Chapter 258 (258) Transaction

When the other party heard that it was a golden elixir cultivator who had something to auction, he directly made an appointment with Shen Yun to meet at the door of the office in 15 minutes.

 “Thank you very much for this.” Shen Yun said gratefully.

“I would also like to thank you for supporting our business.

By the way, can you tell me what is being auctioned? "After the serious talk was over, Jiang Min relaxed again.

"Foundation Pill, storage bag, what, are you interested?" If this goes into the auction house, the news will definitely spread, and Shen Yun doesn't hide it.

“You also put these things up for auction?” Jiang Min was startled. He had never heard of these things anywhere in the country.

Even the few people I have seen build their foundation slowly by relying on their strength. Many people are still practicing Qi Dzogchen and are unable to rise. When you hear this Foundation Building Pill, you can tell that it is not a simple thing.

"You have to save some capital for your family. In the year I disappeared, my family business was also put down. Although money is not everything, it is absolutely impossible to have no money." Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go. I'll take you to the door and wait for my third brother. Let me tell you, this good thing doesn't need to go to the auction house. Our family will take it. Don't worry, the price will definitely not make you suffer. Yes, it also saves you a commission fee," Jiang Min said as he walked.

"Okay, let's discuss it with your third brother." Shen Yun nodded. Since the things were sold, she didn't care who the buyer was.

As soon as the two people arrived at the door, the person they had agreed to arrived.

 “Third brother, here we are.” Jiang Min greeted happily.

Shen Yun saw a young and elegant young man getting out of the car and walking towards this direction. He looked a bit different from the businessman Shen Yun imagined.

“This is my third brother Jiang Han, and this is Shen Yun.” Jiang Min introduced them directly.

"Shen Yun, wait a minute. I have a few words with my third brother." Jiang Min didn't hide anything and spoke directly to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun knew what he was going to say and directly made a gesture of invitation.

Then Jiang Min pulled the person aside directly under Jiang Han's disapproving eyes.

In this way, it is to take down the things in Shen Yun's hand anyway.

Although Jiang Han was choked by his brother's unreliable appearance, he also knew that Jiang Min was not an unreliable person when it came to business matters. Although this guy didn't have much talent in business, he had intuition and judgment on cultivation items. Still accurate.

 “Okay, I understand.” He responded directly.

"Then you can't let Shen Yun suffer. Both the Yan family and the Liang family have the energy in this area. They come to me directly because they look down on me." Jiang Min confessed uneasily, which made Jiang Han frown. I have never seen such a narcissistic guy, and he is his own brother.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment when he heard this sentence. Do the Yan family and the Liang family have such a relationship? I really don't know this. For all these years, Yan Han only knows that he has a sister and his parents are very busy.

 The news about Liangshan is even unclear. They should all be relatively low-key big families. After all, I have just entered this circle. It seems that I will need to know more about these things in the future.

 Shen Yun was thinking this in his mind, and the two people over there had already finished talking and walked over directly.

“My third brother wants to talk to you, so I won’t accompany you.” Jiang Min came over and said.

 “Okay, thank you for today.”

“You’re welcome, I’m leaving.” Jiang Min waved his hand and walked directly inside. "Miss Shen, let's talk somewhere else," Jiang Han said politely.

Shen Yun nodded and followed him directly into the car. The two of them went directly to a teahouse not far away. Jiang Han should come here often and asked for a private room.

“I come to this place often, and there is no problem with confidentiality.” Jiang Han said in advance.

Shen Yun nodded. Anyway, he would use his spiritual sense to keep a distance, so it would not be easy for others to spy even if they wanted to.

“I wonder if I can take the things out and take a look?” Jiang Han said politely.

"No problem." Shen Yun took out the things directly from his backpack. Five foundation-building pills were put in a bottle, two beauty pills were transferred to a bottle, and then there were three storage bags. After taking them out, Chen Yun Also explained the efficacy and usage.

Jiang Han was well-informed, and he breathed a lot heavier after hearing Shen Yun's introduction.

“Ms. Shen, to tell you the truth, Jiang Min meant that our family received these things directly, but I really don’t know how to give a price. I’m afraid that the price will be too low, and I will regret the value of these things.

In this way, we will auction one Foundation Establishment Pill, two Beauty Pills, and one storage bag for auction. We will collect the rest according to the auction price. Do you think this is okay? "Jiang Han said sincerely, he is a businessman, but now he feels that it is very cost-effective to lose a little profit to make friends with this promising cultivator in front of him.

Shen Yun nodded as soon as he heard this arrangement. It was difficult to ask for a price. This was a rarity among cultivators, but ordinary people only had beauty pills that were useful, so the price was really hard to determine.

The two of them agreed on this matter and agreed that the good things would go to the auction house in half a month. The matter was settled today.

"It stands to reason that all the auction items in the past must be handed over to us for safekeeping in advance, but these items are under special circumstances. See if you can help keep them and send them to me a little early on the day of the auction to avoid any mistakes in the process." Jiang Min was very cautious about this matter.

Now is different from before. Ordinary security will definitely not work. This thing is attractive enough. Who knows if someone will put themselves in danger? It is better to let a strong person with a golden elixir keep it safer.

"Okay, tell me when the time is set and I'll go there in advance." Shen Yun responded directly.

The two of them reached an agreement and separated directly at the door of the teahouse. Looking at the car driving away, Shen Yun turned around and took a look. He just felt someone staring at him. Why did he lose all the time at this moment? He took a closer look. There are no suspicious characters either.

 Shen Yun stood there for a while and walked directly towards home.

 As soon as I entered the door, I felt that there was a strange atmosphere in the home.

"Yunyun, you're back, someone is looking for you." Shen Heng was waiting in the yard. When he saw Shen Yun coming in, he quickly winked.

"Who is it?" I asked, but my spiritual consciousness poked in. It turned out to be Wang Meilan, whom I hadn't seen for a long time. What was she doing here?

 “Did you say anything?” Shen Yun continued to ask.

“As soon as I came here, I pulled my third aunt to talk about how you were when you were a child. It’s not easy after so many years. I’ve missed you so much this year, and my third aunt didn’t even know what to say.” Shen Shenheng said in a low voice.

None of the family knew how to answer the question. This was the adoptive mother who raised Shen Yun. It would be impossible to just throw her out. However, thinking about the patriarchal treatment Shen Yun received in her home, she felt a little unhappy.

"Okay, I understand, I'll take care of it." Shen Yun walked directly into the room.

 (End of this chapter)

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