Chapter 288 (288) Luxurious

The money matter was handled very quickly. There is a bank just outside the hotel. With Shen Yun's insistence, the money was settled in a short time.

 “I can accept this money.” Shen Yun said to the two Jiang brothers with a smile.

"We are not polite, why are you being polite? This is what you deserve." Jiang Min said with a smile.

“Okay, I won’t delay your affairs. I’ll treat you to dinner when I have time. I’ll go back today.” Shen Yun said goodbye to the two of them with a smile.

 After the few people finished speaking politely, they separated directly at the door of the bank.

 Except for the little jumpers, the others next to them all feel a little confused.

They guessed that the Foundation Establishment Pill and the storage bag belonged to Shen Yun. How could they have imagined that there were so many more.

 Thinking about the string of zeros on the bank book I just saw, even if I didn’t look at it myself, it was quite shocking. It was the first time in my life that I saw so much money.

“Let’s go and treat you to dinner. We really have money now.” Shen Yun shook the bankbook in his hand.

"No, we're outside now. Let's find a place to remove the stone first." Shen Chen was still holding the stone he just photographed in his arms.

 The weight of a few dozen kilograms is not a problem for him, but it is really inconvenient to carry it.

"There's no need to find someone to cut it. Just let me handle it for you when you get back." Shen Yun took a look at the stone. It wasn't very big. He could just use Qingfeng to cut off the outer stone.

"Okay, let's find a hidden place to store things." Shen Chen took Shen Heng and the two of them and walked to the side. Shen Yun and the others waited here for a while, and then the two of them came back, holding their hands. The stones inside have been stored in the ring space.

Shen Yun took a few people to find a roast duck restaurant. This was the first time Shen Jian ate outside after waking up, and it was also the first time Shen Chen and the others ate roast duck outside. After all, they used to come to Beijing to find their own place. Where can I find it? I don’t have time to come over for dinner, and my money is tight, so I can’t afford to be too extravagant when I go out.

  Today was a luxury, and it was also a luxury before going home. Shen Yun ordered four ducks directly.

"We've had a lot of luxury here. Third Aunt and the others went back early and didn't have time to come over and eat." Shen Chen felt a little pity.

"It's okay. I'll have someone pack a few portions later and take them back to my family to try." It would be a lot of trouble for them to come to Beijing again, so why not pack a little later? Anyway, there is space and a storage ring, so they are not afraid. Something is broken.

 “That’s good.” Several people suddenly became happy.

Everyone who ate the meal was very satisfied. Although Shen Yun hadn't eaten for a long time, he still took a few bites. The ducks now live in the air with spiritual energy, so they are probably more delicious than before. Shen Yun When she tasted it, she felt it tasted good. As for whether it was better, she had never tasted it before and had heard what the people next to her said. After the meal, I packed up five more, which should be enough for the family to try.

A few people returned home. It was still dark before they saw two people standing at the door. Shen Yun had good eyesight, so he could see who it was from a distance and walked over quickly.

"Hu Yan, Aunt Hu, why are you here? I have something to do today. Come in and sit down." Shen Yun quickly opened the door.

"I said I was going to come over a few days ago, but I was delayed by something, so I postponed it until today. I also forgot to say hello to you, so I came here so rashly." Aunt Hu was still a little embarrassed, and she came to visit without saying hello, which was still a little bit excuse me.

"It's okay, it's okay. I've been at home these days. I just had something to do when I went out today. It's unfortunate." Shen Yun explained and directly invited people into the room. Shen Heng quickly brought water to the two of them.

"I just wanted to come here after I called you some time ago. I didn't know that something happened in the factory. A small hospital below responded and said that a patient's burn was not healed and became more serious after using our scald cream. We have been investigating this matter recently. , after checking, I found out that we have few medicines and low prices. Many people took advantage of the difficulty in buying this medicine in remote areas and made counterfeit brands. It was also when this happened that I found out that their prices were higher than ours. Several times, but no effect at all. It really **** people off. The final result was that the ones purchased by the hospital are related to the owner of this factory. They stopped buying from our factory last year. It’s not like they haven’t sold anything this year. It's no use if the people make a fuss. This time, the child of a cultivator got burnt, and that's what caused the fuss.

This man has really lost his conscience. We only charge a shipping fee and sell it to the public. Some people are not satisfied and want to make some money from this. "When talking about this matter, Aunt Hu felt a lot of emotion. At that time, their family's conditions were relatively good, and their children went to many big hospitals, but the folk remedies from small clinics were not spared.

Thinking about the difficulty of seeking medical treatment, and the fact that burn scars have a great impact on people, they decided to do this good thing after receiving the peach blossom frost given by Shen Yun. Knowing that some people are greedy, their own If the product does not bring them profits, they will buy other counterfeit products. As for whether it is good for patients, this person does not care.

"Auntie, don't worry so much. Haven't everything been resolved? The bad guys have been punished. As for the burnt patients, you also sent someone to deal with them yourself." Hu Yan comforted her from the side.

"Hu Yan is right. Now that the matter has come to an end and there are no serious consequences, we will try our best to compensate. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. There are so many people in the country, and you don't know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. We Just be good to yourself." Shen Yun also stood aside to comfort Aunt Hu.

“That’s all I can do to comfort myself.” Aunt Hu nodded.

"By the way, this is the account for more than a year. You haven't come back and the dividends have not been given to you. This is the account book. This is the dividend. I deposited it in the bank for you." Aunt Hu quickly took it out of her bag one by one. A thick pile of stuff.

Shen Yun took a look and saw that the thick stack was full of ledgers, with a passbook placed on top.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Since we are cooperating, there must be mutual trust. What happened this year is also my fault. I didn't predict it in advance and just opened the door to the material. I didn't read the account books, and I'm not a professional. These things make my head spin.

By the way, I have prepared a lot of neutralizer for you this time. When you go back, find someone to come over and take care of it. "Chen Yun took the bankbook directly and pushed the account book towards Aunt Hu.

“Don’t say you don’t read the account book. One code is the same. You trust me and I will do what I should do. This is a copy. Please take the time to read it.

 Since our cooperation will continue for a long time in the future, I will ask the accountant to sort it out for you to make sure you can understand it. "Aunt Hu brought it here and has no intention of taking it back.

 (End of this chapter)

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