“Mom, it’s already this time, can you stop urging me to find a partner?” Huang Bin understood what Shen Huaan meant and interrupted with a smile.

"You're not too young. Look at the people in your police force. At your age, who else has no partner other than you?" Shen Hua'an also said with a smile.

 “Auntie, we are here.”

As soon as Shen Huaan finished speaking, several greeting voices sounded at the door.

"Look, we don't have one in the police force, isn't it? All the people who don't have a partner are in our house." Huang Bin decisively dragged Shen Heng and the others who had just come in into the trap. Anyway, he couldn't be the only one involved in this topic. training.

The people who just came in were confused. What was the situation? Why were they talking about the target again?

“Auntie, we bought delicious food. Is uncle back? Let’s eat quickly, otherwise it will be too late to go to work in the afternoon.” A few people decisively changed the subject.

"I'm back, Dad, come here." He said that Cao Cao was about to arrive, and Huang Song's voice sounded at the door.

“Uncle.” Several people stood up quickly to greet him.

“Everyone is back, Yunyun is back too, okay, okay.” Huang Song scanned the people in the room and couldn’t help but laugh.

 The smile is much more natural than before.

“Dad, we are happy today. You guys have a drink today. I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I won’t drink.” Huang Song said, opening the cabinet and taking out his treasured wine.

 “Oh, what are you drinking? We are eating together and don’t do this.” Shen Guoliang quickly waved his hand. He was so old and had not drank wine for a long time.

“Oh, grandpa, it’s rare to be happy today, so don’t refuse, uncle, this is good wine.” Anyone with a sharp eye could see what kind of wine Huang Song was holding.

"Okay, okay, let's drink. Your uncle has been keeping this wine for a long time. He has already told me that we will have a drink together when Yunyun comes back." Shen Huaan said at the side.

Everyone was busy putting the packed meals on their plates, and today's slightly hearty lunch began. A group of people were chatting while eating, and they also briefly talked about what happened during Shen Yun's absence.

"No matter what, just come back. Since you have rented land at home, then work hard. Times are different now. You are all capable and can do well anywhere." Huang Song encouraged.

"By the way, Yunyun, let your uncle also test it to see if there are any spiritual roots." Shen Huaan started to urge him just after eating.

“Oh, I’m so old, what’s the test? I’m going to retire soon. When your aunt retires too, I will accompany her to live her retirement life well.

It’s anyone’s guess. Is it possible that they want me to work for the rest of my life? Then I’ll be exhausted. "Huang Song glanced at Shen Hua'an and refused with a smile. No matter what the test results were, he didn't plan to take the test again. As long as he could be with Hua An and his children were well, his lifelong wish would be fulfilled. .

“Oh, why don’t you just take a test? Otherwise, who will accompany Binbin in the future?” Shen Huaan pushed Huang Song and said anxiously.

“Oh, the child needs me to accompany him when he grows up. In the future, his wife will accompany him. I will accompany my wife and ignore him.” Huang Song waved his hands, and after hearing this, he became more determined. "Hey, why are you so stubborn?" Shen Hua'an burst into anxious tears.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to you." Huang Song nodded towards them, then pulled Shen Hua'an out.

"Forget it, let my dad and my mom talk, let's talk too." Huang Bin also heard what Huang Song said just now. He had no way to influence his parents' choice. Since they wanted to choose to accompany each other, then he could only Just show up when they need him.

"Okay, let's talk, let's talk about everyone's plans by the way." Shen Yun saw that almost everyone was here today, except for a few children and his parents, everyone else was here. "Third brother and fourth brother have already made a decision, and they also have this talent. What about you." As he spoke, Shen Yun also talked about the skills he currently has and the skills provided in the space.

"What can I learn from this profession? How about learning divination, so that people who commit crimes in the future will never be able to escape from me." Huang Bin thought for a while and put forward his own idea.

Shen Yun really doesn't know how to do it. "Then you should practice hard first. I'll see if I can find any information in this area before giving it to you. You'll have to learn this on your own."

"Okay, let's not learn this first. Let's learn something that can protect ourselves, just swordsmanship and talismans." Huang Bin accepted it easily, and directly retreated and chose other options.

"Okay, when you take the time to go up the mountain, let's test it first to see if you have this talent." After making Huang Bin's decision, Shen Yun asked the other brothers again, and some gave the answer on the spot, but Some said they wanted to think about it, but Shen Yun gave them time.

 In the end, it was Shen Jian who determined the direction.

 Shen Huaan and Huang Song also came back after a while. It seemed that the two of them had agreed and no longer mentioned the matter of testing spiritual roots.

Shen Yun and the others looked at each other, and they could only respect their decision.

"Okay, when you retire, you can live with us in the mountains. Let's raise some chickens and ducks in the mountains together. There is room for us in such a big place." Shen Guoliang gave the idea.

"That's good. For so many years, I have been thinking about the life of raising chickens and ducks with my parents when I was a child. In the future, Hua An and I will bother you two." Huang Song also agreed with a smile.

“Auntie, it’s time for you to go to work, we won’t stay here any longer.

My brother and I gave this to you. I carved a defensive formation on it. My uncle has a special profession and prepared a simple safety buckle for you. "Chen Yun took out something directly from his pocket. If you didn't look at the color of the jade, it would be really simple.

"We can't accept such a valuable thing." Huang Song still has some good eyesight, and he can tell at a glance that this is a good thing.

"This is for you. Besides, my cousin has spent a lot of effort looking for me outside. I can't do anything. I can only give you something. With this thing, my cousin can feel more at ease when working outside. ." Chen Yun didn't take back his outstretched hand, but directly stuffed the thing into Huang Bin's hand.

"You two are not allowed to refuse the children's wishes. Accept them and leave." Shen Guoliang spoke directly.

"Hey Dad." Shen Hua'an chased after him directly, only to find that the old man was walking away very fast with a group of children. When he first came here, he was as slow as an old man in his sixties. Now he could walk faster than her. Those in their thirties and forties are quick.

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