Shen Yun glanced at the almost destroyed room, walked directly to the edge of the hole and jumped down. As expected, there was a large basement underground.

There are a lot of things stored here, but Shen Yun didn't have time to look at them.

 Looking alertly for Boss Fu who just jumped down.

Although Shen Yun didn't find anyone with his spiritual consciousness, Shen Yun encountered several things that could resist his spiritual consciousness during this period. If he didn't search carefully this time, it would be terrible if he was attacked later when he was looking at things.

I carefully walked around the basement and saw only some blood stains left by Boss Fu on the ground. No one found them at all. The blood stains also disappeared around a corner.

The people who were about to be dealt with let him run away again, and Shen Yun angrily poked the ground with Qingfeng.

 The hard ground was stabbed directly into the hard ground like tofu meeting a knife.

 I pulled up the green peak and prepared to see if there was anything useful in the basement, when I found a faint light coming from the sword hole.

Shen Yun was stunned. Just now, he was wondering if there would be spirit stones stored by Boss Fu in the basement. He didn't know what he was thinking. This was not in the basement, but directly in the ground.

 Shen Yun directly used the earth spell to dig three feet into the ground.

The shimmering spiritual stones in the ground were all turned to the ground.

 There are a lot of them, almost as much as those stored in my own space.

 Shen Yun was not polite and directly received these spirit stones into his own space.

Looking around the entire basement, Mr. Fu had collected a lot of things. Shen Yun looked at the useful things and collected them directly. He didn't know how many people this man had hurt before he got these things. It was ill-gotten gains and he could feel at ease with them.

 I will donate these antiques to the museum when I get back.

 Walking to a shelf in the corner, Shen Yun saw an inconspicuous black box.

It looks inconspicuous, but the way to open it is not easy. Shen Yun has seen this thing once during archeology in his previous life. This kind of box uses a Luban lock. If it is not opened in a specific way, the contents inside will be directly damaged.

Shen Yun studied it for a while. This box should be from the same era as the box he had seen in his previous life. Thinking about how the box was opened in his previous life, Shen Yun started to operate it directly.

After a while, the box was opened, and a piece of parchment exuding a strong Yin aura was directly revealed.

Shen Yun used something to directly open the parchment, and some words were recorded on it, but the words on it were not in his country's language.

Shen Yun put it away directly and restored the box, and the Yin Qi was isolated by the box again.

 Looking at the entire basement that had been moved by him, it was empty.

Shen Yun left the basement and returned to the study room.

As soon as I got here, I saw the fire filling the area.

Shen Yun looked through the window and saw a group of people standing there, indifferent to the fire.

"What a bunch of lunatics. They just burned this place down to deal with me. It seems like this point is an insignificant stronghold. I thought I had found my lair." Shen Yun muttered, and directly scraped away the things in the study. , and then added a fire to the compartment. He directly controlled Qingfeng to leave this place through the window.

Boss Fu, who is thousands of miles away, just wants to deal with Shen Yun as soon as possible. As for the spiritual stones in the ground, he is not afraid of fire and is hidden deep, so he has nothing to worry about.

As long as a fire burned the people in the villa to death or drove them away, she would not be able to find her whereabouts.

 You can dig it back wherever the spirit stone is.

Shen Yun, who returned home with a full load, did not leave the port city directly, but searched directly in the sky with his flying sword. In the end, Boss Fu didn't find it, but he found that the entire port city seemed to have more yin energy than the mainland, which shouldn't be the case.

  Could it be that the extremes of things must be reversed? The intensity of sunshine here is greater. If the yang energy is concentrated, it is normal. If the yin energy is heavy, it will be unbalanced.

Shen Yun found a deserted place and stopped directly.

 I didn’t find anything above, maybe I can see something different below.

Shen Yun was like a country bumpkin who had just arrived, walking through the streets and alleys regardless of the disdainful looks of others.

After walking through many streets, Shen Yun discovered the reason for the gloomy atmosphere in this place. It turned out that some businesses like to hang cloth banners on their doors. The problem was a small sign. Although many colors and shapes were different, The seal-like pattern on it is actually a small formation.

This had no effect in the previous era when there was no spiritual energy, but now with the emergence of spiritual energy, Yin energy also appears. This small formation is the Yin Gathering Talisman. One has no effect, and there are too many in this place. There is more and more yin energy, and people live in such a scene all day long. Is that still okay?

 In the end, it is estimated that except for cultivators, everyone will die like Lao Hei and then mutate. If a large puppet refining array is added to this place, then...

Thinking of this, Shen Yun took a breath, this is a cruel person.

“Yunyun.” Shen Yun was checking how many banners there were on the road when he heard someone calling this name.

There was no one he knew in Hong Kong City, so Shen Yun didn't realize that he was being called.

It wasn't until the person walked up to him that Shen Yun realized that this face seemed to have been seen somewhere before.

 “Who are you?” Shen Yun asked directly.

 “I, Du Ji.” The person opposite said happily.

"Oh, it's you. You look familiar to me. You've come to Hong Kong City too. Young man, that's good." Shen Yun dealt with it politely and looked at the other person who had risen to another level in just a few days. Shen Yun Yun's praise was more sincere.

"I am from Hong Kong City. You have helped me so much. I don't know how to thank you. In this way, I will take you to dinner and buy you some clothes and other things. Just treat it as my heart." Du Ji was very happy to see Shen Yun. He regarded the Shen brothers and sisters as his saviors. He thought that it would be difficult to see each other after the two places were separated. Unexpectedly, he met Shen Yun just a few days after returning.

"By the way, you were taken over by Fang Qin, are you okay?" Two days ago, he found out that the Fu family was searching for a girl from mainland China, and he had been worried about it. Now that he saw that Shen Yun was not caught by the Fu family, he was happy. Incredible.

Others are afraid of the Fu family, but he is not. They are all mortal enemies, and he doesn't care about robbing people this time.

"It's okay, but I can't accompany you to eat and buy things now. I have important things to do now." Bu Ban hasn't figured out the matter yet.

"What's the matter? Tell me and I'll see if I can help." Du Ji said quickly to the side.

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