Chapter 196 (196) Teaching magic

“I arrived home at midnight last night and went over to see Shen Jian. I thought you should go to bed and not wake up my little brother again, so I didn’t come up.

I'm leaving tonight. I have class tomorrow, so I can't delay it. "Chen Yun explained Yang Cancan carefully.

Yang Cancan couldn't help but look a little disappointed when he heard that Shen Yun could only stay at home for one day, but he thought that he would have more time than last time when he was in a hurry, and he felt a little better.

"Mom made you some clothes for spring. You can try them on to see if they fit you. If they don't fit, I'll have them altered at home today. I originally planned to send them to you, but they're just in time." Yang Cancan didn't care about talking to Shen Yun. After speaking, he directly took the person and walked towards the room.

When he arrived in the room, Yang Cancan took out a large pile of clothes. Shen Yun thought there were only one or two pieces, but now it was obvious that there were more clothes.

 “Why did you do so many?” Shen Yun asked in surprise.

"It's not like I made some money before and after the New Year. The boys in the family have clothes to wear. You are the only girl in the family who is still going to school outside. You can't wear tattered clothes. Although the clothes made at home are not as good-looking as those bought outside, but They are all made of soft fabrics and are comfortable to wear," Yang Cancan said while getting ready to change Shen Yun's clothes.

Shen Yuncai left home not long ago, and his figure has not changed much. His clothes fit just right.

"Fortunately, my clothes are suitable. There is no need to change. It's just that you seem to have lost weight in the past few days at school. You need to eat more when you go back. I forgot to give you money when I left last time. You can take this. When you arrive, Don't be reluctant to eat at school. Although your dad's business is not as good as during the Chinese New Year, it is much better than farming at home. They occasionally go to the city now, and their business is still good. The family is rich." Yang Cancan. I packed my things and stuffed some money into them.

Shen Yun looked at a whole pile of ten yuan items, estimated to cost several hundred yuan, "Mom, I can't spend so much money, and I'm not losing weight now. It's just because of cultivation that all the dirt in my body has been excreted." The flesh is firmer, so it looks like I’ve lost weight.”

“It’s better to go out than at home, so it’s a good thing to have more money with you.

Speaking of this thing that eliminates filth, I really have a deep understanding of it. After practicing every day, I feel a layer of ash on my body, and it smells very bad. If your father and others didn't have the same situation, I would have thought I was sick. . "Yang Cancan said with a smile, because this matter caused a lot of mistakes.

“When the body absorbs spiritual energy, it will remove the dirt and impurities from the body. When you advance to a higher level in the future, your body will basically be free of these things, and you won’t have such troubles by then.

By the way, I will teach you a little spell later. It is not convenient to take a bath today. Once you know this little spell, cleaning will be much easier. "Chen Yun thought of the cleaning technique. Such a small spell can not only practice the use of spiritual energy, but also do housework. It can be said to be a must-have at home.

Thinking of this, Shen Yun thought of a few more spells in his mind. They were simple and easy to use, and more suitable for members of the Shen family who had just entered the bottom level of cultivation.

 After staying at home for a while, Shen Yun discussed this idea with his parents.

The Shen family has basically entered the first level of Qi training. As soon as Shen Yun said this, they proposed to go down to the old house to learn together.

 A few people walked directly towards the old house with their little brother in their arms.

By this time, all the people in the old house had gotten up. Those who practiced were practicing and those who were working. The division of labor was very clear.

As soon as Shen Yun said he wanted to teach them a little magic, everyone became interested and stopped working. They all gathered in the backyard to learn.

There are those who are talented and learn quickly, and of course there are those who are not talented. Shen Yun only teaches a cleaning technique in one day, and then the water ball and fireball technique.

“Let’s stop teaching here today. If you don’t know how to teach me later, I’ll ask you for advice.” When it got dark, Shen Yun announced that today’s teaching activities were over.

 “Okay, okay.” Everyone agreed, and then quickly pulled a few students to continue studying, and they were very motivated to study.

Shen Yun had dinner at home and then left Baiyun Village with the things packed by his family. On the way, he packed the things directly into the space. Shen Yun speeded up and rushed towards the capital city. The advantage of high-altitude racing is that the road conditions are good, there is no traffic jam, and you don’t have to worry about the difficulty of walking. As long as you avoid the birds in the sky along the way, you can have a smooth journey.

 So it was only after nine o'clock when Shen Yun arrived in Beijing.

"Are you off work?" As soon as Shen Yun stopped at the door, he encountered the severe cold next door.

"No, pack your things and go on a business trip. There was a strange movement of spiritual energy in the Qingshi Mountains a few days ago. The weather was abnormal. I suspect there is a new spiritual energy eye. There has been no movement in the past two days. I'll go take a look." Yanhan. He said something casually and walked towards the room.

Shen Yun looked at his back, how many days ago did Qingshi go? Aura changes? Weather changes?

 Which mountain range were you in when you advanced to Jindan?

Shen Yun thought about the direction. It seemed to be the direction of Qingshi.

Then the movement was not caused by oneself, right?

Shen Yun stood at the door and thought carefully.

"Why don't you go in? What are you thinking about here?"

"Um, it seems that I was responsible for that strange movement a few days ago. I was promoted there and was struck by lightning nine times." Shen Yun said with a smile.

Yan Han stopped walking forward, "You were struck by lightning nine times. Did you go to the doctor? How did you get back and forth in a few days?" Yan Han looked Shen Yun up and down, wondering if she was bragging.

“I’m fine. I haven’t seen a doctor. Although I was hacked, I’m fine.

As for how to get back and forth, of course I have my own method. You will know it when you get to the foundation. "Chen Yun said seriously.

This statement was more like bragging, but Yan Han knew that Shen Yun was not such an unreliable person.

 “When did you go there?” Yan Han continued to ask.

Shen Yun directly told the time of that day, the time of thunder and lightning, and the time of his return.

"Okay, let me check again." After saying that, he didn't leave. He went back to the room and started making phone calls.

 Shen Yun then returned directly to his home.

  After taking out all the clothes and food he had brought at home and putting them away, Shen Yun went straight into the space and continued to practice. He had not had time to practice alchemy these days, so he still had to continue practicing swordsmanship.

When Shen Yun got up early the next morning to go to school, he saw Yan Han going out next door. It seemed that he had checked yesterday and was not on a business trip. Shen Yun felt quite guilty because he caused a group of people to investigate for such a long time.

Shen Yun really didn't expect that he would be deep in the mountains. It will still be monitored. It seems that the current technology has gradually caught up.

 (End of this chapter)

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