Chapter 183 Chapter 184 (183) One's own people cheat one's own people

"It's so late if I don't study. It ends at eight o'clock every night." Studying all night is not an option. He has to practice. What he studies now is also review, which is very easy for Shen Yun.

"Damn it, you secretly became a genius when we didn't know about it. No wonder you didn't even go to the library when I asked you to go. It turns out that you have opened up your study skills. I'm envious. This means that you can go out to work right away. I have achieved financial and life freedom." Although several people complained, they were still happy for Shen Yun, and at the same time they couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"What kind of freedom? You don't have the freedom to go to school when you are working. Don't envy me. You can still relax for a few more years. How about you learn from me and apply for early graduation with me." Shen Yun said, sandwiching himself between The curriculum in the book showed up, "Look, this is the curriculum."

A few people glanced curiously, "Okay, don't tempt us. With this class schedule, I guess I'll die from overwork in a week." A few people were a little ready to make a move, but when they saw Shen Yun's The course schedule even had classes in the evening, so I immediately gave up the idea. Youth is just the right time. Wouldn’t it be better to live a few more years? Why should they imitate other geniuses and graduate early? Maybe they can choose to take a postgraduate entrance examination then. This is not much easier than graduating early. .

"It's not that exaggerated." Shen Yun looked at the class schedule. There were only a dozen classes a day. It was not like this in high school. Now it is not a problem for Shen Yun. After all, if it were not a matter of habit, she would not even It doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep at night, it’s just trivial to take this little class.

"Okay, you can go on your own, the sisters won't accompany you, but if you have something to say, don't hide it and embarrass yourself." Several people gave up the idea of ​​accompanying them, but in the end Still said it thoughtfully.

The time spent in class together passed quickly. After two classes, Shen Yun had to change classrooms, and they also had to go to the library to continue their efforts.

A few people separated at the door of the classroom, and Shen Yun walked directly to another classroom.

"Give way." Shen Yun glanced at Ji Shen who was deliberately blocking his way. He hadn't seen him for a long time. After he warned Liu Qingsong last year, Ji's family never came to harass him again. How could he not see him for a year and now? I feel uncomfortable coming here again.

"I heard that your family has no money and almost couldn't go to school. Now you understand the Ji family." Ji Shen still looked arrogant. After saying this, he stared at himself, as if he wanted to See yourself in pain and regret.

"Are you showing off how rich the Ji family is? It looks like I'm going to go to the relevant departments to ask if it's normal for a family like yours to be rich, especially when no one in the family is in business." Shen Yun looked at the young man in front of him. , said with a smile.

"You...white-eyed wolf, our Ji family can withstand the investigation." Ji Shen said angrily, but his words were a bit false. After all, he has not entered the workplace yet and does not know the specific situation of his family. Shen Yun said this Said that he himself was a little doubtful.

"You are always at a disadvantage, and you come here to find trouble every time. You remember to eat but not take food. Don't delay my class. Go home first and ask about the situation at home." Shen Yun accelerated directly. He bypassed Ji Shen next to him and continued walking towards his classroom.

Ji Shen looked at Shen Yun's back. Thinking about what Shen Yun said just now, he was a little worried about the situation at home and walked directly downstairs.

Shen Yun looked at the fool below. Even if the Ji family really has something to say to someone like you, besides, there are several people in the Ji family now getting paid, and the money spent is definitely a normal source of income. As a result, this fool, himself I actually believed it once I said it.

This time it’s not you who is tricking the Ji family, it’s someone else who is tricking their own people. If you do this, don’t say it yourself, it is estimated that their family will be investigated soon.

Shen Yun doesn't have so much time to worry about the Ji family's affairs. Her next class is about to begin.

After a whole day of classes, when Shen Yun walked home, it was already past 10 o'clock in the evening. The whole alley was pitch dark, and he was the only one getting off work.

 But she is very talented and bold, so she has nothing to fear.

 Walking to his dormitory, he noticed that the defensive formation he had set up was somewhat strange. Shen Yun opened the door directly and walked in. He found that there was an extra stone in the yard, and no one came in. It seemed that he threw a stone in first to test it.

Shen Yun took one look, walked over and kicked the stone aside.

She is not afraid of whose handiwork this is, nor does she want to know whose handiwork it is. Anyway, no one has come in. She can just catch them when they come in.

Shen Yun went in to put the books away, then came out and added a trap outside the defensive formation, so that even if the thief came, it would be difficult to escape.

After finishing packing, Shen Yun thought about what he had not said to Yan Han at noon and called him directly.


"I forgot to tell you something. Jia Weihe should be much more powerful than what we saw. He is a very powerful talisman master. We didn't know if it was intentional or for some reason when he was caught. I suggest you step up. Keep an eye on him and don't let him escape," Shen Yun reminded.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to arrange this immediately." Yan Han did not doubt what Shen Yun said. Jia Weihe's danger level was already very high. Now that his spiritual energy has revived, it is not impossible to raise it a few more levels.

Hang up the phone, Yan Han immediately started to deal with the matter.

Shen Yun glanced at the still dark lamp next door and started meditating directly in the room. After an afternoon of work in the Spirit Gathering Array, the spiritual energy in the room was already very strong. Although it could not compare with his own space, for those who could not advance yet, For Shen Yun, daily practice is enough.

 Stay outside in the first half of the night, and continue to go into the space to practice swordsmanship and alchemy in the second half of the night.

There are three levels of elixirs: upper, middle and lower. I am currently refining a lot of middle-grade elixirs. Most of the elixirs in an elixir furnace are high-grade, and occasionally a little more.

However, if he refines a new elixir, it may not be successful, and there is a high possibility that a low-grade elixir will appear. Shen Yun must practice more now to improve his success rate and grade of elixir.

After all, the higher the level of the elixir, the higher the level of spiritual plants it needs. Just like the Nine Turns of Resurrection Pill, it requires a precious Millennium Resurrection Grass. I only have two Resurrection Grasses that can meet the requirements to refine this elixir. pellets.

Most of them will wither automatically after less than that many years.

With these two surviving treasures, Shen Yun can only ensure the success rate of refining the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill by improving his alchemy skills.

 If it doesn’t succeed, then there is probably no chance.

 (End of this chapter)

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