Chapter 190 (190) What kind of beast is this?

He was on the phone when he found Yan Han. Shen Yun sat directly next to him and waited for him to finish the call.

“We’ve captured all the people. We didn’t keep an eye on them this time. It’s probably not going to be that easy to capture them again in the future.” Shen Yun spread his hands and said.

“We still have to catch him, otherwise what will happen if he does what happened to the stone statue again?” Yan Han also had a headache. He had already added more people to guard him. Who knew that this person could still run out quietly.

 The means are really powerful.

"You think I'm stupid. I was caught doing this last time, and this time I used such an obvious method. You don't think this is the only way I can do it." Shen Yun thought for a moment. If he were Jia Wei and , I will definitely not do it the same way again, but I can give this method to others.

"That's what you said! Now the main thing is to find out how the person escaped, whether someone among us rebelled, or what happened." Yan Han sighed, got up and went out to continue doing things.

"It's not necessarily that someone has rebelled. I've seen someone use this method of escaping in Hong Kong City." Shen Yun thought about Boss Fu's method of escaping. Although he didn't see it, it can be said that it was no different. Suddenly disappeared.

 “How did you escape?” Yanhan’s attention suddenly shifted.

Shen Yun saw him looking at her with bright eyes, paused and said, "I didn't see him, he didn't run in front of my eyes."

 The two fell into silence again, and neither time saw the key point.

 “What’s the name of that man in Hong Kong City?” Yan Han asked.

"Do you know the Fu family? The boss of their family, Boss Fu, is also related to the Southern Lingshi Mine." Shen Yun directly said the name of the person, "Last time in his lair, I had people run away. Hong Kong I don’t know the city well, so I asked my friend to check it out for me. I guess he is working in the dark, and there is no news from there for such a long time.”

"Shen Yun, when you talk about this, I really have to admire you. You can even go to Hong Kong City for a visit. It's amazing, but it's a pity that you didn't arrest the person directly.

Alright, I'll have someone go over and keep an eye on the Fu family. The main thing now is to find Jia Weihe.

But these are not as important as improving your own strength. You don’t need to find someone this time. I just want to trouble you when I catch the person. I think I will lock the person directly in the Shanhe Sheji Tu. How can he escape when the time comes. "The cold ninja girl said.

Chen Yun suddenly felt that this idea was not a bad idea, but he directly put a prison in the Shanhe Sheji Map. According to their cultivation level, if they died, they could live for about two hundred years, and then they would be locked up for one or two hundred years, and then they would be there. To avenge those they killed.

"Okay, you can call me when the time comes." Although Shen Yun was interested, she was alone after all, and she had no way to find anyone.

There was still a person lying at home waiting for her to break through and rescue him. After Shen Yun gave Yan Han some ideas, he went directly back to his place of residence.

 Everything is secondary, improving your own cultivation is the most important now.

Shen Yun practiced for a while and returned to Xue Yi's home again at night. At this night, Xue Yi was the only one in the entire mourning hall, and other neighbors and friends who were worshiping had left here.

Shen Yun stood on the roof not far away and could clearly see the scene in the mourning hall. Xue Yi was sitting alone in the mourning hall, as if he was sad and in memory.

Shen Yun muttered something, offended, and his spiritual consciousness directly penetrated into the coffin.

 As soon as I entered, I saw a skinny woman, which looked very similar to someone who had fallen ill and died.

There is no kind of vulnerable, corpse, and soul imprisonment that Shen Yun imagined, but it is more kind than his old man. Shen Yun then used his spiritual consciousness to search the whole room again, but found nothing different. The Yin dagger has not been found where it is, and no one from the special department has found it either.

Is this Xue Yi a rat? He has hidden something for so long and hasn't taken it out. Is he planning to keep it as a family heirloom?

Shen Yun stood there and looked at the opposite side quietly. There was no movement, and Shen Yun was about to leave.

Suddenly he saw the people underneath moving. He stood up slowly and opened the closed coffin again. Shen Yun thought he wanted to remember his wife.

 As a result, I saw him bending down and starting to move.

 The next scene is just like the last scene in the laboratory in his previous life.

Shen Yun held back the nausea in his throat, controlled the shaking Qingfeng in his hands, and continued to look at the situation below.

She just wanted to see what kind of beast this Xue Yi was, to do such a thing to his wife in the middle of the night.

 The person lying down is obviously in a bad state. If it is a person who has been dead for a long time, there will be no blood. But looking at him lying there motionless, as if he has no feelings, no one believes him even if he is not dead.

 But as Xue Yi moved, the aura of the person lying underground was changing.

There was no breath just now. Shen Yun thought it was a state of death. Looking at it now, it should be that he was in a state of suspended animation, and the current situation should be that he was really dead.

  Shen Yun felt a little unable to control the sword in her hand. Looking at this situation, her mind kept replaying the situation before her death in her previous life.

Watching Xue Yi take out something from the other party's body, and then watching the other party directly open a box in the coffin and tear off something, a strong Yin energy suddenly appeared, and Shen Yun could no longer stand. Stop and fly down directly.

 Slash directly towards the hand holding the vagina.

Unexpectedly, the other party is not a rookie either.

  Hidden away directly.

Shen Yun thought this man was just an ordinary worker, but after two dozen strikes, he discovered that this man was much more powerful than he thought.

Shen Yun watched him fight with him directly with the Yin weapon, without holding back his hands. He swung out the sword energy intensively, leaving wounds on the opposite wall and Xue Yi's body.

"Who are you, and what do you want to do in the middle of the night?" Xue Yi really didn't know when he had offended such a powerful person. After all, since the incident in Xicun, he had been keeping his duties and doing nothing. , during this period of time, it was obvious that the people staring at him were tired. Coupled with the recovery of spiritual energy, these people also needed to practice. There were even fewer people staring at him, so he took action. How could he know that he was being raped by this powerful woman again? Met.

“You don’t need to know who I am, you just need to know that I have been staring at you for a long time, and if you fall into my hands tonight, then just pray.”

People cannot be killed directly, but Shen Yun has no intention of subduing him with one move, and is ready to let him enjoy the feeling of being cut with a knife.

 (End of this chapter)

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