A few people agreed, and Shen Yun and the others left the Du family's building quietly.

 Several people outside walked toward different places.

Shen Yun found a secluded place and walked directly towards the capital with his sword. This matter still needs the cooperation of Yanhan and the others to complete it better.

 The speed was very fast. Two hours later, Shen Yun had already arrived at the place.

 Going directly to the special department headquarters, "Is Minister Yan in there?" Shen Yun asked the old man sitting at the door directly.

"Here you are, let's go in." The old man seemed to be dozing off, but he was not ambiguous about Shen Yun's question.

Shen Yun thanked him and walked directly inside.

Shan Han is still working in the office as expected.

"Minister Yan, I want to discuss something with you." Shen Yun knocked directly at the door.

"You're back, the things in Hong Kong City are done." Yan Han didn't expect that the two of them had just talked on the phone, and within a moment, he saw someone appear in front of him.

“We’re working on it. I came back to ask you for help.” Shen Yun walked in directly.

 Sit across from the other person’s desk.

 He directly explained the plans of several people.

“The plan is rough, but it is feasible.” Yan Han thought for a while and gave a definite answer.

"Okay, let's go and do it. I will help you complete this matter. By the way, we have transferred the information of the research room. What is the situation inside? We have sent people to investigate. If it is confirmed, there is something inside If you violate the law, Boss Fu will definitely catch it," Yan Han continued.

"Okay, then we will decide on Kunlun Mountain, and I will ask you to send someone to coordinate with me." The two finalized the details, and Shen Yun stood up directly.

 She will first go to Kunlun Mountain to find a suitable place to move one of her little lotuses. Then she will take photos and other things.

If you want to catch someone with a higher level of cultivation than yourself, you must not miss the formation. You will see if the other party will bring that powerful formation master with him.

 At that time, there will be a contest between two formation mages.

Kunlun Mountain is a fairy mountain in legend. It has been mysterious and special in the hearts of Chinese people since ancient times. Shen Yun did not look for mountains on the outside, nor did he choose a place that was too inner.

  I directly found a relatively high mountain with drifting mist as my destination.

 The top of the mountain is covered with snow that never melts all year round, making it appear pure and quiet.

 Shen Yun dug a small hole directly on the top of the mountain with the Qingfeng Sword.

 Carefully fill the hole with spiritual spring water.

 Then he entered the space and transplanted one of the small lotus flowers.

Fearing that the little lotus would not be able to adapt to the outside environment, Shen Yun used spiritual energy to protect it. After thinking about it, he set up a simple spirit gathering array next to it. The gathered spiritual energy was enough for the little lotus to grow.

 After removing his spiritual energy, he found that the little lotus flower was swaying, as if it had adapted well to the environment. It seems that I was worried in vain just now.

Since there is nothing uncomfortable with Little Lotus, Shen Yun can start the next step. First, he takes the camera he brought and finds an angle to take a photo of the fairy-like Little Lotus.

Then he directly set up a defensive formation here, took the things he took and flew directly towards the capital with his sword. He handed the camera to Yan Han and told him the chosen address. Shen Yun headed back without stopping. Rush.

 Looking at the entire large area on the top of the mountain, Shen Yun directly began to set up the formation.

The formations that had been reluctant to be used in the past were not hidden away this time, and they were immediately set up.

 Large-scale formations consume a huge amount of spiritual stones, causing a lot of dissatisfaction among the possessive little ones in the space.

He has been screaming in Shen Yun's mind, and Shen Yun couldn't help it, and could only get Xiaojia out.

"Don't be angry. We are here to catch the big bad guy. We may need your help when the time comes. After the big bad guy is defeated, I will take you to find Wutongmu and Zhushi. Then I will build a more powerful one for you. A comfortable nest. Your current habit of liking spiritual stones is not in line with the nature of a phoenix. It is a bit like the living habits of a dragon.

 When the work here is over, I will take you to find out how Phoenix lives. Your life is too rough now, and I feel guilty. "Shen Yunlian is sincere and sincere.

  But I pondered what Xiao Bengqie said for a while, thinking about the two sets of inheritances in my mind, and for a while I couldn't tell which inheritance belonged to my family.

When he was a child, he was exposed to the living environment of dealing with spirit stones. He subconsciously chose one of them. Now that he heard Shen Yun say this, his outlook on life was a bit shattered. It turned out that his previous living habits were wrong. It's also very comfortable to sit on the shiny spiritual stone.

Shen Yun looked at the little Bengqi who was standing on his shoulder and meditating in the wind without disturbing it. When it wasn't paying attention, he directly took out a large amount of spiritual stones and continued to set up the formation.

Profound formations can kill people invisible, and Shen Yun left no room for it now.

 He directly used all his ultimate moves and borrowed the opponent's formation ideas. Shen Yun also used a few.

 It took five days of delay on this mountaintop to make the formation on this mountaintop disappear invisible and kill people invisible.

At this time, the Du family discovered the news about Little Lotus. They hid it, but in the end they were discovered by the hostile Fu family. In order not to let the Fu family take the lead, Du Ji led people directly to the mainland.

“Boss, do you think it’s true that the Du family got the news about Chaos Qinglian?

Now that the Du family has taken the lead, should we rush over immediately?

I heard that for this matter, I even spent a lot of money to invite Mr. Jiang to come with me, just to get this lotus in my pocket. "The subordinates talked to Boss Fu about the information he had collected. At first, he felt that something was wrong with the Du family's hiding. It took him several days of investigation to find out the information that the Du family had been covering up.

"Are you sure this news is true?" Chaos Qinglian is a legendary thing, and Boss Fu felt that something was wrong when he heard it.

"I'm really not sure about this, but you also know that the Du family is used to doing things to save face. It's possible that they know more about the news on the mainland than we do. My subordinates have already asked people to inquire about the news on the mainland." The man. While I was talking, the phone rang.

The man immediately complained to Mr. Fu and answered the phone. He didn't know what he heard, but he couldn't help but look a little excited.

"Boss, our people in Beijing have already found out. On the top of Kunlun Mountain, there is indeed a green lotus on the top of a mountain. It has an ethereal fairy spirit. A cultivator came close and took a breath, which directly promoted three minor realms. It's a pity that he was too weak at the time and Qinglian couldn't take it down.

He came down to find a friend and planned to wait for the green lotus to bloom before going up to try his luck. Little did he know that his friend wanted to monopolize the benefits and wanted to harm this person. The person was so angry that he directly made the matter public.

Now many cultivators are running towards the Kunlun Mountains, wanting to try their luck. "The man said quickly, the excitement on his face could not be concealed. This thing felt more magical than the stone statue, and what effect a treasure like this had, would only be clear when it was in his own hands.

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