Chapter 121 Special Operations of Special Departments

 “Grandpa, do you know everything?” Huang Bin asked with some disbelief.

“I know, I know, I’ve known it for a long time.” Shen Guoliang nodded naturally.

Huang Bin looked at Shen Guoliang with admiration. The old man was so calm. He didn't react at all when he knew that his granddaughter had joined a dangerous and mysterious department. He didn't worry at all when he knew that Shen Yun dealt with some dangerous people and things every day. There was no expression on his face. Sure enough, his reaction was a little big.

"Okay, grandpa, now that you know, let's talk about it in detail when the time comes, but you should tell me this when you go back. A little girl, don't fight so fiercely, just rush up in a daze, I'm so far away She looks scared, please advise her to hide behind her next time, wouldn’t there be a few colleagues there?” Huang Bin advised her.

Shen Guoliang didn't know that there was a fight going on. This time when he heard Huang Bin say this, he was stunned.

“Grandpa, don’t you know me yet?” Shen Yun looked at Shen Guoliang’s reaction, glared at Huang Bin, and said loudly.

Shen Guoliang looked at his fairy-like little granddaughter and couldn't imagine what it would be like for her to fight and rush forward.

But looking at Shen Yun's eyes, he also knew that Shen Yun wanted to remind her that she was an immortal cultivator.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk about her when I get back. Why don’t you go back and do your work first?” Shen Guoliang started to send Huang Bin away directly.

"Okay, by the way, Shen Yun, we still have to investigate the follow-up matters. If there is a situation, I want you to go over and solve it." Before leaving, Huang Bin thought of something and talked to Shen Yun.

"I don't know about this." Shen Yun didn't receive any orders. Besides, this matter has basically been solved and everyone has been arrested. If he has to deal with the aftermath here, he can't ask others to come over. Now he He still carries the punishment on his body.

 This is somewhat disrespectful of this punishment.

“Oh, Mr. Zhang specifically told us when he left, I thought you knew about this matter, saying that you are solely responsible for what happens here.

  Anyway, it is a matter of cooperation between the two departments. They have all left. We will visit nearby villages later. If you find a situation like the previous few days, you still need to go over and solve it. "Although Huang Bin didn't see how Shen Yun dealt with it when he was on the mountain at the beginning, he saw it when he was at the bottom of the mountain. Shen Yun was slashing in the void with a sword, and occasionally he would pull something out of thin air. , although it seems to him that he is a little mentally disturbed, but it is undeniable that after this operation, many people's conditions have indeed improved a lot.

This may be a special operation of a special department. Huang Bin could only console himself in this way. Anyway, he couldn't do the natural movements that Shen Yun did at that time.

"Okay, if there is something, you can ask someone to come over and inform me, and I will solve it." Shen Yun thought about it and Teacher Zhang did say that he should be responsible when he was here. If there are stone statues later, he really needs to solve it himself. After all, Currently only you can see the connection cable.

"Okay, then I'm leaving. This is my filial piety to you, grandpa. I won't go if I don't have a holiday before the new year. I will go to the mountain to pay you New Year greetings after the new year." Huang Bin stuffed something into Shen Guoliang's pocket. He ran directly to the police station.

"How can this kid be so honest? I can't spend much money, so why give me the money?" Shen Guoliang said helplessly as he looked at the fifty yuan he took out of his pocket.

“Grandpa, if you don’t want to spend it, just keep it and give it to your cousin when he gets married.” Shen Yun suggested with a smile.

“Okay, it’s up to you.” Shen Guoliang stuffed the money into his inner pocket and kept it, “Let’s go buy candy. Grandpa brought the money.”

 The two people left the Public Security Bureau and walked directly towards the store.

There are no big supermarkets in Zhenshan, but there are several small shops.

The two of them bought some candies in the store. Shen Yun wanted to buy other things, but Shen Guoliang stopped them.

“I have melon seeds and peanuts at home, and I can just try other things when I buy them back, so there is no need.

 When the conditions at home improve and I can eat it more often, I will buy it. I bought it now. If I don’t have this condition in the future, I will let the children think about it every day. "Shen Guoliang stopped Shen Yun and said.

 Old people have their own reasons.

Shen Yun was not stubborn with him. He originally wanted to buy it for the old man to try, and it would be the same when he comes to buy it next time.

 The two people left the store happily.

“Yun, tell me, grandpa, why do you still have to fight with people when doing archeology?” When he walked to the door of the Public Security Bureau, Shen Guoliang remembered what Huang Bin had just said.


It was the other party who started the trouble, stumbling for us, and even came to provoke us. I couldn't watch Teacher Zhang and the others being beaten, so I just wanted to scare and stop them first. I would use my measures in a measured way and nothing would happen.

 Look, if I hadn’t called my cousin and all the people from the police, nothing would happen later, otherwise my cousin would have caught me first. "Chen Yun directly changed the concept and vaguely explained what happened.

Shen Guoliang really didn't hear it, "I used to think that although your job is a bit strange, it is also very good to do things for the country. Why do you still have risks in doing this now?"

Are there some grave robbers who want to compete with you for the country's treasures?

These people are all powerful. Teacher Zhang and other scholars are indeed a bit softer, but girl, you should restrain yourself in front of outsiders next time, otherwise, if you are so fierce in the future, it will spread among your classmates and teachers, and it will be difficult to find a husband. "Shen Guoliang successfully transferred the content of Shen Yun's words to another aspect, so that Shen Yun no longer had to think about it.

"I will definitely take it easy next time, but grandpa, let me tell you, these people are bad..." Shen Yun cooperated with the old man to complain. As for what kind of job Shen Yun does and who he fights with, then... important.

 Wait for the two of them to return home, chatting and laughing.

 Several other people have returned.

"I'm about to go find you. We've packed up everything. Let's go now." Shen Limin saw Shen Guoliang and Shen Yun and came over to greet them.

"Let's go. I'll take my things with me." After speaking, Shen Guoliang walked directly into the house.

"Yunyun, where have you been these past few days? I heard from your grandfather that your teacher is here again. Did you find another ancient tomb somewhere?" Shen Limin asked.

"No, I just heard some rumors. I accompanied the teacher to check around the area in the past few days. I was delayed by something, so I came back so late." Shen Yun quickly explained.

 “That’s good, go out with the teacher and work hard.”

 Shen Yun nodded.

Walking into the room, others asked again, and Shen Yun repeated the explanation he had just given to Shen Limin.

Several people have seen the excavation of graves. Teacher Xu and his students lived in the mountains for many days, and no one suspected it.

 (End of this chapter)

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