Chapter 235 (235) That thing looks like a pill

The sixth level of the Chaos Sword Technique seemed to come naturally. It was used without any difficulty in my own hands. Each move was more subtle and more natural than when I tried to draw it before.

Shen Yun practiced step by step until all the spiritual energy in his body was exhausted, and then he put away Qingfeng.

He first meditated and practiced to replenish the spiritual energy in his body, and then started to refine the neutralizing potion. This was relatively simple, and Shen Yun did it very quickly. When it was almost dawn, Shen Yun had refined one more potion than last time. times the amount.

This should be able to be used for a long time, but I also remind myself about this matter. I need to find a helper for myself. If I have something to do in the future, this helper can refine the neutralizing potion.

With this thought, Shen Yun didn't stay in the space any longer. The time was almost up, so he left the space. After cleaning himself up, he heard the honking of a car horn outside.

Grabbing his backpack, Shen Yun walked out the door. Now that he has a formation at home, people who know about it are basically waiting for him outside to avoid trouble when they come in. What they don't know is that this formation can only be used by himself occasionally. Run it when you are at home. Otherwise, if you run the formation every day, wouldn’t you still need spiritual stones?

Shen Yun sat in the cold car and the car slid out.

"Is it appropriate for us to go so early?" Shen Yun looked at the sky outside. Although it was getting early, it was only after 6 o'clock, and there were not many people on the street.

“It’s appropriate. Sometimes they study things and stay up all night. Did I call them specifically yesterday? I brought someone over today to let them know each other and remind them to get a good rest.

 At this time, they are probably already awake and waiting. Let’s go early to avoid them waiting too long. Yan Han said to Shen Yun while staring at the road ahead.

 “That’s okay.” Shen Yun didn’t have any objections to not delaying others’ rest.

The two of them walked in a winding way until they reached the outskirts. This place was quite good. There was no contact between the front and back. There was only a single building standing there.

"How did you get this place? It's really clean." Shen Yun got out of the car and looked at it carefully and said. This place occupies a large area, a large yard, and is covered by green trees, but the trees are still some distance away from the buildings.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Refining alchemy is all about playing with fire. We even had furnaces exploded twice in the city. We were afraid of causing fires and explosion casualties, so we moved the place here directly. The army is stationed nearby, so it's safe. ." Yan Han explained.

"This place is better than the city. It has a tall gate and a large courtyard, and it's also secluded." Shen Yun looked at the tall courtyard wall and the sign hanging at the door. No one without any trouble would go near this place.

"Let's go in and have a look. I was here a long time ago, and I don't know how I've been doing this time." Yan Han led Shen Yun and walked directly towards the gate.

There were people checking at the door. The two people were let in after showing their IDs. The management was quite strict.

"This place is nice. These medicinal materials grow very well, but they are all ordinary medicinal materials. Where are the spiritual plants we got back?" As soon as Shen Yun came in, he saw that the yard was full of things. Some herbs.

“Those plants are very large and they are grown in hidden places. There are specialized people studying the ingredients and uses of those plants.”

“Those are some spiritual plants. Using those things to refine elixirs may be much better than the ordinary medicinal materials in front of you.”

"It's not that I haven't thought about it, but the number of these spiritual plants is relatively rare at present. We are studying how to cultivate them. Maybe we will try using these spiritual plants after we find out how to make elixirs in the future." Yan Han said helplessly. Just dig out a few spiritual plants to make samples. However, even if you dig out all the spiritual plants in the ground, the number will not be much. You still need to study how to cultivate these spiritual plants before they can be used freely. “Okay, let’s go and have a look first.”

 The two people walked through the long courtyard and walked directly towards the building.

 In a large office, Shen Yun saw the group of researchers Yan Han was talking about, some were older and some were younger.

 Everyone was in high spirits. When they saw Yan Han and Shen Yun walking in, they stood up immediately.

"Captain Yan, didn't you say that you would bring an alchemist here today for a chat? Is he here? Where is he? Do you want us to meet him?" A group of people surrounded the two people and said eagerly.

“Here comes the person next to me. Her name is Shen Yun.” Yan Han quickly introduced her to the people surrounding her.

 When everyone heard what Yan Han said, their eyes immediately moved to Shen Yun next to them.

 “This, this is a bit too young.” The old Chinese medicine doctor next to him looked at Shen Yun for a long time before he reluctantly found his words.

"A hero comes from a young age, Lao Liao, don't bother here, get out of the way, let's take people over to see my works." Although an old professor next to him also thought so, it did not stop him from wanting to see Shen Shen. Does Yun have such strength? Anyway, even if he doesn't believe in Shen Yun, he believes in Yan Han next to him. This young man is a reliable person.

Shen Yun looked at the group of people here. The older ones were really old, and the younger ones were about the same as himself. Moreover, it seemed that the younger ones were all cultivators. It seemed that this alchemy research institute was somewhat involved in alchemy.

“Then let’s go see everyone’s works.” Shen Yun did not refuse this decision.

When everyone heard what Shen Yun said, they turned around and walked upstairs with others.

There were many rooms upstairs, and the doors were closed, but Shen Yun still saw some strange things in the room through his spiritual consciousness. Each room was different. It seemed that everyone who studied alchemy here had their own personality.

Shen Yun followed the others through many rooms, and arrived at a large room on the side. There were some shelves in it, and there were many bottles and cans on them. It seemed that they usually communicated in this place. On the walls There is also a blackboard, which is full of writing. I don’t know if this thing is the other party’s idea of ​​alchemy.

Shen Yun glanced at it and then moved his eyes away. The above idea of ​​alchemy relied directly on technology. Shen Yun didn't know whether this method would be successful in the end. Anyway, this was not the path she took.

As soon as Shen Yun stood still, he saw everyone walking directly towards the shelf. Everyone was holding a few jars and placing them directly on the long table in front of them. Looking at Shen Yun standing here, they started to prepare one by one. Introduce their own work.

Chen Yun looked at the so-called elixirs with different shapes, states, tastes and colors. He was shocked for a moment, and sighed that these people had such great brainstorming. There were Chinese patent medicines and things like Western medicine in these things. Anyway, Shen Yun was shocked. Yun didn't see anything that looked like an elixir.

 (End of this chapter)

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