Chapter 29 Almost Burning Down the Home

 When I got home, I saw Yang Cancan, who was in confinement, taking her child outside.

“Mom, why are you out? Where is my dad?” Shen Yun hurried over to pick up the child.

"Your teacher is looking for someone to move things, so your dad will go there." Yang Cancan watched Shen Yun take the child and quickly started to collect the diapers that were hanging on the side.

“Mom, Mom, stop being busy, go into the house and rest, I’ll come.” Shen Yun quickly grabbed Yang Cancan, held the child in one hand, and led the mother and daughter into the room.

"Oh, it's okay. It's almost a full moon. Some people only sit for a few days during confinement. It's been this long for me, so it's okay." Yang Cancan said, but did not break away.

  After putting his mother and daughter on the bed, Shen Yun quickly went to put away the things to be collected.

 After dinner was ready, Shen Limin and Shen Xing came home.

"Shen Xing, what are you doing here?" Shen Yun asked curiously, looking at Shen Xing who was also looking disgraced.

"My dad and I went to make money. Sister, your teacher is so generous. I earned 50 cents today and my dad earned 2 yuan." Shen Xing happily showed Shen Yun the money in his hand.

 Shen Yun looked at the gray faces of the two men, and when he heard them mentioning how happy they were to make money, he didn't say anything. He just made water for the two of them to wash up, and put the prepared meals on the table.

Enter the space at night, Shen Yun looked at the ten thousand acres of spiritual field, with only a few things planted on it, and looked at the spiritual spring where there was still a plant with two leaves.

Shen Yun turned around and left the space again, and pulled out some seeds at home. There were not so many spiritual plants to plant yet, so he could plant some ordinary food first, which he could eat himself or sell for money.

Farming is still very easy for Shen Yun, especially in space. Throw out soil spells, and the land will be shaped into the shape you want. Then you can sprinkle seeds and water it with water spells and everything will come alive.

After finishing the work, Shen Yun's heart calmed down, and he walked into the room where the ancestor had left the prescription.

Hundreds of jade slips are placed neatly.

The shelf is also specially engraved with words to facilitate future generations to find it.

  Shen Yun did not go to see the advanced elixir recipe, but only stood next to the shelf where he could practice during the Qi training period.

 There are many types of bigu pills, spirit-boosting pills, and solid pills.

Shen Yun has recently read the books about cultivation knowledge left by his ancestors, and has a certain understanding of these elixirs. Unlike when Yang Cancan used them for the first time, he had to try them himself.

 After having to guess Huang Song's general physical condition, Shen Yun had several choices in his mind.

 Marrow Cleansing Pill and Peiyuan Pill are Shen Yun's best choices at the moment.

 Shen Yun found two pill prescriptions and put them directly on his forehead without hesitation.

 In an instant, a large amount of information rushed into my mind.

Looking at the picture in his mind, Shen Yun was a little lucky. Fortunately, the elixir recipe left by his ancestor was not just some text content, but the scene when his ancestor was refining the elixir was actually presented in his mind.

  still comes with explanations.

Shen Yun was originally worried that he had no one to teach him, and he didn't know how long it would take to learn how to make alchemy. Now that his ancestor has personally explained it, Shen Yun is more confident.

Carefully remember clearly in your mind the precautions and steps for refining alchemy taught by your ancestors.

 Then he went outside to get two supplies of medicinal herbs and came back.

Although there are many ingredients for this basic elixir, it is not unlimited. Shen Yun only dares to try it carefully now.

Hunted out a basic alchemy furnace from the warehouse. As for the advanced alchemy furnaces left by his ancestors, Shen Yun couldn't use them now, so he could only drool over them. Carefully lighting the fire according to the formula and gestures, Shen Yun carefully used his spiritual consciousness to throw the first medicinal material into the alchemy furnace. Looking at the medicinal materials that were still bright in the blazing flames, Chen Yun felt excited and did not appear to go in until the fire went out or the grass was turned off. In the case of burning to dryness, the first step is considered a success.

"Pfft." Before he was overjoyed, Shen Yun saw the flames inside getting stronger and stronger, and the medicinal materials turned into a pile of ashes.

Looking at the flames that were almost burning out of the alchemy furnace, Shen Yun quickly took a few steps back and threw a water ball technique, and the flames in the alchemy furnace were finally extinguished.

Shen Yun touched the hair that had been bent by the baking on his forehead, and then touched Wan Hao's undamaged eyebrows. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't set himself on fire.

As expected, making alchemy seemed very easy to my ancestors, but when I tried to do it myself, I almost burned down my family.

Shen Yun thought for a while, then went to the warehouse to dig out a defensive hosta and put it on his head.

 He found another high-level robe and put it on.

  Armed himself, Shen Yun returned to the alchemy furnace again.

 Thinking about the steps she had just performed, she began to refine the elixir again.

 After using 8 parts of herbal medicine in one night, Shen Yun successfully prepared two parts of the marrow cleansing liquid. As for why the elixir did not turn into elixirs, Shen Yun was a little suspicious that he had left too much water in the middle of the medicinal herbs.

However, she tasted it herself and found that the effect was the same as described in her ancestor's prescription, so she felt relieved and found a bottle to put the marrow cleansing solution in.

The ancestors did not leave any marrow-cleansing pills, but after Shen Yun ate the thing he had practiced, a lot of dirt appeared on his body, so he carefully used a dust removal technique on himself.

Shen Yun didn't worry about why she couldn't become an elixir. At dawn, she left the space directly.

 “My dad went out again.” Early in the morning, Shen Yun didn’t see anyone, so he looked into the room and asked Yang Cancan.

“Yes, your teacher is over here today. I’ll go over and help out for another day.” Yang Cancan nodded.

 Shen Yun stayed at home and took good care of Yang Cancan and his younger brother.

Going directly to the old house, the tents set up in the yard have been taken away, and grandpa is not at home. It seems that he said he was going down the mountain yesterday and left today.

“Grandma, go and look after my mother. I’ll go up the mountain to see when the teacher and the others will leave.”

"Okay. Go ahead. Where can I be with your mother?" Yang Xiaocao said, taking the work in his hand and going up the mountain with Shen Yun.

 Shen Yun went directly to Zhou's tomb.

 When we got to the place, everything for the last trip had been packed away.

“Hey, Shen Yun, you’re here. School is about to start. Do you want to come with us?” After spending so many days together, Xu Zhang finally got to know Shen Yun, a student.

"I can't be a teacher. I have some things to do at home. I'll go back by car in a few days." Shen Yun declined directly.

"Okay, okay. By the way, you are a major contributor to the discovery of this tomb. I will apply for a reward from the superiors when you get back. Anyway, you don't have to worry about tuition fees." Xu Zhang said with a smile.

"Then thank you, Teacher Xu. If I find anything in the future, I will trouble you again, Teacher Xu." Shen Yun did not refuse and thanked with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait until then, and I'll let you come with me." Xu Zhang smiled happily. Although he was not sure whether Shen Yun would discover anything else in the future, the harvest from this incident was indeed not small. For the National Research Week It provides a lot of new information on this piece of history.

 (End of this chapter)

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