Chapter 238 (238) Cultivators Conference

  After picking up the things, the two of them didn’t stay here any longer and drove back directly in the car.

Shen Yun didn't stay in the room for long when he heard a knock on the door.

Seeing that the severe cold had returned, Shen Yun ran over and opened the door without bothering.

"I found some jade stones for you, see if you can use them." Yan Han said and opened the door of the back seat of the car. Three boxes were placed steadily on the back seat. When he opened it, he saw that there were Three pieces of jade, not too small in size.

"Didn't this cost a lot of money?" Shen Yun asked casually, but he was not polite in his hands and moved the box directly into the room. They were all high-quality jade stones. Although they were not as good as spiritual stones, they were good for making jade slips. is enough.

“Money is not an issue. As long as the things can be made well, it’s worth the money.” Yan Han moved the other two boxes in the car from behind.

 Shen Yun went back to move another box.

“Go in and drink a glass of water.” Shen Yun said, looking at Yanhan who was standing upright. Although these jade stones were made to make jade slips to record the types of spiritual plants, they also contributed, and he could still afford to drink a glass of water.

"No, there are still things to do. There is a meeting tomorrow, and there are still things to prepare." Yan Han shook his head.

Shen Yun moved the boxes, and Yanhan left without stopping. As for whether Shen Yun should go there, it was all about setting up the venue, and Shen Yun had more important things to do.

Shen Yun was so happy that he carried the jade stones directly into the space.

The making method of jade slips is recorded in the Artifact Refining Encyclopedia. This is the main tool for immortal cultivators to store information, so the making method is not difficult. It is made of jade and a formation.

Shen Yun first divided these pieces of jade into palm-sized jade pieces, and then started refining according to the records in the book. He first used fire to refine some impurities in the jade. This step is actually similar to alchemy. The only difference is whether it is useful. It's just an alchemy furnace.

This step went smoothly. The next step is to carve the formation on the refined jade. This step is much more difficult. If the jade is accidentally carved, the jade slip will be destroyed.

The refined jade slip shrunk a lot and was just big enough to be held in the palm of his hand. Shen Yun took a deep breath while holding the jade slip, then raised the carving knife and used spiritual energy to cut directly on the jade.

 Under the aura and carving knife, the jade was like tofu, leaving traces easily. It was the first time Shen Yun did this, but he didn't control the intensity well. After a while, the first jade was destroyed.

 Putting it aside, Shen Yun continued to start the second one.

It was not until the fifth jade slip was carved out with one stroke that the entire formation flashed with light, and then the jade became more transparent and rounded. This was considered a success.

Shen Yun immediately relaxed. She had just failed one after another and almost lost her confidence. After succeeding in this one, her fighting spirit was aroused again.

Shen Yun looked at the dozens of jade stones around him, and took advantage of the fact that he felt better this time and continued to carve them.

He didn't do anything all night, so he just spent time with these jade stones, which eventually became twelve jade slips. As for the other jade stones, Chen Yun directly changed them into simple peace charms. It was not a waste. This thing It can withstand three physical attacks, which is not very useful for cultivators, but for ordinary people, this is a good thing.

With the Jade Slip completed, Shen Yun was not anxious about the next move. Instead, he meditated peacefully and replenished the spiritual energy consumed in his body. He had to attend the cultivator conference at dawn.

The time was almost up, and Shen Yun left the space directly, changed her clothes, and brought her ID. Today she was not only a participant, but also responsible for other issues. After all, she was still a member of the special department, and some cultivators had bad tempers. , it was all thanks to Shen Yun and the others to suppress them. Today's meeting is not in the same conference room as the last meeting. After all, there are many times more people this time than last time.

When Shen Yun arrived, people were already queuing up at the door. This time it was held in a large house, and the people responsible for registering information at the door were also members of the special department.

After registration, everyone will be given a number. When the regulations on the conduct of cultivators are announced, you can use this number to vote. As for the name, you have to wait until the next meeting to accompany it. After all, who will come this time? It's not clear.

As for whether there are any criminals sneaking in to cause trouble, Shen Yun can only say that they are welcome to come, and every preparation has been made here.

Shen Yun was not in a hurry to go in, he just stood at the door and watched.

The supervisors are not so relaxed today. They have already taken office. The security at this meeting relies on a few of them and people from special departments.

 As time went by, more and more people gathered at the door.

 Four registration positions are working at the same time, and there are still many people gathered in Waiman.

No one had expected that so many people would come this time. Shen Yun looked at the people registering and their hands were almost flying. Some people were still dissatisfied.

 It was noisy, and the people in line gradually became excited.

"We are here to serve everyone. The staff are already working hard. Please calm down and you will be able to go in later." Shen Yun stared at the people who were talking louder and louder. Being provoked, Shen Yun was not polite and directly released his restrained momentum.

The entire venue went silent. Those who were weak felt as if they couldn't breathe. They looked towards where Shen Yun was standing in horror.

 Everyone's attention was originally focused on today's meeting, but now Shen Yun's pressure dropped and everyone looked over.

Seeing that it worked, Shen Yun immediately regained his momentum and stood beside him like an ordinary person, "Everyone, please feel free to line up. As for what is going on at today's meeting, it will be clear when you get inside. What are your opinions on the meeting held by the state?" You can pick it up later."

Everyone felt that Shen Yun's strong sense of oppression had disappeared, and they took a careful breath. After listening to Shen Yun's words, none of them dared to say anything more. They queued up obediently, only occasionally looking at Xiang Yun's face. His eyes were startled and frightened.

 Half an hour later, everyone queuing outside went in.

"Thank you just now. If it weren't for you, we would probably have a quarrel with them." The person who registered had finished his work and hurried over to say thank you to Shen Yun.

 “You’re welcome, this is my job too, clean it up, let’s go in first.”

"You go in, we have to compile these lists into a book, and then make them into famous brands. This will save us some trouble tomorrow." A few people quickly waved their hands.

Only then did Shen Yun find out that they had another mission, so he walked directly inside without saying anything else.

This meeting was held in the open air. Shen Yun walked around the screen wall in front and saw that the whole courtyard was full of people. Yanhan and the others stood at the four corners of the courtyard, exuding a faint pressure. The atmosphere inside was much better than outside. Quiet is much more serious.

 (End of this chapter)

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