With Boss Fu's ability, he can reach the height of the second floor with a light jump, which means that he must have some back-up plan or some kind of escape route in this study.

Now that Lao He has been sent out, it is very likely that this person is not Lao He.

Shen Yun didn't expect that a person with such a high level of cultivation as Boss Fu would be so cautious in meetings. People who care about their lives are not easy to deal with.

Shen Yun stood aside and calmed down the aura on his body. Although he had used the escape talisman now, he could not be careless. People had made so many preparations in their own lair. As an outsider, he had to be more careful.

Shen Yun didn't wait long when he saw a person hurriedly walking in from below, walking hurriedly towards the second floor.

Shen Yun saw him opening the door and chose a location where it was easy to get in.

This man knocked on the door, and sure enough, there was a voice calling to come in. Fortunately, he didn't open the door rashly and go in. If he had gone in, wouldn't he be face to face with the person directly?

The man only felt a gust of wind appear around him, and then it disappeared. He thought it was brought up the moment he opened the door, and didn't think much about it.

"What happened? Did you find that girl?" Boss Fu opened his eyes and asked the person who just came in.

"Boss, this hasn't happened yet." After saying this, the man felt a little nervous and quickly continued, "It's a matter of the Du family."

"Du family?" Boss Fu thought for a while before he remembered which Du family it was. A small wealthy family, I used to care a little about it, but now I don't need to care too much.

"Yes, boss, the only son is not dead and is back. As you know, his father had many friends before his death. Now many people support him to get back the Du family's property. This makes Mr. Tang very passive. He will Waiting outside the villa, I don't know if you want to see him." The man said quickly.

Here, Shen Yun quickly found a place and stood quietly. He heard this man say that someone was looking for Boss Fu, and his heart moved, wouldn't this opportunity come?

“No, don’t bother me with such an insignificant disappearance next time.” Mr. Fu waved his hand and said with a bad face.

“Boss, he said he has important news to tell you.” The man said calmly.

 “What’s the news?” Boss Fu asked.

"He said he wouldn't tell him until he saw you." The man's voice became smaller and smaller, for fear that Boss Fu, who was sitting over there, would be unhappy and kill him.

 Hearing what this man said, Mr. Fu's anger suddenly rose.

"Boss, don't be angry. I remember that the person named Du was taken to the mainland by Fang Qin before? Why did he appear again now? I didn't hear that the person named Du ran away at that time. With Fang Qin's temperament, I guess at that time, I will take Du Chuyao to the Lingshi Mine. Do you think the matter at the Lingshi Mine has something to do with this person named Du?" When the man saw Boss Fu looking straight at him, he was forced to retreat due to the aura. He knelt on the ground in two steps and put aside his guess.

When Boss Fu heard this, he realized that it was really possible. Fang Qin had liked people named Du before, and he had entrusted the person to her. It was difficult to guarantee that she had not directly killed the person, but had taken good care of him.

 Otherwise, it would be unexplainable how Du Chuyao, who was seriously injured at the time, came back alive.

“You go over first and ask the people who came back with Fang Qin about the specific situation there. I’ll go over and meet Tang Xuewen.” Boss Fu finally stood up.

“Okay, boss.” The man responded and quickly walked outside.

Boss Fu didn't know what to do in there, so he pondered for a while before closing the door and walking out.

Shen Yun waited for a while and saw that there was really no movement in the room, then he started to move.

As soon as he walked to the place where Boss Fu was grinding, Shen Yun realized that he seemed to be exposed. This guy just set up a small formation here, and now he is trapped in a trap.

 Sure enough, even if you are careful, you are still careless.

I really didn’t expect that this person could see through his disguise. He was very careful when he came in, but he still had his eyes closed when he entered. How did he find out?

Shen Yun was confused for a moment, and then he took the time to find what he wanted to see, and carefully observed the layout of the room. It was a normal study room with a large bookshelf and a large solid wood desk.

 The strange thing is the messy lines on the entire wall.

Shen Yun took a closer look and realized that it was still changing at this time.

Shen Yun glanced at it and withdrew his eyes.

Looking at the Yin Qi gradually seeping in from the bookshelf, he planned to trap himself here, use the Yin Qi to kill himself, and then use this Yin Qi formation to turn himself into a puppet.

Shen Yun glanced at the formation that was gradually changing on the wall. This formation was quite powerful and could be controlled by others.

The last time my consciousness tried to come in, this thing attacked me. This time it was indeed worth the trip.

Shen Yun covered himself with a layer of spiritual energy, which directly blocked the increasing Yin energy in the air.

Let’s first check the entire formation along its route. This is a Yin Gathering Formation, which is similar to the Qi Gathering Formation outside.

But something very strange is that part of this formation is hidden behind the bookshelf.

Shen Yun took a closer look at the bookshelf. There were some ordinary books on it. He flipped through it quickly and found that they were all ordinary books and did not record anything extraordinary.

Shen Yun was thinking about the formation lines hidden behind the bookshelf, and wanted to find out if there was any secret room behind it.

 Before I was about to move, I noticed the door handle moving.

Shen Yun was stunned. He came back so quickly. Was he sure that he had been subdued?

  Shen Yun reacted quickly and hid directly in the spot where he had just been hiding.

 The escape talisman on his body has not lost its function yet.

“Find someone to get Du Chuyao over to me immediately. He must know the whereabouts of the spirit stone.” Boss Fu said as he opened the door.

"Yes." Then Shen Yun heard the footsteps outside going away.

Boss Fu walked into the room. The yin energy that had begun to increase in the room was instantly sucked into the bookshelf, and the graphics on the wall began to change again.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment. Could it be that he hadn't been discovered? This was a unique setting in the room.

Shen Yun felt more and more that there was something terrible in this room.

 Then I saw Boss Fu going to the place where the trap array was placed and playing with it a few more times, and then the trap array in the entire room disappeared. Under the operation of Boss Fu, the bookshelf at the back was also opened directly.

Different from the mountains of spiritual stones he imagined, the entire secret room did not look like a scene in the human world.

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