Eye Tablet. When it was almost done, he took back his hand and started eating his belated breakfast.

"You tell me when is the right time for us to remove the formation. Otherwise, if the person is really dead, nothing can be found out, and we don't know what the stone statue is made of." Seeing Shen Yun eating, the other two were idle. People came directly over.

The two people lay on the wall of the courtyard and glanced at the slightly smoky but empty courtyard. Listening to the voices in their ears, they saw the power of the formation for the first time. Thinking about what they had done shortly after joining the special department. They decided to study Teacher Zhang's complete collection of talismans when they returned home. "Don't worry, the people inside are also masters of formations. We have trapped people for a while and a half and we are going to hurt them badly. It is probably a bit difficult. Just wait slowly. It will probably be fine in a day or two."

Shen Yun and the others really waited here for a day and a half. When there was no sound inside, Shen Yun took out his net and blocked the top of the yard, and then pulled out the jade sign from the door.

  Opening the door and walking in, he saw Jia Weihe lying on the ground with his face covered in blood and his eyes staring straight at this side.

"Don't pretend to be dead yet. When you step on this road, you should have thought about today's ending. Those who were killed by you don't know how they died. You can still know your situation in the future, but I'm really giving you an advantage." As Shen Yun spoke, he lowered the net and restrained the person.

The formation reduces the opponent's combat effectiveness and consumes the opponent's spiritual energy, but for a person like this, who knows if he has any other means. Shen Yun does not dare to take it lightly, so it is safer to restrain the person.

"It's a failure today. I didn't expect that this old man said that he wanted me to be his son. Everything was a lie. He also hid such a powerful formation without telling me. I am willing to admit defeat and let you do whatever you want." Jia Weihe He didn't pretend to be dead, he lay on the ground as if he had given up.

Shen Yun glanced at him and directly used Qingfeng to lift his bag aside.

 Looking carefully, he found that there was nothing that could be used to commit suicide, so he walked over and knocked the person unconscious with one palm.

“Sister Yun, what should we do now? Transport the people to the capital first?” Xu Ling asked, looking at the people below.

"You guys should look at the arrangement. I'll tie him up first. There's no danger. Then give me my net when I get back to the capital."

By the way, let me tell Captain Yan that the energy inside the stone statue is still there. It needs to be properly sealed and studied. This person must not be allowed to come close. By the way, can I ask if the things in the stone statue can be returned to the person? "Chen Yun reminded.

 “Aren’t you going back to the capital?” Xu Ling asked anxiously.

"I came back to celebrate the New Year. I just got home and was pulled out for a few days. I don't know what happened to my family. Anyway, this person has been tied up. I won't have anything to do with him later. If you can go home, you should go home. "Chen Yun is going to be the hands-off shopkeeper next.

"Okay, let's go first and go back to report things. You can celebrate the New Year at home first." Zhang Qing'an has been getting better in the past two days. When he heard Shen Yun's words, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Although he has planned to resign from his position in the special department, this task was led by him, and any reports that should be reported later, and those that should be reviewed and commended must be done well.

Shen Yun watched as several people packed their things and drove directly to Jia Wei and Chaojing City.

 Go directly back to the room where you just set up the formation, and take out the formation stones that you finally made.

Shen Yun will deal with everything that is stuck in the cracks in the wall, buried on the ground, and the formations drawn on the ground.

First he took out the formation stones, and then dealt with the lines carved on the ground, but he directly kicked something with the sole of his foot.

 (End of this chapter)

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