“Little Bengqi’s strength is better than the two of you, so don’t worry now.” Shen Yun quickly explained after watching the actions of several people.

"Don't worry, don't worry, take it away. Let's go back and pack the clothes for the third child." Shen Chen's heart almost jumped out of his chest due to the little jump just now. Hearing Shen Yun say this this time, he felt really relieved.

 The four people were directly divided into two waves.

Shen Yun and the others flew directly towards the north.

Both of them are at the Golden Core stage, and as they increase their speed, they can only see a ray of light streaking through the air.

 Go directly to the mountains in the north where ginseng is abundant.

"This is it. Little Bengqi, let's be careful. Even if you come here, you can't come in vain. There are a lot of good things here." Shen Yun explained while turning around and saw a breathtaking scene. Little Bengqi was already talking to several people. The two little tiger cubs were playing together, and there were two lazy big tigers lying next to them.

The other party didn't mean to hurt anyone, and looked lazily at the little Bengqi playing with the little tiger.

  Shen Yun felt the spiritual energy fluctuations on the other party's body, but did not act rashly.

“Little Bengqi, are you done playing? It’s time to find something.” After waiting for a while, Shen Yun greeted Xiao Bengqi who had not petted the cat enough.

“Sister, these are local snakes, can we just ask them for help?” Xiao Bengqiao said with a smile.

“But we don’t have any reward to pay them.” Shen Yun spread his hands. He didn’t have any meat on him, and these tigers were not vegetarians.

“It’s okay, I’ll take care of this. I’ll take care of it.” Xiao Bengtuo said with a big smile.

"Okay, then it's up to you. Let's go." Someone has taken care of this matter, so Shen Yun doesn't have to worry.

The little tiger turned around and barked a few times at the two tigers over there. The tiger that was lying down stood up and took several tiger cubs with him, one bird per person, and the five tigers walked forward.

 As expected, it was a local snake, and I found a ginseng after a while.

Shen Yun directly used earth magic and dug out a complete ginseng. Sure enough, it was the ginseng that these tigers were worried about. It was really quite big.

"Thank you." Shen Yun took the ginseng and shook it towards the tiger, then stuffed it into the space while it was still fresh. His consciousness directly penetrated in and buried the ginseng on the spot.

 Lao Hu glanced at Shen Yun and continued walking forward.

Shen Yun watched the little jumpers follow, and he also followed.

Next, a few more ginsengs were put into the bag, and some newly mutated spiritual plants were also encountered in the middle. Shen Yun picked up some that he didn't have enough space to dig directly.

Although this trip was for ginseng, the harvest was far more than that.

 Except for the most famous tiger and deer antlers, which are not available, everything else is available.

“Everything is ready, let’s go back after thanking the tiger.” Shen Yun stopped Xiao Bengqi, who was still wanting to wander in the mountains, and reminded him.

"I know, sister, take the spirit stone, 100 yuan." Xiao Bengqi spread her hands and directly asked Shen Yun to pay.

Chen Yun thought that Xiao Bengqie was talking about something good, but it turned out to be spiritual stones. However, spiritual stones are also a rarity nowadays. Thinking about the spiritual plants and ginseng in his space, the money paid was considered worth it. Bar?

 “Where to put it?” Shen Yun asked thoughtfully.

“Tiger Cave, follow them.” Xiao Bengqi translated.

"Okay, let's go." Another long walk followed. The little tiger just couldn't walk fast. Even if Shen Yun was anxious, they wouldn't let him carry him and could only follow behind.

By the time we reached Tiger Cave, it was already getting dark inside the mountain.

Shen Yun also had no ink marks. After putting away his things, he was about to leave when he heard a painful howl.

 The Tiger family, who were about to rest, also stood up alertly.

Xiao Bengqi reacted faster than Chen Yun, and immediately left the cave and listened carefully to the sounds outside.

 “Someone is catching the monster.” Xiao Bengqie said with certainty.

Shen Yun immediately brought it in. Catching monsters is poaching, that is, hunting nationally protected animals. Although they have become monsters now, the law has not changed yet. There are few things on this mountain that are not protected animals. .

Then this matter should be under the supervision of the supervisor. It’s time to catch up.

"Little Bengqi, let's go meet these people. Big Tiger, you stay in the cave and don't come out." Shen Yun and the Tiger family explained and walked directly outside.

 The two of them were not slow at all, and soon they arrived at the place where they had just howled.

Five wrapped in tight black clothes, under the cover of the dark night, they were rounding up two black bears, one big and one small. Both of them looked like monsters. The smaller one was already lying on the ground and could only moan. , the big one is still resisting desperately.

 The way he looked at the five people next to him was not ordinary.

“Let’s fight quickly to avoid accidents.” A man in black seemed to sense that something was wrong in the atmosphere and said to the person next to him.

Shen Yun and the others did not give each other a chance to fight quickly and attacked directly. It was easy for two golden elixirs to deal with several Qi-refining cultivators.

 Several people were knocked to the ground within a short time.

Looking at the frantic black bear that wanted to attack the two of them, Xiao Bengqi barked several times in that direction for the first time. The clear sound directly woke up the black bear who had lost his mind.

“Sister, I’m going to see Little Bear, you’re watching the bad guys here.” Little Bengqi angrily kicked the person next to him who was unable to resist.

Shen Yun directly pulled down the masks of several people. There were four Chinese faces and one foreigner's face. Looking at the obvious shape behind the foreigner, it was a birdman again. The group from his spirit beast bag hadn't come yet. and processing.

"Tell me, who are you, and what is the purpose of catching these animals? Don't think about lying, and don't think about dying. I will search for souls. Even if you die, you are all cultivators. You have not reached Yuan Dynasty yet." As a baby, if you die in front of me, you will not have a next life." Shen Yun started to ask several people with harsh words.

 “If you want to kill, just kill, there is so much nonsense.” The other party was very disdainful.

To be honest, this was the first time Shen Yun encountered such a tough villain. He must have read too many martial arts novels.

"Kill you, you are overthinking. I don't want to dirty my hands. If anyone is willing to take the initiative, I will let him go." Shen Yun glanced at a few people next to him.

 “I said it.” The winged guy said in awkward Chinese.

 “Say.” Shen Yun nodded.

"We are mercenaries. An organization hires us to catch these beasts all over the world, and then send them to a small island in the Pacific. The reward is very generous. I didn't want to do this at first. After all, my future is very good. How could I know these few The guy asked me to come with him, and these people seem to be very familiar with this organization. I suspect that these four people are members of this organization." Although the birdman spoke very poorly, he still expressed his meaning clearly.

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