Of course Shen Yun didn't know about Du Ji's sorrow at this moment. If he knew, this matter would be easier to handle. Although she is a cultivator, she is also a layperson. The two of them are not very familiar with each other, so she can accept money or other things.

It’s a pity that she didn’t know this at this time.

Looking at the sincere look on the other party's face, he said, "Well, you can help me find someone. You know the boss of the Fu family. If you find out where he is, let me know, okay?" Shen Yun thought that he couldn't Because I couldn't find Boss Fu, I stayed in Hong Kong City. There were still many things waiting for me to do in the mainland. It was almost half term since school started, and I didn't even show my face. How could I still graduate early?

There is also the matter of the Shen family's cultivation. I was in a hurry last time when I went back and didn't have time to talk about it. I haven't given the cultivation method yet. This is a top priority.

"Fu family, why did the Fu family offend you again?" Du Ji asked doubtfully.

"Don't you know, Fang Qin's boss is Boss Fu." Shen Yun said doubtfully. He was so rich and didn't even know which family member had harmed him. Is this person really reliable?

“You mean the Fu family is Fang Qin’s boss?” Du Ji asked with certainty.

"Of course, I was brought there personally by Fang Qin. By the way, Fang Qin is dead now. The grudges between you and her can be considered settled." Shen Yun thought about it, Du Ji seemed to say that Fang Qin coveted his beauty. Because of sex, he took people to the underground spiritual mine and made a drama of sadomasochism and deep love. This will remind you of Fang Qin's consequences, she kindly reminded.

"There is no grudge between me and her. We have a grudge." Du Ji was unhappy when Shen Yun said this. He felt it was a shame to put it with that woman's name.

"Okay, no matter what it is, it's over now. But her boss has run away and I can't find his people. Please help me pay attention here. If you see someone, just ask someone to go to the mainland to send me a message." , Don’t go up by yourself, this person is very powerful, if you go up by yourself with such a small body, you may be dead,” Shen Yun reminded.

"Okay, I know my abilities and I will definitely not act rashly. I will cherish my life after finally saving it. After all, I may not be so lucky to meet you next time." Du Ji nodded.

Although he now knows that the collaborator behind his uncle Tang Xuewen may be Boss Fu, but Shen Yun said that powerful people, even if he hates them, he will wait until his strength is reached before taking action. After passing through the spirit mine, he can He is no longer the impulsive and irritable boy he used to be.

"By the way, do any of you named Du have the name Du Chuyao? Remind him to be careful lately. The person named Fu wants to arrest him now. It's a complaint made by a person named Tang." Shen Yun suddenly remembered what he heard at Fu's house before. The information he received was all surnamed Du, so he treated the other party as a reward for helping him find out the information surnamed Fu.

 As for the eye contact between the two people next to him, he pretended not to have seen it.

"Thank you for reminding me of this matter. I will deal with it when I get back." Du Ji didn't say anything.

 The name is just a code name. What outsiders know is your big name. As for your nickname, of course, only people who have good friendships can know it.

"Okay, in this case, I won't waste time here. I still have things to do. You really can't help with this. When there is news here that day, you can just ask someone to go to the building next to Pengcheng Railway Station in the south. Just talk to me on the 19th floor. If there is anyone I know, they will inform me." Shen Yun has no plans to have dinner with him. She has entered the foundation building stage for a long time, and it will not affect whether she eats or not. What.

In the end, Du Ji didn't invite him to the meal. Seeing Shen Yun leave without looking back, he felt a little helpless. Why was it so difficult to repay a favor?

"I'll give you the gift of saving my life. Master, your face is still good, don't give up." Feiyang, who was standing next to him, saw Du Ji looking longingly at Shen Yun who was leaving, and joked next to him.

Du Ji seemed to have an idea for a moment. This was a good idea, but his current strength was still weak. People were looking for evenly matched people for marriage, and he was obviously not within the other party's choice. You still need to improve your own strength first.

“Feiyang, let the whole world search for the ore I brought back.” Du Ji immediately ordered Feiyang again.

"Okay, young master, I will take care of this matter, but according to what the young lady just said, your situation is very dangerous now. Let's not wander outside. I will handle the matter of the cloth banner, and it will be burned by then." , Your main thing now is to improve your strength and secure your position as the group boss, otherwise it will not be easy to do anything you want to do," Feiyang reminded at the side.

"Let's go back to the old house now." Du Ji didn't sit around outside and got into the car directly, and the two of them started to drive back.

After Chen Yun handed over the matter, he happily flew towards the mainland with his flying sword. The target was very clear. The location of the spirit mine. I hope Fu Wuyan would be smarter and not be caught by the people from the special department so quickly. , otherwise I would not be happy.

 She rushed forward as fast as she could.

 Soon we arrived at the Lingshi Mine.

Before the heavy cloud fell, I saw some people coming in and out of the Lingshi Mine.

At first glance, the situation did not look like that of Fu Wuyan and the 10 cultivators he brought.

Shen Yun found a place to get down, and then walked directly over there. Sure enough, he was right. He was indeed an employee of the special department here in the south.

 This meeting is transporting the dead body out from inside.

As soon as Shen Yun walked inside, he saw the strong man he had seen at the front desk of the special department here that day.

His eyes were also very good, and he directly saw Shen Yun, "Hey, you're back. Hurry up. Your three brothers are pestering our boss to death. Please ask our boss to find you every day. You also know that we are really It's hard to intervene, but the boss has already dragged someone he knows to inquire. I didn't expect you to come back now. Hurry up and rescue our boss from your brother." The strong man couldn't wait to drag Shen Yun. Walk towards the old dilapidated office building.

"When did you come here? Did you meet anyone else?" Shen Yun was not worried that the other party's boss would be annoyed to death. After all, Shen Yun had never seen such a way to die.

“When your brother came to look for us, we came here. Knowing that you, Team Yan’s trump card, had been taken away, our phone calls were all over the place, and the boss had no choice but to switch to work here.

  It has been four or five days since I arrived. "The strong man complained as he walked.

"Thank God you're back. Otherwise, I'm really afraid that if your brothers don't fight, Team Yan will go there personally, and it will be a bad thing if there is a dispute."

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