Chapter 233 (233) Green tea for men?

"I haven't gone to collect my salary for several months. How do I know that I have become a regular employee?" Shen Yun slandered in his mind.

Yan Han didn't know what Shen Yun was thinking, so he just whispered to the side, "Don't leave until it's over. We need to have a small meeting."

Shen Yun nodded. It was just a meeting anyway. It has been three days and there are still a few more days to come. I don’t care about this time.

After the meeting ended, people walked outside one after another. Shen Yun sat on this seat and waited for the next meeting to proceed.

"Du Ji contacted me two days ago about the matter in Hong Kong City. The rest of the Fu family's manpower over there has been solved. We are currently promoting the stone statue. However, due to the appearance of the stone statue on Kunlun Mountain, Hong Kong City Many people who believed in the Immortal God were weak and sick, so the destruction of the stone statues went smoothly.

The Du family has also worked with our people there to handle the affairs of the research laboratory. Have you handled the research institutes in other places? "Chen Yun whispered to Yan Han and Qu Youtian beside him.

"I have brought the list from Boss Du to the capital city. Some time ago, Yan Han and I went out together to visit the leaders of the region where the institute is located. As for whether they will handle it in the end, this is not something we can decide. "It is no longer easy for them to handle their domestic affairs now. They can only rely on themselves for external matters. Anyway, when the two of them go out to talk, some people believe it, and of course there are others who are complicit. This is really not something they can interfere with. Yes, this is a national principle.

Hearing what Qu Youtian said, Shen Yun felt a lot more relieved. As long as domestic matters are resolved, other countries can only say that if their own people go out, they are probably more anxious to guard against their own people, not their own countrymen. established research institute.

 So Shen Yun was helpless. After all, she was a human being, not a god.

"Then this matter can be considered successfully concluded." Shen Yun was in a good mood.

"Yes, I have saved a lot of people, but there is another troublesome thing. The identity of the man in black is very mysterious and has not been investigated yet. Then there is the guy with wings, who is still there. He's been locked up, and he's making a lot of noise every day. "Speaking of this birdman, he has a severe headache due to the severe cold. He has been working for such a long time, and I have never seen such a naughty person. The person who guards him has improved his foreign language by leaps and bounds in recent times.

"What a hot potato this is. I still have a few white-winged people in my hand. Let's figure out how to deal with them together." After saying this, Chen Yun remembered the 16 people who were locked up in the spirit beast bag in Hong Kong City before. I immediately forgot about this matter when I got busy. Now when I heard Yan Han say this, it gave me a headache anyway, so many people gave me a headache.

The two people next to him looked over with a little surprise when they heard what Shen Yun said.

“You are really good at causing trouble, but people were busy when you came back from the port city. Where do you keep this person?” Qu Youtian asked in a low voice.

"Hidden in a mysterious place, don't worry, no one will find it. When you figure out how to deal with it, I will let you see it."

“Okay, you two wait here for the meeting. I’ll go back and think about what to do about this matter first.” After Qu Youtian finished speaking, he stood up and followed the crowd outside.

Shen Yun and Yan Han, who were sitting in the front, were waiting for the people behind to finish leaving. They could just use this conference room to hold a small meeting.

"Yunyun, are you Yunyun?" Shen Yun was sitting and discussing with Yan Han how to go to the place where elixirs were studied in the past two days to communicate, when he heard someone asking from behind with a little uncertainty. He hadn't heard this voice for a long time. When he heard it at first, Shen Yun was stunned for a moment. He turned around and saw the upright figure standing behind him.

"Long time no see, I'm Shen Yun now." Shen Yun looked at the people behind him, his face returned to the same expression as when he was just in the meeting.

“This family member told me that we have all been brothers and sisters since childhood. Although you have returned to your parents’ home now, there is no need to be so separated.

 I'll just call you Yunyun. If you don't mind, I hope you can call me brother like before. "The young man standing behind said with a serious face.

At this time, Yan Han next to him also turned around. He had seen Shen Yun's family members. This voice sounded strange. He should be from Ji's family.

Ji Jin over there saw Yan Han's face and his eyes flickered very quickly. If Shen Yun hadn't paid attention to him, he would have ignored the matter.

“Captain Yan, you are sitting with our family Yunyun. Thank you for taking care of my sister these two days.” Ji Jin said naturally.

This natural attitude is just like that of the elders who made the decision about their own marriage. The caring attitude does not show that it has been almost a year since I left the Ji family. This person has never asked me, and I have never seen him come to see me. , whenever I saw him after leaving Ji's house, I believed that he still had some feelings for me.

"My current surname is Shen. Your sister Ji Momo is at home. I have several brothers who are usually very free, but I don't have a busy person like you." Shen Yun turned around and stopped looking at this man's hypocritical face. .

“Captain Yan made you laugh. He was spoiled by his family when he was a child, and now he is still acting like a child.

We have lived together for more than ten years. Although Momo is my biological sister, you have been hurt by my family for so many years. How can you just let her go?

Do you mind when my mother brought Momo back? At that time, my parents also considered that they could not bear to see the uncles and aunts of the Shen family separated from their own flesh and blood, so they made this decision. I also told my mother when I came back, and she was sad more than once. I regret it. I'm usually busy with work. I didn't expect to meet you here this time. I'm so happy. "Ji Jin's words were so sincere that those who didn't know thought it was just an ordinary little dispute.

But the two people here knew the whole story, and Shen Yun knew the character of Ji's family even more. This paragraph was obviously not meant for him, but rather for Yan Han next to him. It seemed that Minister Yan's family The background is not simple, and if Ji Jin, who has always been arrogant, can say so many showy words in front of outsiders, it will definitely be of great benefit to climb into the severe cold.

Yan Han glanced at Ji Jin calmly. This guy was indeed not a good man. No wonder my sister immediately forgot about this guy after seeing him once.

"Of course I don't mind. After all, Shen Yun has the right to be angry now." Yan Hanyi said pointedly.

 (End of this chapter)

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