As for what a person is like, you can find out just by taking a pill.

After all, Shen Yun was no longer the novice in alchemy at the beginning. He practiced five pills at once, took out three pills and installed them separately, and then left the space directly.

When we got downstairs, dinner was ready. A family of more than 20 people crowded the room slowly, and they didn't pay attention to serving food on the table. Each person took a bowl and filled it with a bowl of hot rice. Just find a place to sit or squat, and dinner begins for a group of people.

 Although it's not like everyone sitting together at Ji's house, it is much more lively than that time.

 After finishing the first reunion dinner in full swing, the people who had just cooked went to rest while the few who were not cooking took the initiative to stop the dishwashing work.

Shen Yun wanted to go over to help, but was pushed outside.

“There’s no room left in the kitchen, so go out and play games with your brothers and sisters.”

Shen Yun was pushed out directly before entering the kitchen.

The eldest cousin and the second cousin were playing with the children at home. Two of the four younger brothers ran out to play wildly. One was being held in his arms. The other one was with the third cousin and the fourth cousin, and was with the one who had just returned home. Shen Guoliang talked about what he saw outside.

 Shen Yun looked at this situation and walked over directly.

“Yunyun, come here and listen to their working life outside. Although they don’t earn much money, this is life experience. We should learn from it when we go out to work in the future.” Shen Guoliang enthusiastically greeted Shen Yun to sit down.

However, when Shen Yun said this, he saw that the faces of several people opposite him froze on the spot.

 The situation was a little awkward for a while.

"Grandpa, you can't say that. The wages are low now. It's their first year out and my cousin is unfamiliar with the place. It's not a bad thing if they don't starve themselves to death." Shen Yun thought for a while and felt that the young man's face was good. Still have to be a little cautious.

"That's right. Although we have been owed wages, fortunately we haven't been left behind, which is pretty good. Anyway, our family has made some money this year. I don't expect them to have enough money to celebrate the New Year." Shen Guoliang looked at the tall and thin man. Although the grandchildren did not make any money, they came back in good health.

"Yes, yes." Shen Yun echoed awkwardly. He felt that the eyes of the people opposite him were a bit wrong. This was not what he thought. Who would react like this when they see their grandson who has not come back for a year? It shouldn't be Is it rare? Is it really because I have more grandchildren that I don’t care anymore? This knife is really piercing the wound.

"Grandpa, it's not like we didn't bring back a penny. Look at our travel expenses, plus the things we bought back, plus the money we brought back. It's quite a lot, right?" Shen Jian couldn't bear it. Zhu opened his mouth and said.

“Anyway, your parents will save the money you brought back for you. This will be the basis for choosing a partner in the future.

By the way, have you met a suitable girl outside? If she is suitable, bring her back and see. "The old man said with concern.

At first, the money talk was good, but in a blink of an eye, the old man began to urge the marriage. This was something that none of the three people expected.

"Grandpa, I'm still young, so there's no rush in this matter." Shen Jian quickly took it out.

"You two are already 21 years old after the Chinese New Year. How about it? There's no rush." ​​Shen Guoliang's eyes skipped Shen Jian and looked directly at the third and fourth grandsons.

The two of them were silent together. Even Shen Heng, who had always been good at talking, didn't get over the old man's urge to marry. "Well, the economy in the south is too impetuous. Although we are not ugly, haven't we just left? Grandpa, you already have two great-grandchildren, so don't rush us." Shen Heng finally said on his own initiative.

"Okay, I don't care about you anymore. Look at your small bodies. Practice hard at home these days. Hey, if it doesn't work, just stay at home next year. It's not easy to go out." Shen Guoliang looked at the three faces that were thinning. His grandson couldn't help but say soft words in the end.

"No, grandpa, we are doing well outside. Although we didn't make much money in the first year, we will definitely make it next year. Besides, we can also see the world when we go out. What can we do at home? There isn't much land." Shen Jian said quickly.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you. Just don't regret it when the time comes." Shen Guoliang waved his hand and didn't force it. He was older and looked away.

"By the way, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, and Fifth Brother, I specially prepared this for you." Shen Yun saw that the conversation between several people had come to an end and took out the Peiyuan Pill he had prepared from his pocket.

 “Thank you, sister.” Shen Jian took it directly.

 Shen Yun handed the remaining two in his hand to the other two brothers.

"What is this?" Shen Jian quickly took out the Peiyuan Pill and was holding it in his hand to look at it. It was a pill the size of a soybean, dark brown and not eye-catching at all.

"Hey, little bastard, what are you going to do?" Just as Shen Guoliang was about to speak, he saw Shen Jian putting something like pills that Shen Yun gave him on the table to grind. He had seen this color before and gave it to his son-in-law. This is it, it’s a good thing, a life-saving medicine. Is there something wrong with the health of these three children?

 Shen Guoliang was shocked and anxious now.

"Grandpa, why are you so nervous? I just want to see what this is." Shen Jian took back his hand with an innocent look on his face and put the sheep shit-egg-like thing in his hand back into the small box given by Shen Yun. .

I've never seen someone give me this as a gift. Could it be that the tape I just gave him didn't suit my liking and I just got a random gift for myself? Or maybe this sister looks good but is actually the same as Momo.

The two cousins ​​next to him also opened the gifts given by Shen Yun. When they saw the things inside, they were holding them in their hands and quietly moved them farther away from their bodies.

Shen Yun was amused by the reactions of the three people. Although the color of Peiyuan Dan was not good-looking, it exuded a faint medicinal fragrance, so he would not have mistaken it for anything else.

 Besides, I am not a person with a bad taste, and I don’t like to make myself disgusted.

“This is a great tonic, is it good for your body?” Shen Yun explained.

"Did you hear it? This is a good medicine given to you by Yunyun. If you don't know the heart of a good person, eat it quickly and don't worry about it." The old man looked at the three grandchildren sternly, and then directly took Shen Yun out to talk.

“Grandpa, what’s wrong?” Shen Yun asked curiously.

"Yun, tell the truth to grandpa. Are your brothers in trouble? Don't hide it from grandpa. I can bear it." The old man said with a serious face.

Shen Yun understood what it meant as soon as he thought about it. After all, the last time he gave medicine to his family was when his uncle was in poor health.

"Grandpa, where are you thinking? The three of them are fine. It's just that they probably had a fight with someone in the south and their health has not been well maintained. This thing I gave is to nourish the body. It's okay. After eating this, they will be in good health. ." Shen Yun quickly comforted him.

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