Chapter 240 (240) Encounters on the road

Shen Yun took them all the way to his small courtyard. After a while, the place was filled with vegetation and dust again.

Dust Shen Yun can be cleaned up with just one Cleaning spell, and it is easy to deal with weeds. You can directly use wood spells to activate them, and the plants will age instantly. With just one earth spell, the remains of these plants will disappear directly on the ground. .

"What kind of magic is this? It's so practical to get these things done so quickly. You don't know that we wasted a lot of effort just cleaning them along the way." Shen Heng asked curiously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you when I have time.

There is a place for washing here. You should clean it up first. I will see if there is a vegetable seller nearby and buy some so that you can cook in your spare time. "Although this house is good, it lacks a lot of things. Shen Yun decided to go shopping.

“The two of us will go with you.” Shen Heng said quickly.

“You guys have a good rest here, I can go faster by myself.”

After Shen Yun said this, the two of them stopped fighting. After all, they were indeed lagging behind compared to Shen Yun.

 Shen Yun found a nearby small street when he went out.

This place is fully equipped with everything. By the time Shen Yun purchased a complete set of daily necessities, all the supplementary wages he had received during this period were used up.

"This money is really not worth spending." Shen Yun muttered, then led the door-to-door delivery people directly towards his small courtyard.

"Yunyun, what's going on with you?" The two Shen brothers opened the door and saw Shen Yun standing at the door with a group of people, and asked in surprise.

“I bought a lot of things, and they have them delivered to my door. Please help me pick them up.” Shen Yun greeted.

 “Coming, coming.” The two people responded and hurried up to pick up the things.

In a short while, Shen Yun's salary was reflected in this room. The kitchen was full, and the bedroom was fully prepared. Some trivial daily necessities were all available. Shen Yun even bought them specially for his two brothers. clothing.

"These things cost a lot of money, so we might as well stay in a guest house." The two people said regretfully as they looked at the room full of things.

"Then you are wrong. Although it costs a lot of money, this house belongs to me. This is just to add things to my home that can be used in the future. It is not a waste of money." Shen Yun had long thought I came here to tidy up this house, but I never had the time to live alone. The dormitory over there is pretty good. Now that someone at home is coming over, I have tidied up this house. Although it is not a big house, it is enough for my family to rest.

"Is this your house?" The two of them were surprised for a moment, then turned around and became happy, "Okay, this house looks much better than the house in our hometown. This is a house in Beijing. After you graduate, you will work in Beijing. We don’t have to worry anymore.”

Hearing that this house belonged to Shen Yun, the two of them immediately changed their attitudes. They only thought that this house looked good.

"Okay, you two hurry up and clean up. You have to live here for a few days anyway. I'll give you a good look when I have time. It's just a small courtyard, not a big quadrangle. Take a look at what you are looking for." Shen Yun looked at it. Looking at the people who were wandering around in the yard again, I quickly urged them.

"Okay, okay, okay." The two of them stopped writing, packed up the things Shen Yun bought, and then started to pack themselves up.

 When it got completely dark, a few people managed to sit down at the dinner table.

“Yunyun, aren’t you in school? Why are you there today with your work permit?” Shen Heng asked curiously. “I applied for early graduation.

 I am working there now. "

"It's good to work in Beijing. At least it's safe and stable. You don't know how many things we have encountered along the way. If my third brother and I weren't pretty strong, we probably wouldn't have dared to stay outside." At this moment After relaxing, Shen Hengcai said with lingering fear.

"Oh, what happened to you, tell me?" Shen Yun never encountered any special situation every time he went out, either by car or flying with a sword.

“Shen Heng, it’s all in the past, why are you talking about it? It’s just to make people worry.” Shen Hong disapproved of Shen Heng telling what happened on the road.

"Talk about what's going on. This is also a reminder to Yunyun. Although she is better than us, she is a girl. Now that she is working, she will definitely have to go out. Let's talk to Yunyun about these things so that she can have a clear mind. ." Shen Heng's point of view is very different from Shen Hong's.

 “Okay, let’s talk about it.” Shen Yun directly interrupted the two people.

 “Tell me, tell me.” Shen Hong compromised.

Shen Heng carefully told Shen Yun and others about their journey here. They took a car to Kunlun, and the journey was smooth. When they were on Kunlun Mountain, they encountered three interceptions, all of which wanted their hands. Something.

 Fortunately, the two of them teamed up with a few other people and were able to run out smoothly. When they heard the news from Beijing, because they didn't have much money and spent money eating out, the two of them chose to walk here.

They encountered robbers, deceivers, and swindlers along the way. Originally, they could have been faster, but because of these things they encountered on the road, the two of them arrived in Beijing this morning.

 “Are there so many things on the road now?”

"Yes, there are cultivators involved in these things, and one or two of them are pretty good. Even if someone calls the police, these people hide directly, and the police can't do anything to them. Slowly, they form a cancer on the road, and These people often commit crimes in gangs, and if we weren't clever, we would have been deceived." Shen Heng has always felt that his brain is pretty good, but he still has trouble guarding against people who use various methods on the road.

Hearing this, Shen Yun was silent for a moment. No wonder a supervisory department needs to be established. If this situation continues, social chaos and national strength will decline.

“You can also report this matter at this conference to alert more people. However, this situation will not last long and someone will deal with it immediately.”

“I can only give you a warning. Our strength alone is still too small.” Shen Heng sighed.

Shen Yun comforted the two of them, and after dinner, she didn't stay here any longer and walked directly to where she lived.

There have been many more cultivators in the capital these days. They have so many things to do that it is impossible to sleep. The entire special department has been mobilized.

Shen Yun was busy with the meeting all night, and went to the meeting early the next morning. Only then did he tell a few other people what Shen Heng and the others had said last night.

"It seems that our grass-roots team needs to be formed as soon as possible. Let's quickly find people in the next two days." Shen Yun looked at a few people thinking deeply and reminded them.

 (End of this chapter)

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