Chapter 17 I have an addiction to matchmaking

 Early the next morning, Shen Yun went directly to the town with his eldest cousin.

Originally, Shen Yun would have been faster by herself, but her family was afraid that Ji Yun would get lost again on the way, and strongly asked Shen Chen to come with her. Shen Yun had no choice but to agree.

 Fortunately, Shen Chen's speed is not slow either.

  It didn’t take long for the two of them to reach the town at full speed.

Shen Yun went straight to the post office. After graduation in his previous life, he often worked with his teacher in school. He clearly remembered the phone call.

“Hello, Teacher Xu, I am Shen Yun, a student in Class 2 Archeology Class 88.” The call was connected, and Shen Yun reported his home address directly.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Xu Zhang searched his memory, but he didn't remember much about this student named Shen Yun. He was in charge of all the students in the 4 classes of Grade 88. He usually had a lot of work, except for the class cadres. At most, the students looked a little familiar.

But now the phone can reach his home. It seems that this student is not easy.

Of course, Shen Yun didn't know that the teacher thought he was not simple. He only found out about it after working together in his previous life, and he just found a convenience in this life.

 Shen Yun directly told him about the situation in the cave.

Hearing that it was a tomb from the Zhou Dynasty, he immediately became interested and asked about the details carefully. Shen Yun told him everything he saw.

"Okay, okay, I'll find a few people and I'll be there in two or three days." Xu Zhang didn't think about how the other party knew his phone number at this moment. He just thought that this student was very good. He could roughly judge the year of a tomb, so he didn't try to be aggressive. , but came to find myself, very good, stable, suitable for this industry.

"Okay, teacher, just come over and go directly to Baiyun Village. I will take you there then." Shen Yun confirmed the address for the other party.

The person over there was in a hurry to find someone, so he hung up the phone.

"Is that enough?" Shen Chen didn't expect it to be so simple. The teacher just asked a few words and would come from the capital, so he was not afraid to lie.

“Of course, let’s go, I’m going to buy something.”

I have been here for a long time. This is Shen Yun's second time in town. His little brother is going to be a full moon soon. As a sister, I should prepare something.

Originally, Shen Yun thought of buying two sets of clothes for the child, but there were really no clothes for a newborn in this county.

“Sister, let’s buy some cloth and make it back home. My mother and second aunt are both good at making clothes.” Shen Chen asked Shen Yun clearly what he wanted to buy and directly suggested it.

Shen Yun did not hesitate and bought a large piece of cloth directly.

 I bought some more food, weighed a few kilograms of meat, and ended the shopping.

She still has enough money for tuition fees, but there is not much more. It is difficult to make money in the countryside, but in the capital, this is not a problem.

 The two people carried large and small bags and returned to the village before noon.

"Oh, Shen Chen and the college students from our village are back. Where did they go shopping? These college students are different. Look at these big and small bags." The two met a middle-aged woman at the entrance of the village, looking at them curiously. They looked at Shen Yun and the things they were carrying.

"Brother, who is this?" Shen Yun has been mostly at her home and old house in recent times. People in the village live in open spaces, and she has rarely seen many people. "This is Aunt Meihua, the matchmaker of our village." Shen Chen pulled Shen Yun back slightly and whispered.

"Auntie was joking, we just went to town. The family is still waiting for dinner, and my sister is tired from walking. We won't delay Auntie while you eat. Let's go first." After saying that, he dragged Shen Yun. Head up.

“Hey, why are you walking so fast? I still have something to say.” Zhang Meihua watched the two people in front of them leave in a hurry, and angrily stamped her feet behind them. Brat, he was the one who talked about his wife back then. Now that he has a wife, he is a matchmaker, right?

Since the two houses are not far apart, I thought I wouldn’t be able to get there.

 “Brother, why are we running?”

"You don't know, Aunt Meihua said that she is very addicted to coal. Whenever she sees a man or woman of the right age, she wants to talk to her. At her place, if you are 19 years old, you meet her matchmaking standards. You can get married in two years. Married. If we don't leave, she will probably show you the young talents she has." Shen Chen said with lingering fear, he had experienced it himself.

Shen Yun didn't expect that there were only a dozen households in this mountain village, and they were all related to each other. There were still people who had such a hobby. It was funny to think about other people being chased and introduced to someone, but if this person was replaced by Myself, that wouldn't be fun.

"Let's go quickly." At this moment, her speed was much faster than Shen Chen in front.

 When I got home, the meal was almost ready.

“Grandma, we bought some meat. See if you want to cook it.” Shen Yun said while looking at Yang Xiaocao who was busy in the kitchen.

“Oh, what kind of meat are you buying? Silly girl, leave some money for your schooling, and you can buy things at home.” Yang Xiaocao saw what was in Shen Chen’s hand and patted Shen Yun.

"It's okay, it's only a few dollars. I also bought a big piece of cloth. You and grandpa can make a dress each. Let's see if the leftover materials are enough to make one for my little brother." Shen Yun held Yang Xiaocao's arm. The hand said with a smile.

"Your grandpa and I are so old, why don't we wear new clothes? I made them for you children to wear." Yang Xiaocao quickly waved his hands. The loess was buried up to his neck, but he was still wearing new clothes. The children at home were still wearing new clothes. Wearing patches.

"Grandma, we are still young. We will wear more new clothes in the future. As you and grandpa get older, you will need to wear more new clothes." Shen Yun originally wanted to use this quick cloth to make a few more clothes for his little brother. But when he saw Yang Xiaocao, he suddenly changed his attention.

  The old man is indeed very kind to me and loves him from the bottom of his heart. Of course, he cannot live up to their love for him. As for others, it’s not like they don’t love him. As he said, his age is different.

When Yang Xiaocao heard what Shen Yun said, she didn't have any inhibitions. She immediately laughed and said, "Okay, grandma will only wear new clothes once. This is my eldest granddaughter's filial piety."

After saying that, I took the cloth and went to look for the old man.

 The remaining Shen Yun and Shen Chen took over the kitchen work.

Shen Yun took advantage of Shen Chen's lack of attention and directly added some spiritual spring water into the water tank, which could subtly change the physique of the family members.

Shen Yun has been doing this secretly for several days and is very skilled at it.

After lunch, the family had just dispersed when they heard a slightly familiar voice coming from outside. When I looked up, I saw that this was not the Aunt Meihua I saw when I came back in the morning. Why did she chase her back to the house? You don’t really want to find someone for yourself.

 (End of this chapter)

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