Chapter 212 (212) Isn’t the boss changing his routine?

Shen Yun carried his small bag and walked away while everyone looked at him with envy. After passing the hospital, he said hello to several teachers who were recuperating, and left the hospital directly while everyone looked at him with reluctance.

 Find a secluded place and flew directly to the southern branch with his sword.

“Minister Qu, I’m here to bother you again.” Shen Yun found Qu Youtian’s office and greeted him with a smile.

When Qu Youtian saw it was Shen Yun, he happily put down his pen and said, "You're here, why didn't you say hello in advance?"

"It's not like I just left. I just finished handling the matters in the Western Province and came here. Didn't you say that if you want to go to Hong Kong City and go this way, would you introduce some guides to me?" Shen Yun said with a smile. .

As soon as Qu Youtian heard what Shen Yun said, he picked up the phone on the table and said, "Don't worry about this. I'll give you a contact person when you plan to go there."

"Tomorrow?" Shen Yun thought that it would be dark after today, but he was not in a hurry.

“I’m contacting the person now, and I’ll set off at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning. There will be people waiting there, all colleagues from the department. If you need anything, let me know directly then.

The boss of the Fu family is evil and mysterious. We have also investigated him, but he is very cautious and basically nothing has been found in the investigation. In addition, our people are not easy to use in Hong Kong City. In the past, you should communicate with them carefully. This is not your matter alone. If you need anything, contact your family in time and we will provide you with good back-up. "Qu Youtian explained while on the phone that it turned out that the special department had also noticed this person, but they were just investigating there in a disguised manner.

After the last incident involving the spiritual mine and harming people, they have discovered that Boss Fu has made some small moves in the mainland, so they cannot let him go. This will be a cancer for the future development of the port city.

Shen Yun nodded, "Okay, I'll trouble you." Since Qu Youtian has made arrangements, Shen Yun doesn't have to worry about anything. Anyway, he just wants to figure out the affairs of the institute. As for Fu Youtian, The disappearance of the family was a side mission. If everyone in the Fu family was evil, then I wouldn't mind doing anything about it.

"What's the trouble? You've worked hard all the way here. By the way, this is the contact information left by your friend in Hong Kong City. See if you need to contact me in advance. If not, then have a good rest and wait until you arrive in Hong Kong. The city is not so relaxed." Qu Youtian directly handed a note on the table to Shen Yun.

 Shen Yun then realized that Du Ji had left his contact information and put the thing directly into his pocket. Shen Yun planned to contact him again when he arrived in the port city.

He and Qu Youtian made an appointment for the time and place to meet tomorrow morning. Shen Yun didn't bother to find a guest house or hotel, and just found a place to practice in space for the whole night.

After so many days, Shen Yun practiced diligently every night, and the damage to his soul was finally healed.

 This injury lasted for more than half a month, and it was also the longest injury that Shen Yun had suffered since he started practicing.

Shen Yun took this matter to heart, and planned to wait until the research institute's affairs were completed, and then go find out if there would be a divine herb in a certain corner of the world, and then refine some nourishing pills. After all, he was living in this world. No one can guarantee that he will not be injured again in the future.

The next day, I left the space on time and came to the gathering place. After a while, two men and two women came over. They looked like ordinary office workers in the port city. They must have been carefully prepared. Shen Yun's dress is a bit outstanding. She is wearing a mid-sleeve dress with plate tops made by her grandma.

Several people took a look at Shen Yun's outfit before confirming that Shen Yun was the one they were waiting for. She looked like a young and beautiful girl. Apart from her good looks, her slender figure didn't make it obvious what was so great about her. , several people slandered in their hearts, but when they thought about Qu Youtian's repeated explanation when they arrived, several people still raised their smiles at Shen Yun, "Minister Qu asked us to prepare clothes for you, and you can change them when you get on the ship." , By the way, we are responsible for gathering some information in Hong Kong City, but you are still the leader, please give me more advice in the future. "

Shen Yun glanced at a few people, and it was not difficult to see what they were thinking. Although he was a little unconvinced with himself, he was also a person who obeyed the leadership, and suppressed his temper. This was fine, as long as he was afraid of that kind of thorn, he would not be afraid of anything. Don't be afraid and don't listen to discipline. As long as they can cooperate well, Shen Yun doesn't mind if they have a little opinion on him. "Thank you, and we will cooperate well in the future."

They got familiar with each other's names and the procedures for arriving at the port city. Without saying anything else, they went directly to the pier. There were already people waiting there. They saw a few people passing by and took them directly to the boat.

Looking at the way several people greeted each other quietly, they should all be acquaintances, Shen Yun calmly remembered it and found an excuse to go back to the room to change clothes.

"Didn't the matter this time involve Brother Huang leading the team? Why are you the only ones with a little girl? The boss must have changed his tactics." The person driving the boat obviously didn't know Shen Yun's identity. When he saw Shen Yun Yun went in and whispered to a few people.

"Brother Huang has temporarily taken on other tasks. This is a person from the capital city. He is our leader this time. I don't know if he is as good as Brother Huang. What we are doing this time is still a big task. I hope it will be normal by then." Let’s finish things safely and come back.”

A few people were a little frustrated when they thought about Shen Yu's age.

"You are all cultivators and you still want to listen to this person. This girl doesn't seem to have anything special. What is her background?" The man driving the boat was a little confused.

“I don’t know, the boss said this, we just need to cooperate well.” Although several people had some opinions on Shen Yun, they would not joke about the task, and they would definitely cooperate if they said they would cooperate.

Shen Yun listened expressionlessly inside. When he heard several people's conversation come to an end, he left the cabin and sat outside.

At this time, the sun was about to rise in the sky. Shen Yun would not be embarrassed to come out and absorb the first pure spiritual energy in the morning just because a few people said something.

As for the fact that several people couldn't see through Shen Yun's cultivation, Shen Yun decided to reveal it a little bit, so as not to distrust each other after arriving in the port city and delay the progress of the work.

Everyone was sitting beside the boat watching the sunrise, when suddenly they felt a huge coercion spread directly on the boat.

Everyone panicked, thinking they were being attacked by someone. They immediately picked up their weapons and started to be on guard. After waiting for half a minute, they didn't see the next movement. Everyone looked around in confusion and saw Shen Yun leaning against the door of the cabin. He was sitting with his eyes closed, and the source of the pressure seemed to be this pretty little girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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