"The Li family is getting more and more unreliable. Don't you know who are the people participating in the auction? Let a girl talk nonsense here. If the Yan family comes out to clarify, it will probably be humiliated and sent abroad." The person next to him said softly.

"No, my son doesn't care about it, but he treats this daughter who doesn't know who it is as a treasure. The Li family needs to think carefully about cooperation in the future. The head of the family is a bit out of tune." The people who agreed followed directly. .

"That's right, you still criticize other people's clothes. Anyone with a brain can see that these people are not simple. The aura of this girl is dazzling to me. This woman actually dislikes other people's clothes and calls her a vixen. , Sure enough, in this world, you should respect Luo Shang first before respecting others." This is a person who sees it more clearly.

Shen Yun heard clearly there, which showed that most people were still clear-headed.

"We are all reputable families. If my Li Ai hadn't been recognized by the Yan family, we wouldn't have been able to talk about this in public. After all, although the Yan family is very strong and our family is not bad, my son is still cold. Everyone is unclear about this matter. It’s also our fault that we wanted to keep a low profile and didn’t hold an engagement ceremony. When Yanhan is free, we will definitely invite everyone over for a drink and witness it. "Li Ming's father is very rational. , He doesn't care about the face of Shen Yun, a person he has never heard of or seen, but the people around him already have opinions about their Li family. Although this girl is very good-looking, it cannot harm the reputation of his family. In order to prevent others from seeing her, The person who said it went even further. He directly stated this matter. As for whether the Yan family is willing to do it or not, it can be easily explained here.

 It is common for a man to marry a woman. Times have changed and children may disagree. When the time comes, we can just find an excuse and everything will be solved.

 Isn't that what marriage is all about? If you get along, you'll continue, if you don't get along, you'll separate.

"So that's what happened. Boss Li did everything well." Regardless of whether the people next to him believed it or not, they all responded with respect. As for most of their inner thoughts, of course I hope this is just nonsense from Li Jiashun, otherwise the two of them would When families are married, they become a powerful force.

As for Shen Yun, she definitely didn't believe it. Since Yan Han had already said that he didn't have a fiancée, it must be true. After all, this was not something hidden.

The only one in the audience who wholeheartedly believed that this matter was true was Li Ai. When she heard Li Kun say this, a big smile suddenly appeared on her face and she glanced at Shen Yun proudly.

"You were so arrogant just now, why didn't you say it again? Let me tell you, you don't belong in a place like this. You should go home as a bumpkin. The capital city is not in your small village." Li Ai said proudly. said.

"I didn't know that the distinguished guest I invited shouldn't be here." A man walked over quickly from behind and said in a serious tone.

Everyone saw the person in charge of the Jiang family's auction house walking over quickly with an angry look on his face. Listening to the meaning of his words, they couldn't help but be a little surprised that these people were actually distinguished guests invited by the Jiang family.

"Mr. Jiang." Everyone was thinking in their hearts, but that didn't stop them from saying hello to Jiang Han. The Jiang family is not like any other family. Although their family is headed by the boss of the Jiang family, the other brothers are also very powerful, and the whole family is here to help each other. , no one dares to underestimate that one.

Jiang Han nodded to everyone, "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the auction. It's getting late. Please go in and take a seat. I will apologize to you at noon."

As soon as the onlookers heard this, they knew what the other party meant. They all said some kind words and walked towards the auction house wisely. "Are you okay?" Jiang Han glanced at the Li family opposite and asked Shen Yun and the others carefully.

"It's okay, I just took up a little time for you, sorry." Shen Yun was a little apologetic, saying that it was sent before the auction, but he wasted a little time here, and the auction was about to start.

“It’s okay, we’ll arrange it later anyway, don’t delay, don’t worry.” Jiang Han said soothingly.

 “As long as it doesn’t delay things.”

"Jiang Han, what do you mean, don't you take our old Li seriously?" Li Aima cared about Shen Yun when she saw Jiang Han coming over, and immediately felt unhappy. She is indeed a vixen, and she didn't know this face. How many men have been seduced? A junior, because of this vixen, did not even say hello to his own family, Old Li. This is because he does not take his own family seriously, and the Jiang family thinks very highly of themselves.

"Okay, didn't you see that nephew Jiang Xian is busy? There is no need to pay attention to these falsehoods. The relationship between the two families is here." Li Kun was very satisfied with his wife's reminder, but the Jiang family's face had to be given. .

"Mr. Li, I have heard what your family did just now. Since you look down on my distinguished guests, you are looking down on our Jiang family. We, the Jiang family, forgive us for not welcoming you. Please go back." Jiang Han didn't quarrel with others. , informed these people directly of the news.

"You, how dare you, our Li family is not a nobody." Before Li Kun could do anything, the woman standing next to him couldn't bear it anymore. Since she married Li Kun, when had she ever suffered such grievances? If he drives his family out in front of everyone, then what dignity will he have to live in the capital socially?

"Even if your family has tremendous power, I'm sorry, but this has nothing to do with our Jiang family. Not only are the Li family not welcome at today's auction, but the three of you will not be welcome at any Jiang family occasion in the future, please." Jiang Han said calmly. He said with a serious face.

“Jiang Han, you really want to do things so absolutely.” Li Kun’s face turned completely dark after listening to Jiang Han’s words.

"Dad, what does the Jiang family have? There are so many small auctions. If you don't participate, you won't participate. I feel sick being with such people. Let's go! We won't come if they beg us in the future. "Li Ai was very angry with Jiang Han's attitude towards protecting Shen Yun and the others, and even chasing his family away for these bumpkins. It was indeed blind. The Jiang family wasn't that powerful, she just looked like that.

"In that case, let's go." Li Kun listened to Li Ai's words and found a step for himself.

Looking at the two women next to him who were not very smart and liked to cause trouble, Li Kun couldn't help but regret why he brought them here today. It seemed that not only had he offended Jiang Han, but also the Jiang family. He had to go back and investigate what had just happened. Where did those people come from?

 His ability to make his business so big depends not only on luck.

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